1998 Peace Walk for U.N. Day – 23 October

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Peace Walk for United Nations Day,

held in the United Nations Garden,

cosponsored by 13 Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations – 23 October


Since 1983 United Nations delegates and staff have taken a moment from their busy schedules to express their hopes for world peace by participating in the Peace Walks.

During the ceremony, the Preamble to the United Nations Charter is carried in a silent, nation by nation relay around the North Garden.

Each national group carries the Preamble in turn before passing it to the next.

This year, as in the past, a number of Ambassadors will lead their national group.

You are warmly invited to join in your country’s Peace Walk (see time below) and in the International Peace Walk at 1:55 pm.

Co-sponsors as at 7 October 1998:

H.E. Mr. Anwarul Karim Chowdhury

Permanent Representative of Bangladesh

H.E. Mr. Vladimir Galuska

Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic

H.E. Dr. Peter P. Chkheidze

Permanent Representative of Georgia

H.E. M. Pierre Lelong

Permanent Representative of Haiti

H.E. Mr. Andre Erdos

Permanent Representative of Hungary

H.E. M. jacques Louis Boisson

Permanent Representative of Monaco

H.E. Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation

H.E. Mrs. Aksoltan T. Ataeva

Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan

H.E. Mr. Ngo Quang Xuan

Permanent Representative of Viet Nam

Sri Chinmoy:The Peace Meditation at the United Nations

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