Music for meditation

Filed under Music for meditation

Many people find it easier to meditate with music. We offer some links and suggestions which have been found useful

Sample of Music for Meditation:

Meditation Music Channel 1    – A selection of Sri Chinmoy’s performances on a variety instruments, from concerts around the world. A half-hour instrumental programme conducive to meditation.   Listen Now! (iTunes)

To add link to songs dedicated to UN and Significant Anniversaries

Picture from Concert in the GA hall Lobby NY

and or UN Regional Office in Santiago, Chile.

Sample of flute music:

flute meditation

Flute Music Meditation by Sri Chinmoy  –This is one of Sri Chinmoy’s most popular recordings. Sublime flute music – perfect for meditation.    –Listen Now! (m4a Format – Apple Quicktime);  –Listen Now! (mp3 format)

Suggestion on how to use music for meditation:

For many individuals, music is an indispensable part of the spiritual and inspirational  life, and our daily meditations can be considerably enriched by singing  or listening to mantric songs.

In order to assist seekers, Sri Chinmoy wrote  over 20,000 songs from the depth of his meditative realisation, shining a light on many facets of  life.

text to add form into to using music for meditation)

Free Meditation Music

  • Radio Sri Chinmoy has a diverse selection of music for meditation. The recordings are mostly available in m4a format. (Some are also available in mp3 format) You can listen online using Apple Quicktime or download to an iPod.



Existence-Consciousness-Bliss   –Sri Chinmoy plays the Esraj, bamboo flute and harmonium in this classic recording of meditation music.   –Listen Now! (m4a)

Other Music Download Resources

“Meditation and music cannot be separated. When we cry from the inmost recesses of our heart for peace, light and bliss, that is the best type of meditation. Next to meditation is music, soulful music, the music that stirs and elevates our aspiring consciousness. We cannot meditate twenty-four hours a day, but we can meditate, perhaps, for two hours a day. At other times we can play music or listen to music. When we play or hear soulful music, psychic music, immediately we are transported to a higher realm of consciousness. When we play music soulfully, we go high, higher, highest.”

Concerts and Musical Groups

Many of Sri Chinmoy’s students all around the world organise concerts of meditative music for the general public. These concerts invariably consist of beautiful individual or choral singing, accompanied by a mix of Western instruments such as flute, guitar and piano, and Eastern instruments such as harmonium and tabla.

There are many groups devoted to performing meditative music, and quite a few of them have released albums and travelled to many countries giving concerts. (You can listen to some of these groups on Radio Sri Chinmoy…)

Sri Chinmoy himself gave five hundred concerts all around the world, in venues all around the world ranging from Carnegie Hall, to London’s Royal Albert Hall to the Sydney Opera House.

“I feel that when I play soulful music and when I sing my spiritual songs, I can offer whatever peace I have to humanity”, he explains. “The peace-lovers who come to listen inspire me, and I inspire them. Everything is based on inspiration. If we are inspired, we will become good citizens of the world.”

– Sri Chinmoy

During the concerts, Sri Chinmoy often played anything from 15 to 20 instruments, ranging from the traditional Indian esraj, his favourite instrument, to dynamic piano and synthesizer improvisations.

In April 2008, a series of concerts called Songs of the Soul began as a tribute to Sri Chinmoy’s musical legacy. These concerts feature a variety of different performances in both Eastern and Western style, and occasionally feature guest musicians. A highlight of these performances is the Gandharva Loka Orchestra, a singing and instrunmental ensemble that consists of 60 to 120 musicians performing as a seamless whole Find out more on…

See Samples of  Music related Programmes at UN:

  • – General progress and Peace
  • – Specific un themes
  • – 50th anniv concert series.
  • – Ckg peace concerts
  • o Photo from ga lobby –aniv concert
  • o Narishimin
  • o Puroshotoma (3) concert
  • o Sound and silence
  • o Christmas carols with Mrs. MLK
  • – Sound and silence
  • – Regional and country programs with also included music (cross reference)


Links to other sites:

  • Radio Sri Chinmoy : listen to meditative music from Sri Chinmoy, and groups who perform his music
  • Sri Chinmoy Songs : an online database with over 10,000 of Sri Chinmoy’s songs, including lyrics and musical scores.

More about music

Other Resources

  • Learn Meditation Online – Introduction to Meditation by Jogyata Dallas. Includes writings on the benefit of meditation and the use of music in meditation

“What a wonderful thing it is to learn meditation. With practice the mind becomes clear and peaceful, the heart is filled with an inner happiness, our life in every little part is coloured by the inner calm and joyfulness which meditation brings to the fore. Sitting in your favourite place you can learn to still the mind, discarding any distracting thoughts as you follow the breath within…”