Fiftieth Birthday Salute for Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug 20 by UN Community – Article

Filed under Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries

On 20 August 1981 the meditation group observed the fiftieth birthday of Sri Chinmoy in a special ceremony in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations.

Guest speakers were:

  • Mr. Donald Keys, Planetary Citizens;
  • Mr. Rafael Rubin, Department of State of Puerto Rico;
  •  H.E. Mr. Davidson L. Hepburn, Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the United Nations; and
  • Dr. Jorge Illueca, Foreign Minister of Panama who presented Sri Chinmoy with the National Decoration of his country.

Excerpts from their remarks follow:


( NOTE:  for additional Photos from this event see also:  Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration

Original article appeared : “Meditation at the United Nations” bulletin 1981-07-08-pp-25-57.pdf

Mr. Donald Keys, President, Planetary Citizens:

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Here at the United Nations, all of humanity is for the first time connected and related in a functional 25 way. If one accepts the reality of a Supreme Being, then one must accept what follows: namely that He would be especially interested in the United Nations as the focus of promise for a better future for humanity on earth. Thus it is not surprising, rather it is natural and to be expected, that His exalted emissary and representative would focus love, concern and encouragement upon the United Nations and the representatives of nations.

Sri Chinmoy has been that representative at the United Nations for over ten years now, playing a quiet, luminous, intercessory role. Beloved of world leaders, including Secretaries-General, Sri Chinmoy is minister to the intangibles-the souls of men, of nations and of the United Nations itself.

There may be many other reasons for his presence here on earth, but certainly one of the most significant and the most ordained must be this, as nurturer of the planetary tree of humanity’s nobler future.

A half-century he has been with us -fifty summers, and also fifty winters in the life of humanity. His sojourn will be limited in the same way and in the same terms with which we all, as mortal humans, are familiar, for Sri Chinmoy plays within the rules of the game of life. But for the sake of the life of the world, and of foolish and suffering humanity, may we hope that the Lord Supreme will grant him another full fifty years of his compassionate, life-giving mission.

We honour him on this day for who he is, who he represents, and what he has brought. We honour you, Sri Chinmoy, and we thank you today and every day, from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. Rafael Rubin, Chief of Protocol, Department of State of Puerto Rico:

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Master Sri Chinmoy, Ambassador Illueca, Ambassador Hepburn, dear friends, it is indeed an honour to have been given this opportunity to say a few words on this very auspicious occasion when we commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Master Sri Chinmoy. We were fortunate to have Sri Chinmoy visit Puerto Rico recently to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of his first international meditation centre in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico, like many other countries in the world, is at the moment plagued with political misunderstanding. This, I believe, is the main problem in the world at the moment: misunderstanding among the leaders of countries, both large and small.

Sri Chinmoy’s message to the world is love, devotion and surrender. Love has many meanings. In the spiritual sense, one of the meanings of love is understanding. When you understand your fellow man, your fellow brother, you’re able to place yourself in his position. Therefore you are able to allow him to find his own solutions to his problems. You do not insist on giving him your solutions, for you understand his problems, and because you understand, you are willing to accept his solutions and not yours.

Sri Chinmoy says: “When the power of love replaces the love of power, man will have a new name: God.” This is the message of Sri Chinmoy to humanity today: understand, accept, live the meaning of love, spiritual love.

H.E. Mr. Davidson L. Hepburn, Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the United Nations:

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  “Lives of great men all remind us/

       We can make our lives sublime,!

        And, departing, leave behind us/

         Footprints on the sands of time.”

I believe that these words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow apply to Sri Chinmoy, because of his humility, ‘his love of mankind, his search for peace, and his desire to promote love among human beings.

Today I am happy to be here, to be a part of this celebration. Your presence here today shows your love, admiration and respect for Sri Chinmoy, for what he has done. Your presence also shows that he has set an example for you and that you would like to emulate him as you interact with your fellow men.

There is a spiritual text that says, “He who would be great among you, let him first serve.” I think you can all say that of Sri Chinmoy. He loves to serve, because he realises that it is for this purpose he was called.

This celebration is a deserving tribute to him, and I’m very happy to be a part of it. May God bless him and may we continue to do the work that he is trying to teach us. Thank you.

 NOTE:  for additional Photos from this event see:  Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration

Dr. Jorge Illueca, Foreign Minister of Panama:

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Friends, Sri Chinmoy has shown how much can be done by having faith in the dignity and worth of the human person – in children, in youth, in the elderly, in men and women alike. All of us here have tears and smiles of joy in our hearts in paying a tribute of gratitude to Sri Chinmoy on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. Sri Chinmoy is a guiding light that leads to the way of oneness and to the supreme Oneness itself. I would say that through his teachings he has given us Heaven-vision and earth -reality.

Sri Chinmoy has said that a nation is a drop – a tiny drop or a mighty drop – in the vast ocean of divine, fulfilling and fruitful consciousness. My government and my people want to honour Sri Chinmoy today since he has done so much for all of us. The President of Panama and I, as Foreign Minister, have decided to grant him the National Decoration of the Republic of Panama, the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean. We want Sri Chinmoy to have this decoration because he has in his heart an ocean of the qualities of love, understanding and oneness. We always will keep the image of Sri Chinmoy in our hearts.

Dr. Illueca placed a maroon and gold sash around Sri Chinmoy’s shoulders and read out} in Spanish} a proclamation from his Government which he translated as follows:

“The President of the Republic of Panama, Grand Master of the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, confers the decoration of the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa in the rank of Great Cross on the honourable Sri Chinmoy in recognition of his eminence. Given in Panama this seventh day of August 1981.”

Sri Chinmoy:

This is a most remarkable day for us and a most joyous experience that the soul of Panama is giving us in and through its choicest representative, its beloved son, Illueca. In accepting this most blessingful gift from him, I am bowing again and again to the soul of Panama. This is not only an honour but also a most blessingful gift which my life of dedication and my heart of aspiration will treasure until I breathe my last. What I have done for Panama or for the world is next to nothing. But what my Beloved Supreme is doing for me, in and through His creation, is beyond my imagination and far beyond my capacity to express in words.


Above: Foreign Minister Illueca of Panama decorates Sri Chinmoy with the Order of Balboa, his country’s highest decoration.

Below: Dr. Illueca reads a proclamation from the President of Panama.

Therefore, in silence I can only offer my constant gratitude to my Beloved Supreme and also to those whom He has chosen, such as my dearest brother Illueca, as His choicest instruments to love Him and serve Him soulfully and devotedly here on earth.

I wish to invite the meditation group singers to sing the song that I composed in honour of Panama. They are quite unprepared to sing this song, but I am sure that the soul of Panama will forgive them even if they make many mistakes, because the soul of Panama knows that we deeply love her and adore her. Our heart of implicit oneness the soul of Panama will feel.

After the meditation group singers sang the song dedicated to Panama, as well as several other songs dedicated to the Uni’ted Nations, Sri Chinmoy renewed his pledge of unconditional love and service to humanity with the following words:

My dearest brothers and dearest sisters, to each of you I wish to offer my heart of love, my soul of oneness, my life of concern and my God of Satisfaction.

When I was an infant, God wanted me to be a God-dreamer. Indeed, it was a sweet experience.

When I was a little boy, God wanted me to be a God-seeker. Indeed, it was a soulful experience.

When I was a youth, God wanted me to be a God-lover. Indeed, it was an illumining experience.

When I became an adult, God wanted me to be a God-server.

And now that I am fast approaching my fiftieth birthday, God wants me to remain a God -server.

Out of His infinite Bounty, my Beloved Supreme has taught me how to love Him and how to serve Him unconditionally. Now He has a special Message for me, a special Command which I must needs execute. His Command is that I love and serve unconditionally His entire creation – His children, my brothers and sisters throughout the world – in the same way that I have been able to love and serve Him unconditionally from the day He made me sleeplessly and inseparably one with Him, out of His Compassion infinite and Love immortal , many, many years ago, before I crossed the threshold of teenagehood.

I pray to my Beloved Supreme to grant me this capacity, and I am sure that He has already granted it. For my Beloved Supreme would never ask me to do anything without having first given me the capacity in ample measure to fulfil His Will. I pray to Him to execute His Will in and through me. I pray that from today on I shall love and love and serve and serve His creation vast – my dear and sweet brothers and sisters on this earth-planet-unconditionally.

NOTE:  for additional Photos from this event see:  Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration

Image of Proclamation from Panama


The following are some selected letters of tribute received from members of the international community on the occasion of Sri Chinmoy’s fiftieth birthday.August 27th, 1981. ( click also on thumbnail photos in gallery at below)

  • Jimmy Carter, former President of USA.
    • Signed Photo “with Best Wishes to Sri Chinmoy.”

  • George H. Bush, Vice President, USA.
    • I hope that this is a happy day for you and the many friends who will be celebrating.
  •  Daniel Patrick Moynihan(former United States Ambassador to the United Nations)
    • Splendid milestone. Mrs. Moynihan and I should like to join your family and many friends in congratulating you on the celebration of your 50th birthday.
    • We wish you the very best on this joyous occasion, and trust you will enjoy good health
      and happiness in the years to come.
  • Hugh L. Carey, Governor, New York State USA
    • I wish to add my congratulations to those of many others as you celebrate your 50th birthday. You have earned richly deserved admiration and appreciation in recognition of your humanitarian efforts . On this, your Golden Jubilee, I know that countless people will join to salute you ‘for your many achievements and to wish you continued success in your work on behalf of world peace and spiritual enrichment.
  • Elliot L . Richardson, Chairman, United Nations Association of the USA
    •  Dear Sri Chinmoy: This brings congratulations and best wishes on an occasion that invites an outpouring of gratitude and affection from your host of friends . As you know better than any of us, it is the life, not the birthday, that is important. It is the unique and ~extraordinary quality of your life that we celebrate , and it is that for which we are grateful. As Chairman of the united Nations Association of the United States of America, I am pleased to join in the heartfelt hope that the influence of your teachings and prayers will continue to widen and gain in force. With warmest regard and admiration.
  • Davidson L. Hepburn,Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the U.N.
    • Dear Sri Chinmoy: I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your 50th birthday and to express the hope that you would be blessed with good health and strength for many years to come.
    • Those of us who know you can attest to your dedication and humility. You symbolize an “oasis” in a “desert” of conflict and discontent. Your life has been an example to many and you richly deserve the honour that is given to you. As you celebrate your Golden Jubilee may you be comforted by the thought that your efforts are appreciated by many; and be assured that your work will not be in vain. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  •  Zenon RossidesTHE AMBASSADOR OF CYPRUS (Ret). Commemorative Statement .
    • I am happy for this occasion to express profound admiration and gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for the signal service he is rendering to humanity and the United Nations through the spiritual uplifting of meditation. An outstanding personality with remarkable achievements in poetry, philosophy and all expressions in art and culture, has nobly dedicated his life to spiritual values.
    • In a world increasingly torn by dissension, enmity and armed conflict, Sri Chinmoy, an inspired apostle through his communion with the universal mind, brings the light of serenity. harmony and love. At a time when the human intellect cannot match its technological achievements by comparable advance in ethical standards and proves unable to adjust to the compelling demands for survival in a nuclear age, there is need for the spirit of man to come into play. For the spirit, as partaking in the moral flow of the universe,cannot err.
    • Sri Chinmoy by profound meditation in his group and in other ways has been devotedly and consistently endeavouring to bring a supreme spiritual message to the heart of the World Organization — a most significant endeavour that merits the grateful appreciation and support from the membership of the United Nations.
    •  In an expression of brotherly love,my heartfelt wishes go to Sri Chinmoy,together with my fervent prayers for a long, happy and increasingly fruitful life
  • Archbishop Giovanni Cheli, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations
    • Dear Sri Chinmoy, The 50th birthday is a very important moment in life marking, in some way, a new beginning with new challenges and new energies. May your birthday bring you renewed joy and peace and may you continue to celebrate with all of us for many years to come.
  • N. Krishnan,Permanent Representative of India to the U.N.
    • I take this opportunity to send my congratulations and best wishes to Sri Chinmoy on the occasion of his 50th birthday. I wish him many more years of active life to be able to continue with his dedicated mission of peace and goodwill. With kind regards,
  • Robert Muller, Secretary of the Economic and Social Council of the U.N.
    • Sri Chinmoy knows well the esteem in which I hold him. He has done the greatest good to the United Nations by bringing spirituality to bear upon the Organization and by inspiring s0 many staff members.
    • With Dag Hammarskjold and U Thant, he is one of the three persons who had the deepest influence on my own spiritual development as a world servant and I will always be grateful to him. Whenever I can I will attend the meditation session.


Following are brief excerpts from tributes offered by members of the United States Congress to Sri Chinmoy on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 27 August 1981, and recorded in the Congressional Record.

  • Hon. Bill Green,  NY, in the House of Representatives, USA
    • Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghosh, the spiritual leader who has received international recognition for his contributions to world peace. I would like to take this occasion to pay tribute to the achievements of this extraordinary man. Through these offerings and in Personal contact, Sri Chinmoy has inspired countless Americans to combine an active public life with regular inner reflection.


  • Hon. Joseph A. Addabboof New York in the House of Representatives, USA
    •  I consider it indeed an honor and a distinct privilege today to rise and offer birthday congratulations to a man many in this country and this world have come to respect and admire. Sri Chinmoy. He is a truly remarkable and creative human being, an utterly selfless individual who has devoted his life toward the betterment of world peace and understanding.
    • Seventeen years a!:o Sri Chinmoy arrived in this country from India where he was born and raised. When he came to this country he founded the Sri Chinmoy Centre whose headquarters are located in Jamaica. Queens. which encompasses part of my district. The centre, which has many branches all over the country, as well as the world, is dedicated to the twin goals of public service and personal spiritual growth through the use of meditation.
    • The Sri Chinmoy Centre has sponsored many cultural and athletic activities worldwide. such as poetry contests, lectures on the use of meditation in our everyday lives, concerts, arts classes, and various athletic events. The centre is supported by contributions and from the over 400 books Mr. Chinmoy has written on a variety of subjects. Sri Chinmoy is a fervent advocate of what he sees as the right for all people to– be able to !lve in peace and harmony.
    • He has been a strong supporter and advocate of the work and goals of the United Nations since arriving in the United States. Since 1970 he has conducted’ twice-weekly meditations for diplomats and staff in the U.N .. his meditation and inspirational programs widely hailed as an important sustaining influence and motivational tool for all participants.
    • He has long found that athletics combined with meditation can be an invaluable source of motivation and enrichment for thousands of people, young and old alike. Last year for example, 200 men and women from 50 States participated in a 4.500 mile marathon bicycle race to inaugurate the “Sri Chinmoy Cross-Country Bicycle Trail,” a major national cycling route. In 1976 his interest in marathon running was recognized by a commendation from the President’s Council on Physical Fitness for his role in the 9.000-mile “Liberty Torch” relay race held in honor of the U.S. Bicentennial.
    • A prolific writer and poet, he has written over 400 books of essays, plays and short stories. His artistic accomplishments have long been recognized and he is the recipient of an award from the New York School of Visual Arts and has had his works exhibited in North America, Western Europe, and Australia.
    • You would think that this busy schedule and numerous interests would be enough for one man. but not for Sri Chinmoy, an accomplished musician and composer of over 4.000 songs for choir and instrumental. Considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on Eastern philosophy, which is a systematic method of obtaining consciousness through meditation and prayer, he has lectured on this topic at many of the major universities in the United States, including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia Universities. …I wish him the very best for many more happy and healthy years in contributing to world peace and brotherhood.
  • Hon. Donald J. Mitchell,of New York in the House of Representatives USA
    • I am pleased to have this opportunity to extend sincere best wishes to a distinguished poet. author, artist, and spiritual leader, Sri Chinmoy, on the occasion of his 50th birthday. Sri Chinmoy has become a true renaissance man. He has inspired thousands of individuals to enrich themselves spiritually and physically through sports and meditation. A marathon runner and cyclist, he has encouraged the participation of many youth in such activities through his sponsorship of many public races.
    • A foremost authorIty on Eastern philosophy, his writings have received numerous awards and much critical acclaim. His prolific artistic and musical creations are equally impressive. His contribution to international understanding and his endeavors to promote world peace deserve the praise of all Americans. In his 50 years, he has accomplished much. I am sure, however, that his greatest achievements are yet to come. I wish him continued success in his many endeavors
  • Hon. Baltasar Corradaof Puerto Rico in the House of Representatives USA
    • August 27 of this year we will celebrate in Puerto Rico the 50th birthday of an extraordinary man born in India – presently domiciled in Jamaica. N.Y.- who has made many contributions to America during the last 17 years. I refer to the Honorable Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghosh. the founder of the Sri Chinmoy Centres throughout the United States and the rest of the world – four of them in Puerto Rico dedicated to render active services to the community in the cultural. civic. and athletic fields.
    • The centres have sponsored art exhibitions. concerts. lectures, poetr y festivals. tennis tour· naments. free meditation classes. and a number of small businesses.
    • I point out with pride that the first Sri Chinmoy Centre was established in the city of Ponce. P.R. The founder is regarded in the island with admiration and affection. and a number of honors have been bestowed upon him.
      • In January 1975 the Senate of Puerto Rico paid tribute to Sri Chinmoy in a special ceremony. I
      • n 1976. he was declared distinguished guest and honorary resident of Puerto Rico.
      • In 1980 he was invited to open the Pan American games with a silent meditation.
      • In July of this year (1981). Sri Chinmoy held a series of cultural activities In San Juan, including a public meditation ceremony at t he State capitol.
      • Each year the Sri Chinmoy marathon team holds a marathon in December. This marathon has been declared to be the official marathon of the city of San Juan.
    • I Wish to join the hundreds of Puerto Rican fans and admirers of Sri Chinmoy in wishing him many happy returns on his 50th birthday.
  • Hon. Benjamin S. Rosenthalof New York in the House of Representatives, USA
    • At the United Nations headquarters In New York. the then Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. urged that there be a room set aside In the Secretariat which could serve as a refuge-a room of quiet for meditation. Beginning In 1970. a nondenominational group was formed and the distinguished spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy, was Invited to conduct the meditations. Since that time the group membership has grown considerably and expanded Its activities.
    • Throughout these years. Sri Chinmoy has worked tirelessly In a quiet and steady way to further the cause of international understanding and peace. The main focus of ·the meditation group’s activities in New York and also In Geneva Is the twice-weekly meditations which provide an opportunity for spiritual renewal in an atmosphere reflecting of the highest purposes of the world organization.
    • The group sponsors an ongoing series of conferences and symposia which provide a forum for Ambassadors. Secretariat officials and staff members, religious leaders, and other world-minded individuals who can share and reinforce their spiritual vision of the United Nations.
    •  Behind much of this activity stands Sri Chinmoy, with his vision and support for the world organization. While I was serving as a delegate in the 34th General Assembly. I cosponsored a program with Sri Chinmoy: “Meditation at the United Nations.” when they honored Members of Con gress who have served there.
    •  I congratulate Sri Chinmoy on his 50th birthday … and to wish him continued success in his work at the United Nations and in his activity as an artist. poet. and musician.
  • Hon. Matthew F. McHughof New York in the House of Representatives, USA.
    • 1,800 years ago St. Irenaeus said that “the glory of God is a human being who is fully alive.” Today, In celebrating half a century of life for Sri Chinmoy, we celebrate not only the duration of a single significant life, but the limitless – the divine – in the life of all humanity.
    • It is that kind of vision of boundless human possibilities that the life of Sri Chinmoy evokes. The author of hundreds of books, creator of thousands of paintings and songs, proclaimer and teacher of the life of the spirit, and explorer and servant of the ways of peace -S ri Chinmoy has been all of these to his fellow sojourners on our planet. The example of his Joyous immersion in life gently and beguilingly calls us all to truer being, deeper becoming.
    • It is an honor to join in extending birthday greetings to one who daily honors us all with the beauty and goodness he brings to birth and shares with us.
  • Hon. Thomas J. Downey, of New York in the House of Representatives, USA.
    •  Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy has much to do with the inner life, but parallel with this emphasis on contemplative experience is a strong affirmation of the \’alue of material existence, and of the need to develop and transform every aspect of life through work and action. This view of reality as dynamic and also his profoundly positive view of human potential leads Sri Chinmoy to stress the transcendence of previously attained goals and the pressing of limits.
    • Through his remarkable life he is illustrating that there is no end to our capacities for excellence as individuals or as a nation.
  • Hon. Geraldine A. Ferraroof New York in the House of Representatives, USA.
    •  I have long been aware of the good works of Sri Chinmoy, who resides in New York City. It was my privilege to become personally acquainted with this dedicated and creative individual at a program held at the National Visitor Center in May of 1979 commemorating the International Year of the Child. I was honored that day to be one of the guest speakers at the program organized by the U.S. Department of Interior in conjunction with the Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations, an organization dedicated to advance the cause of world peace through prayer and meditation.
    • On that occasion, I had the opportunity to witness first hand the beauty of a few of the hundreds of thousands of dynamic and colorful paintings by this extraordinary man, and to hear one of his many musical compositions, “This Is My Year”, the official song of the International Year of the Child. Also during that ceremony, I joined in the dedication of a tree to the International Year of the Child. The tree was subsequently planted in the President’s Park behind the White House where it stands today as a testament to America’s commitment to the world’s children.
    • The example of Sri Chinmoy is an inspiration to thousands of Americans. I am pleased to join my colleagues in paying tribute to him to the occasion of his 50th birthday both for his many contributions to the American people and for his efforts to further international understanding as founder of the Meditation Group at the United Nations .
  • Hon. Edward J. Markeyof Massachusetts in the House of Representatives, USA.
    • Sri Chinmoy is a man of many accomplishments. Along with 11 years of dedicated service to the United Nations furthering the cause of international understanding, Sri Chinmoy has enriched the world with his esteemed art work, dynamic musical accomplishments, and insightful writings. His work clearly demonstrates his profound sense of Quietude and inner peace, Qualities respected by us all.
    • Sri Chinmoy’s work has enhanced the quality of life not only for residents of Massachusetts, but in every area of this country. His life represents an inspiration to us all and we wish him continued inner peace, fulfillment and happiness
  • Sen. Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts, Senate USA

    • Sports enthusiast, artist, musician, poet, and leader of a meditation group at the United Nations, Sri Chinmoy in a very brief period has -accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime. We wish Sri Chinmoy In all his endeavor8 that help so many, success in the years ahead and best wishes for a long and continually fruitful life.


Several members of the meditation group participated in Guinness World Book of Records feats during August 1981 as a unique way of celebrating Sri Chinmoy’s fiftieth birthday. Inspired by Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy of continual self-transcendence, they showed in a tangible way the power of concentration and meditation by breaking three Guinness world records and setting one new world record.

At 9: 55 a.m. on Friday, 14 August in a pool in Connecticut, Carol Tooker (UNISPACE ’82/ PSCA/ OSAD) began a world record – setting 50 – kilometre swim using only the breast stroke. At 12:04 a.m. Sunday, 16 August she completed her 2184th lap, covering the 50-kilometre distance (31 miles) in a total of 38 hours and 9 minutes. “It was a grueling, but most rewarding experience,” says Carol, “remarkably intense and certainly unique. For over a day and half the water became my home, at first an interesting playground for a fun swim; later, a battlefield where aching limbs longed for their hourly massage during break time.”

On 17 August Bill Paradis (Field Operations) , Joe LaGalia (Pension Fund), and 5 others played 28 chromatic hand bells for 60 hours, breaking the existing world record of 50 hours. They repeated 125 devotional songs composed by Sri Chinmoy.

On 16 August, breaking the existing world record of 101 hours and 11 minutes, 4 men completed 103 hours of table tennis. UN staff were Yasu Shimizu (Messenger Unit) and Lindsay WeBer (CS/ Publishing) .

On 7 August, Richard Gibson of UNICEF and his partner played badminton for 77 hours and 2 minutes which broke the existing world record of 73 hours and 20 minutes.

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Ms. Carol Tooker of UN/SPACE ’82.

Message from Peter Stewart ,


Dear Sri Chinmoy. We are grateful that your wonderful ministry has. brought enlightenment and a slowly spreading peace to the people working with the United Nations. Your personal birthday ie a wonderful moment for all of your friends to recognize what real progress haa been made as God continues hie work in the world. sincerely,  Center for World Thanksgiving. Peter Stewart. President

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NOTE:  for additional Photos from this event see also:  Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration