First Prize in 24-Hour Bicycle Marathon by member of Meditation Group
Filed under Sport & AthleticsTop honours for women in the annual 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bicycle Marathon in Central Park were won by a member of Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations, Ms. Joanne Caruso of the U.N. Department of Public Information.
Joanne rode a total of 305 miles, circling the five-mile Central Park loop 61 times between 12 noon on 27 May and 12 noon 28 May 1978. Many other members of the Meditation Group, most of whom practiced for only four weeks before the race, also tested the limits of their endurance in this event as part of a team of 114 men and 83 women who proved by their total team mileage of 38,605 miles that qualities developed in meditation , such as concentration, determination and dedication, can be utilised to expand the physical capacity in a very tangible way.
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Sri Chinmoy himself inspired the team to a striking overall victory by riding a total of 230 miles, 55 miles better than his total of 175 miles in the previous year’s marathon. In addition to receiving first prizes for the best riding group and the best uniformed riding group, the team took first prize for the best 10-member riding team, with a top mileage of 3,150 miles-more than a thousand miles better than the closest competing 10-member team-and first prize for the best 10-25-member riding team, with a 24-member entry pedaling 6,355 miles. Nirjhari Delong, a U.N. staff member of the Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, took third place overall for the women with a total of 265 miles, and Keith Furman, a popular magician at many of the Group’s benefits for UNICEF, took third place overall for the men, with a total of 410 miles.
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