1994 U Thant Peace Award to James Grant, Exd. UNICEF. Sep 20 – SUMMARY

Filed under U Thant Peace Award

Mr. James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF, receives the U Thant Peace Award from Sri Chinmoy as United Nations delegates and prayer leaders of various faiths look on.

The presentation took place at an Interfaith Prayer Breakfast held at UNICEF House, New York, in conjunction with global Peace Walks on the International Day of Peace, 20 September 1994.

The Prayer Breakfast was hosted by H.E. M. Jacques Louis Boisson, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations. The Prayer Breakfast and New York Peace Walk were cosponsored by “Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations” in cooperation with the heads of Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Grenada, Moldova, Namibia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Yugoslavia.




“ Governments follow where people set the course. Certainly the Governments of Britain and France did not end colonialism . It was done by people like Mahatma Gandhi and by others who pioneered. And I myself feel that you are here very much in that same spirit and that same vein. That in particular is why I am appreciative of receiving this U Thant Peace Award from such treasured hands [Sri Chinmoy] and from such a treasured group.”

James P. Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF

Shown receiving the  U Thant Peace Award on 20 September 1994

see also

  • 23 September 94 UNICEF News Flash that included item 4 “EXDIR Receives U Thant Peace Award”.
  •  Two pages titled “UNICEF LEADER RECEIVES U THANT PEACE AWARD” which gives more details concerning: _ the wording on the award~ _ excerpts from Mr. Grant’s acceptance comments~ _ description of the interfaith prayer breakfast; _ the Peace Walk held before the Award Ceremony including 70 similar walks around the world. _ some previous recipients _ description of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN
  •  2 Photos and Photo copy of other photos available.
  • 4. Excerpts from, introductory remarks. express what many  feel about the inspired leadership of Mr. Grant during the past 15 years. (You might find of interest the story  relayed during opening remarks [p.3/6] from a UNDP staff member which conveys the feeling of many non UNICEF staff members toward Mr. Grant. I believe the former Secretary·General U Thant would have appreciated the fact that the presentation of the Peace Award bearing his name linked the activity of a Peace Walk before with the Meditation and Prayers for Peace offered at the Interfaith Prayer Breakfast which followed .



ITEM 4: EXDIR RECEIVES U THANT PEACE AWARD ExDir received U Thant Peace Award at interfaith p’rayer breakfast commemorating opening 49th session GA. Award presented by Sri Chinmoy, cited ExDir’s lifetime of exceptional world service. Award, named after lato SecGen, honours individual or organization working for world peace in tradition reflecting U Thant’s lofty spiritual ideals. Event in UNICEF House (20 Sept) organized by Peace Meditation at UN and hosted by Monaco Perm Rep Jacques Boisson attended by ambassadors and UN staff.



Sample of Stories from External Media:


U Thant Award For UNICEF Chief

By A Staff Reporter NEW YORK

James P. Grant, Eexecutive Director of UNICEF, received the U Thant Peace Award on September 20 at an interfaith prayer breakfast meeting commemorating the opening of the UN General Assembly.

The award, presented by spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy,cited Grant’s lifetime of exceptional world service, calling him an “inspirational example” of ‘compassion. concern and tireless energy in service to the world family.”

 Accepting the award from Sri Chinmoy, Grant commented: “One of the fundamentals of life, which is how do we bring up our children in a way that they not only have peace themselves, but that they themselves will help to perpetuate peace.”

He further said, “I believe that meditation contributes not only to individual peace. but it contributes to the way one relates to  life.”

Tracing the developments at the UN that he has observed in his soon to be 50 years of service, Grant said. “Clearly the UN is a place that can make a difference on peace and what happens to individuals.”

Commenting on world leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and other pioneers who have made a difference in the world. he said. “I feel that you here are very much in that same spirit and that same vein. And that. in particular is why I am appreciative of receiving this award from such treasured hands and such a treasured group.”

The prayer (breakfast) organized by the Peace Meditation at the UN and hosted by Monaco’s UN Ambassador Jacques Boisson,. was held in the UNICEF House.

Attended by the ambassadors and UN staff members from many countries including: Russia, Germany, Italy, Sri Lanka. Nigeria, Chile and Yugoslavia, the breakfast included brief remarks by representatives of different religions. It followed a three-mile” Pence Walk” through the streets of Manhattan in the early hours of the morning by UN delegates and staff holding aloft their own national nags.

The Peace Walk is annual event inaugurated in 1986 in honor of the International Year of Peace. It is an opportunity for people of all nations. cultures and religions to concentrate on the qualities within the human spirit which form the foundation upon which lasting peace can be built.

The U Thant Peace Award. named after the late UN Secretary General. honors an individual’s or organization’s work for world peace in a tradition reflecting U Thant’s lofty spiritual ideals.

Previous recipients have include Dr. Jorge lllueca, President the 38th Session of the UN General Assembly and President of Panama; Pir Vilayat Khan. head of the Sufi Order in the West; Ganesh Man Singh. Supreme Lender of Nepal; and UN Ambassador Zennon Rossides of Cyprus.

 See also:

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