Ambssador Hepburn visits Aspiration Ground 2007 Jul

Filed under americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

Ambassador Davidson Hepburn of the Bahamas visited Aspiration Ground in Queens on Jul 08  2007. He came to be with his long time friends Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group at the United Nations.



Ambassador Hepburn first started to participate int he Meditation Group programmes at the UN in the 1970’s when he was the Permanent Representative of Bahamas  to the United Nations.





Sr chinmoy compossed a song for Ambassador HEpburn:

Ambassador Hepburn, Brother Davidson!

Oneness-heart Hepburn, God-lover Davidson.

Goodness, your inner name.

Greatness, Your outer frame.

You we admire, you we love.

You are a special gift from Summit above.

music score in pdf format: Ambassador Hepburn BrotherDavidson

Links to some related programmes at the UN and previous visit to Aspiration Ground.

Click on images below for additional and bigger photos

note some photos originally added as 2007-april-08  but from music score and photos appear to be July 2007  (April would usually be much colder and not a s much green in background)