Song Universal – Talk for UN Community Nov 26 1968 – HIGHLIGHTS
Filed under z- no category50th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s First Talk
to the UN Community: “The Song Universal”
The following excerpts are offered to mark the 50th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s first talk to members of the UN community, “The Song Universal,” given on 26 November 1968 at the Church Center for the United Nations.
Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s first talk for UN Community
(Full talk at song-universal-talk-for-un-community-1968-nov-26 )
The Song Universal is freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from limitations, freedom from imperfections and freedom from ignorance. Man is in stark bondage. Nevertheless, man has the power deep within to cut asunder the teeming ties that have bound him and forced him to launch into the sea of uncertainty.
Four thousand years ago the Vedic seers voiced forth:
Give freedom for our bodies.
Give freedom for our dwelling.
Give freedom for our life.
This soulful prayer of the Vedic seers of yore will echo and re-echo through Eternity in humanity’s aspiring heart.
Freedom does not mean being away from home. Freedom means accepting and feeling the entire world as one’s real home, as one’s very own.…
Our inner realisation and outer action must run abreast. Outer achievements should be the conscious and spontaneous revelation of the inner divinity.
Love, harmony, peace and oneness. These are man’s divine ideals. On the strength of his inner mounting flame, aspiration, man can easily, unerringly and spontaneously manifest these ideals of his in his human life, in every sphere of his life.
It is quite natural and proper that we should discover our God in and through our own religion. When we go deep within, we come to realise that there is only one religion, and that religion is man’s inmost cry for God-Realisation. In the hoary past, Asoka, the great Emperor of India, sent missionaries to the corners of the globe with a profound message: “The basis of all religions is the same, wherever they are. Try to help them all you can, teach them all you can, but do not try to injure them.”
Let each religion play the role of a flower. Let us make a garland of these divine flowers and offer them at the Feet of God. God will be pleased. We shall be fulfilled.
Sri Chinmoy, The Garland of Nation-Souls. Agni Press: New York, 1972.
[for published talk also visit]
See also slides
related to historical background presented at time of 50th anniversary: song-universal-talk-for-un-community-nov-26-1968-slides/
PDF 2 page version: The SongUniversal-50th-anniversary-print-handout-2018-nov
Caption: Sri Chinmoy reads out “The Song Universal” during a meeting of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations held in the Secretariat Building of UN Headquarters in New York on 26 November 1976, on the 8th anniversary of his first talk.
From the invitation:
Sri Chinmoy
Tuesday, November 26, 1968
Time: 7:15 P.M.
Admission Free
Church Centre for the United Nations
1 st Avenue, corner 44th Street
(Entrance on 44th Street)
New York City
Second Floor, Room 21-22
Published in : The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972.
Church Center for the United Nations.
Adapted From the original 1968 invitation:
After the talk, sacred songs were sung by Sri Chinmoy.
Sri Chinmoy Kumerr Ghose came to the West from his native India in the spring of 1964. He hod been invited here by friends from the United States who meeting him in India, recognized his unique spiritual achievements.
The presence of this Spiritual Master soon attracted students who established Centres for the study of Spiritual Philosophy and Yoga in New York City, San ]uan, P.R., Miarmi, Fl., and Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.
By 1968, in addition to his activities as spiritual leader of these Centres, her become widely known through the international circulation of “AUM” magazine, in which his inspiring and beautiful spiritual thoughts had been published for the post three years. Sri Chinmoy has also appeared on numerous television ans Radio broadcasts and addressed many religious and university groups both in the Metropolitan and Caribbean area.
Sri Chinmoy had a beautiful singing voice and sung the sacred songs of India in a soulful and deeply inspiring wary. One record of his singing had already been released.
Sri Chinmoy’s life was wholly consecrated to the Supreme. His mission was to serve the Supreme in aspiring humanity. His students and admirers continue to share or highlight his talks, music and other inspirationa in this same spirit.
November 26, 1968 talk was first published in Aum Magazine: vol-06, number 08, 27 March 1969.
PDF: 1969-03S-aum-vol-06-nu-08-27-mar-1969
PDF 2 page version: The SongUniversal-50th-anniversary-print-handout-2018-nov
JPG format: displayed in Gallery below
- page 1 Excerpt Highlights and Photo
- Page 2 – full talk
- Excerpt from bottom of page 1: About Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN