James P. Grant , Exec. Dir. UNICEF & Peace Meditation at UN members – Summary 2014 Dec

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Former Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), James p. Grant, was an enthusiastic and Charismatic Leader.

Sri Chinmoy, the Leader of  the  Peace Meditations at the UN and meditation Group members had the opportunity on many occasions to be with Jim Grant and experience his encouraging support for their shared goals of oneness and appreciation for the forward looking ideals of UNICEF and the wider United nations Community.


Below are  links to a few  examples

UNICEF Exec.Director, Grant congratulates Marathon Runners 1981 Oct 27

on 27 October 1981, James Grant, the Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) opened the meeting with all the staff at Headquarters in New York by congratulating the staff that had completed the NY City running Marathon … Read more


England to France Channel Swim for 40th Anniversary of UN 1985ak-swim-channel-cf-staff-news-j-grant-7ak-swim-channel-dip-world-j-grant-5

A member of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations successfully swam across the channel between England and France in honour of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations on 10th September of September of 1985 in 14 hours and 51 Minutes. Adhiratha Keefe is a 38 year old Staff Member of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) .

In Many follow-up media reports UNICEF Executive Director, James Grant, wearing Keefe’s goggles, merrily clasps hands with the swimmer after Keefe’s successful swim. In front of them – yet another successful UNICEF water project – is the crystal drop presented to UNICEF by the Club of Rome for the Organization’s efforts at bringing pure water to people around the world.

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PEACE LIFTS – James Grant, EXD UNICEF, World with a Oneness Heart SUMMARY – 1988 sep 20

“Now that peace is breaking out everywhere, we have to help push it up,” said James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF, before he was physically lifted on a special apparatus by Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. The 20 September lifts of Mr. Grant and other members of the UN community came at the end of an early morning seven mile peace walk (see Peace Walk) which celebrated the opening of the General Assembly..

1988-09-sep-20-A-17-unicef-plaza-lift-up-j-grant-ckg-crp 1988-09-sep-20-lift-world-grant-photo-2_Page_1

Message by J.P. Grant, EXD UNICEF; For 25th of Sri Chinmoy in West; 1989 Apr 21

Message by Mr. James P. Grant Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on the occasion of the completion of twenty-five years of exemplary services to the Indian Culture and spiritual heritage in the West by Sri Chinmoy

,… I must also express a special appreciation for Sri Chinmoy’s 20 years of guiding the Peace Meditation Group at the U.N. The events and activities that the group organizes serve to remind the international community of the highest purposes of the gathering of nations that of peace for all peoples. …. As Sri Chinmoy tells us in one of his thousands of inspired poems:

“The heart’s simplicity

Shall always succeed

When and where

The mind’s complexity fails.”

Sri Chinmoy reminds us of the powerful strength of the heart’s simplicity, and of our capacity to achieve great things for a higher purpose.   … Read more including Sri Chinmoy’s response.


Message by J.P. Grant, EXD UNICEF; For Sri Chinmoy Global Peace Concert + Award; 1989 Dec 10

Message by J.P. Grant, EXD UNICEF; For Sri Chinmoy Global Peace Concert + Award; 1989 Dec 10

UNICEF HOUSE Three United Nations Plaza New York, New York 10017 8 December 1989

I wish to extend my good wishes and express my congratulations to Sri Chinmoy on the occasion of his being given the Global Man Award.

This award is most appropriate for Sri Chinmoy. His contribution to the world over the last 25 years has touched and transformed many. My inspiring personal experience with his “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” series was illustrative of the type of encouragement he offers to the world. His Peace Concerts held throughout the world, his Peace Walks held to inspire the United Nations community and the global unifying “Oneness-Home Peace Run” are further examples of this unique man’s inspired dedication to humanity’s progress.

This past year has been one of profound change in the world’s quest for freedom and oneness. My hopes for the direction of the world community are reflected in Sri Chinmoy’s prophetic message for the year where he predicted that the global efforts towards world harmony would “Quench the ceaseless peace-thirst and compassionately appease the breathless oneness-hunger of the world-family.”

Read more including Sri Chinmoy response…


1994 U Thant Peace Award to James Grant, Exd. UNICEF. Sep 20 – SUMMARY

1994 U Thant Peace Award to James Grant, Exd. UNICEF. Sep 20 – SUMMARY

Mr. James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF, receives the U Thant Peace Award from Sri Chinmoy as United Nations delegates and prayer leaders of various faiths look on. The presentation took place at an Interfaith Prayer Breakfast held at UNICEF …

“ Governments follow where people set the course. Certainly the Governments of Britain and France did not end colonialism . It was done by people like Mahatma Gandhi and by others who pioneered. And I myself feel that you are here very much in that same spirit and that same vein. That in particular is why I am appreciative of receiving this U Thant Peace Award from such treasured hands [Sri Chinmoy] and from such a treasured group.”  – James P. Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF

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other stories form UNICEF  members  to consider entering

1. How to get to UN quickly – on first coming to UNICEF shows his directness and childlike enthusiasm

4. Private advice on dealing with negative people. Respond in  in way can not be used against what you believe in. If really frustrated, take a swim and if necessary  come and see me first before respond in writing if really upset..

5. Whatever is said to him /or pressure from out side will not say other than he has already said to us…will stand by his statements of support

6 “doing the right thing speaking for constituents” – when Chair of NY UNICEF Staff Council and had to speak up on a women’s issue at a UNICEF general staff  meeting in his presence and received criticism for possibly embarrassing mr. Grant and execujtive office.  Later in public JPG congratulated the speaker for doing his job of “representative”


10. “You are eating healthy, so what is the best or me?”.  When JPG was ill and met staff member in cafeteria who he knew were vegetarian.


11. Note to staff member who mentioned excitement over new proposal goals and visit from dep exd..Especially welcomed since had also been discouraged he previousl day by one mid level manager (who had been copied out of courtesy )for expressing any personal opinion directly to executive team..


1. How to get to UN quickly – on first coming to UNICEF shows his directness and childlike enthusiasm.

During the

4. Private advice on dealing with negative people. Respond in  in way can not be used against what you believe in. If really frustrated, take a swim and if necessary  come and see me first before respond in writing if really upset..

5. Whatever is said to him /or pressure from out side will not say other than he has already said to us…will stand by his statements of support

6 “doing the right thing speaking for constituents” – when Chair of NY UNICEF Staff Council and had to speak up on a women’s issue at a UNICEF general staff  meeting in his presence and received criticism for possibly embarrassing mr. Grant and execujtive office.  Later in public JPG congratulated the speaker for doing his job of “representative”


10. “You are eating healthy, so what is the best or me?”.  When JPG was ill and met staff member in cafeteria who he knew were vegetarian.


11. Note to staff member who mentioned excitement over new proposal goals and visit from dep exd..Especially welcomed since had also been discouraged he previousl day by one mid level manager (who had been copied out of courtesy )for expressing any personal opinion directly to executive team..