Commemoration of the Opening UN General Assembly – List Examples SUMMARY 2014.

Filed under Summaries of related posts | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries

On  A number of occasions The Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations had special observances to mark the opening of the General Assembly. Some examples and links to more details are below:

UN-General Assembly during 29th Session. photo-num-245849

UN-General Assembly during 29th Session. photo-num-245849


On Tuesday, 17 September 1974, the Meditation Group at the UN held a special meeting at which Sri Chinmoy paid tribute to the two significant events which marked the day: the opening of the twenty-ninth session of the General Assembly and the commemoration of the death of former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. See More


On Friday, September 12, 1975,

  • inspired by the observance of a “Minute of Silent Prayer or Meditation” at the opening of each United Nations General Assembly;
  • to commemorate the opening of the thirtieth session of the General Assembly; and
  • in a spirit of rededication to the lofty aims and ideals of the United Nations.

A programme, was held in Conference Room 3 , attended by delegates, Secretariat staff members and NGO representatives.


  • Participating guest-speakers offered their prayerful contributions
    • NORMA LEVITT, Co-Chairperson, World Union for Progressive Judaism
    • REVEREND JIH TSANG, Assistant Abbot, Temple of Enlightenment
    • MUDDASSIR ALI SHAMSEE, Leader, Muslim Prayer Group, United Nations.
    • REVEREND DR. DAN POTTER, Executive Director, Council of Churches, City of New York
  • On the topic “The Quintessence of Divinity in Humanity: International Cooperation for Peace.
    • MR. DAVID S. BURGESS, Senior Officer, United Nations International Children’s Fund
    • MR. DONALD KEYS, United Nations Representative of the World Association of World Federalists
  • Other presentations included:
    • Statement by Secretary-General Waldheim For commemorative programme .
    • Singing the song “O United Nations” which Sri Chinmoy recently wrote in dedication to the United Nations; and
    • Choral reading based on excerpts from the writings of past Secretaries-General of the United Nations (more) :

In order to bring into sharper focus the living reality of the U.N.  in conjunction with the 51st anniversary of the UN and the opening of the 31st General Assembly the following day, the Peace Meditation Group at the UN held an Conference on September 20 in Conference Room 3. The all-day meeting, entitled “Inner Flames at the United Nations,” explored the role of meditation and spirituality in U.N. affairs.  More


The morning session was devoted to an inner search through meditation for the present day needs and responsibilities of the U.N.  Sri Chinmoy,  opened the morning session, which consisted of silent meditation, performances of classical music and seven songs about the United Nations which were composed by Sri Chinmoy. The session closed with his talk .

The afternoon programme included speakers:

  • Barbara De Long of HABITAT;
  • Joseph Eger, Leader of the U.N. Symphony;
  • Donald Keys of the World Federalists;
  • Louis Longarzo of Caritas Internationalis;
  • Curtis Roosevelt of the U. N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs and
  • William Simmons, Chairman of the Mystic’s Roundtable Group at the U.N.

Statements were  received from the United States Mission to the U.N.  and the Permanent Observer of the Holy.


On 19 September 1977, to mark the opening of 32nd General Assembly, United Nations delegates, staff and NGO representatives met in Conference Room 1 to reflect on the theme “United Nations: the Heart-Home of the World-Body.”

In the tradition of the silent meditation which opens each session of the General Assembly,

  • the Conference opened and closed with a short meditation led by Sri Chinmoy.
  • The programme also included music and
  • short recordings of all the Secretaries-General.

Speakers explored the continually expanding role the United Nations plays at the heart of the global community. they included:

  • Mr. Robert Chittenden, Chairman of the UN Staff Committee ;
  • Mr. Ervin Laszlo, Special Fellow, UNITAR and Director of the Report of th e Club of Rome, “The Goals for Mankind” ;
  • Mr. Ghandikota V. Subba Rao, Senior Officer, Department of Economic and Social Affairs ; and
  • Mr. William Angel, Associate Officer, U.N. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs.

See  detail at Programme  – excerpts and / or  link to fuller text.  Ecerpts  appear in 1977 Devoted Report to S-G. Fuller text and special programme brochure: reported in: ” Meditation at UN” –  27 Sep 1977, Bulletin
