H.E Jorge Illueca, Former President Panama and of 38th Session of UN General Assembly, Passing.
Filed under americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationWe were sad to learn of the passing (on 03 May 2012) H.E Jorge Illueca, Former President of Panama and of 38th Session of UN General Assembly. Below is an excerpt of a message sent to Dr. Illueca’s family on behalf of the mediation Group:
Following the message there are also links to some programs that Dr. Illueca participated in with members of the Mediation Group and Sri Chinmoy since their first meeting in the 1970’s
7 May 2012
The family of Jorge Illueca; c/o Enrique and Marta
Dear family of beloved Dr. Jorge Illueca,
We learned of the passing of your father and our mentor-friend, Ambassador Illueca, with heavy hearts.
Our sincere condolences go to your family and to all Dr. Illueca’s many relatives and friends around the world. We shall miss his wise counsel, his cheerful support and most of all, his compassionate and loving smile.
Many of the Meditation Group members at the United Nations received much from Dr. Illueca’s presence. We remain deeply grateful for his friendship with Sri Chinmoy and his unfailing support. Even in later years when we did not see him so often in New York, from time to time when one of us was able to reach him by phone, his exuberance was powerfully conveyed, as was his interest in all our proceedings. Just hearing that someone had seen or spoken to him and that he had sent his good wishes was uplifting and allowed us to always feel his heartfelt presence.
Dr. Illueca’s dedication to his work and his positive view of the future were most inspiring. His conviction that the struggle for peace and solidarity was well worth the effort continually inspired us to renew our dedication to the values that he shared with Sri Chinmoy, the Meditation Group and like-minded individuals throughout the world.
We hope you are able to be comforted somewhat by the knowledge of all the good Dr. Illueca has accomplished. His personal example of working effectively for the highest good is treasured by all of us.
So many memories we have of time spent with Dr. Illueca. Others will remember his public offices of Ambassador, President, professor, editor and world leader. We do remember those roles. But most importantly we remember how he played those roles. He used his positions to strengthen the fabric of society and to draw us closer to the vision of a oneness-world.
We remember most of all his open and generous heart.
In a large conference room at the United Nations, on 14 December 1977, the Meditation Group celebrated the universal brotherhood and unity which are evoked during this global holiday season with a programme entitled “Oneness-Earth.” The programme was filmed by CBS-TV and broadcast on Christmas Day. On that occasion Dr. Illueca said: “In their quest for peace, brotherhood and harmony, the peoples of the world share common beliefs, hopes and dreams, and they should come closer one to the other.”
Later, when he was President of the General Assembly, Dr. Illueca made time to be with and listen to others, no matter what their level. The family and close staff colleagues at the Panamanian Mission know how hard he worked for the highest goals of the UN and struggled to make a difference.
During Dr. Illueca’s General Assembly Presidency on UN Day, there was a gigantic “cake” on the Visitors Plaza filled with balloons bearing inspirational messages. Dr. Illueca gave so much joy to all in attendance when, with his transcendent smile, he released the balloons while standing with Sri Chinmoy and all of us.
When he received the U Thant Peace Award, again we were so thrilled to see his smile captured in the NY Daily News.
Even later, one May when he came to Queens with Marta to be lifted by Sri Chinmoy in our meditation garden, along with other former Presidents of the General Assembly, we were all so happy! The immortal picture of Marta and Dr. Illueca is an indication of our joy on that day and many other occasions with you.
None of us will ever forget how we were all greatly touched when Dr. Illueca came personally one morning before leaving NY in 2007, with his grandson Diago to visit Sri Chinmoy’s resting place. He shared with many of us most sensitively and compassionately his words of encouragement and consolation during that first difficult month.
Our heartfelt gratitude to all of your family for sharing with us the service-life and oneness-heart of this extraordinary human being.
Sincerely and with love,
Adhiratha Keefe, Nilima Silver, Nemi Fredner, Rijuta Tooker, Surashri Paradis
For the members of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations
Links to some programs that Dr. Illueca participated in with members of the Mediation Group and Sri Chinmoy since their first meeting in the 1970’sActivities
See Also : Jorge Illueca – (Compilation) decades long friendship with the Peace Meditation at the UN.
Click on thumbnail to see bigger picture.
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