Special Programmes
Filed under Special programmesSpecial Programmes of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. From time to time the meditation group offers special programs on various themes, often co-sponsored in cooperation with other UN entities or countries’ missions to the United Nations (more)..
Examples of programmes or links to categories:
- A. Songs – Music
- B. Anniversaries of UN:
- C. Honouring significant individuals
- D. Inter faith harmony and shared values
- E. U Thant Peace Award
- F. Room of quiet
- G. Countries
- H. Art exhibits
- J. Programes with Meditation related Practice or theme
- K. Athletics – sports
- L. Other miscellaneous programs
==== See specific examples and links to fuller examples below – UNDER Construction =====
See also :
- Illustrative Time line: Examples of special events, meditations, concerts, programs and other activities supported by the Peace Meditation group by date (Date index has more exhaustive list)
- Alphabetical Index of events, meditations, concerts, programs and other activities
- Date Index: Year, Month, day sort of many events and activities.
- Listings – Register – Index by Date or Subject Category :
- Archives – select by year
================= Below would (or could) be special entries – items
A. Songs – Music
- – General progress and Peace
- – Specific UN, Heart-Home and Oneness World themes
- – 50th Anniversary concert series.
- – Ckg peace concerts
- o Photo from ga lobby –aniv concert
- o Narishimin
- o Puroshotoma (3) concert
- o Sound and silence
- o Christmas carols with Mrs. MLK
- – Sound and silence
- – Regional and country programs with also included music (cross reference)
– ( above also on music for mediation main page)
B. Anniversaries of UN:
- – 30th; 40th; 50th
- – Special UN years, days and inititives
- 1979 International Year of the Child (IYC)
- IYC prog Washington, un lobby with bake sale.
- Gallery in manhattan hosted by mission of panama,
- 1986 year of Peace etc runs and swims
- First Decade of a culture of peace (quote form Amb Chowdhury at WHR event 2010?
- Trick or Treat for UNICEF25th Anniversary 1970’s
- Executive Director attends
Peace Walks
- For UN Charter Day (26 June)
- For Opening of the UN General Assembly (Sept)
- for UN Day (24 October)
- 1979 International Year of the Child (IYC)
- Seven Minutes of silence (near opening of UN GA)
C. Honouring and about individuals significant contributions
- – Nationals of Member Countries
- Eleanor Roosevelt,
- John Kennedy,
- Nelson Mandala (meet at UN)there.
- Martin Luther King and Mrs. King
- Secretaries- General
- Trygve Lie
- Dag Hammarskjold
- Kurt Waldheim
- U Thant (see also” U Thant Peace Award” and “U Thant Island: Compassion Home”)
- Javier Perez De Cuellar
- Boutros. Butros Gali (spel)
- Kofie Annan
- Bam Ki-Moon
- Senior Officials of UN Organizations Related Programes, Funds and Agencies
- Bradford Moss USG
- James Grant, USG
- Anwarul Chowdhury, USG
- Robert Mueller ASG
D. Inter faith harmony and shared values
- National and World Day of Prayer observances
- 1975 “most representative Gathering of Religious Leaders in NY” – NY times
- Emergency prayer meeting
- International Day of thanksgiving, and gratitude
- Religious figures plays at un,
- Christmas carols. one Lead by Mrs King
- Oneness – Earth – year end Program (broadcast by CBS)
- Prayer Breakfast for Opening of UN GA (Sept year – year)
E. U Thant Peace Award and U Thant Island: Compassion Home
- U Thant Peace Award and Background
- Highlight first recipients of U Thant peace Award , Zenon Rossides Cyprus, Dr. Illueca from Panama, Dr Barber,
- U Thant Island: Compassion Home
- History and Background
F. Room of quiet
- History of meditation room,and details of 2 related Programmes includes text and photos of :
- Commemorating the 20th Anniversary (in “Room of Quiet” and in Conference Room Rom 4) 15 Nov 1977
- Programme at Wainwright House, 1977 August 10 – recalling the History
G. Countries
- National days
- Anniv of joining un,
- Ambassador speaker at other programmes.
H. Art exhibits
- at un,
- Unesco,
- un Geneva?
- Traveling exhibit Around the world
- for 1979 – year of child
- for 5oth anniv?
- with Peace and UN theme
- World harmony Theme
- eg. Bahamas, Bali
- Celebrating upcoming Earth day at Jharna Kala Gallery 1970’s?
J. Programmes with Meditation related Practice or theme
- Link to Q and A and themes above
- Dag Hammarskjold or other lecture series or highlights
K. Athletics – sports
- Lake Success to UN, 18 mile Anniversary Fun Run,
- – Fun runs ( along east river)
- with UN security including early in morn in garden,
- – English channel swim dedicated to 40th Anniversary of United Nations,
- – Bansadar run across the us for 40 th UN anniv?
- – Peace swims for International Year of Peace
- – Harmony run start and finish on Plaza – terrace or across the street
- – Many local runs for UN day (Presentation to Javier de Cuer)
- – (lifts,+lifting up the world – notable figures
L. Other miscellaneous programs
- Vegetarian luncheons
- o For special events in Church center
- o Or UN buildings – like UNICEF or Express bar
- Eventually became concerts with gift bag lunch provided
- Cooperation with UNA-USA for programe UN Day in Dag Hammarskjold park
- covered by NY times (1979 -1980?)
Songs – Music
-General progress and Peace
-Specific un themes
- 50th anniv concert series.
-Ckg peace concerts
oPhoto from ga lobby –aniv concert
oPuroshotoma (3) concert
oSound and silence
oChristmas carols with Mrs. MLK
-Sound and silence
-Regional and country programs with also included music (cross reference)
Athletics - sports
-lake success aniv,
-fun runs ( along east river)
owith UN security including early in morn in garden,
-English channel dedication,
-Bansadar run across the us for 40 th UN anniv?
-Peace swims
-Harmony run start and finish on Plaza – terrace or across the street
-Many local runs for UN day (Presentation to Javier de Cuer)
Art exhibits
- at un,
-un Geneva?
-Traveling exhibit Around the world
owith Peace and UN theme
oWorld harmony Theme
-Celebrating upcoming Earht day at jharna Kala Gallery
Encouraging leaders and appreciating other supporters like
-Eleanor Roosevelt,
-john Kennedy,
-met with nelson mandala there.
-Martin Luther King and Mrs. King
-Robert Mueller USG
Inter faith harmony
- National
-“most representative Gathering of Religious Leaders in NY”
– NY times
-world days of prayer,
-Emergency prayer meeting
-international Day of thanksgiving,- and gratitude
-religious figures plays at un,
-Christmas carols.
Oneness – Earth – year end Program (broadcast by CBS)
–U Thant Peace Award
oHighlight first recipients, Rossides Cyprus, Dr. Illueca form Panama, Dr Barber,
–Room of quiet
– history of meditation room,
oMemorial in Harrison
o20th aniv of room
-National days
-- Anniv of joining un,
-ambassador speaks.
Anniversaries of UN:
- 30th; 40th; 50th
–Special Un years,
o1979 IYC prog Washington, un lobby with bake sale.
§Glery in manhattan hosted by mission of panama,
o1986 etc runs and swims
oFirst Decade of a culture of peace (quote form Amb Chowdhury at WHR event 2010?
–Trick or Treat for UNICEF Anniversy
oExecutive Director attends
Songs – Music
- General progress and Peace
- Specific un themes
- 50th anniv concert series.
- Ckg peace concerts
o Photo from ga lobby –aniv concert
o Narishimin
o Puroshotoma (3) concert
o Sound and silence
o Christmas carols with Mrs. MLK
- Sound and silence
- Regional and country programs with also included music (cross reference)
Athletics - sports
- (lifts,+
- lake success aniv,
- fun runs ( along east river)
o with UN security including early in morn in garden,
- English channel dedication,
- Bansadar run across the us for 40 th UN anniv?
- Peace swims
- Harmony run start and finish on Plaza – terrace or across the street
- Many local runs for UN day (Presentation to Javier de Cuer)
Art exhibits
- at un,
- Unesco,
- un Geneva?
- Traveling exhibit Around the world
o with Peace and UN theme
o World harmony Theme
- Celebrating upcoming Earht day at jharna Kala Gallery
Encouraging leaders and appreciating other supporters like
- Eleanor Roosevelt,
- john Kennedy,
- met with nelson mandala there.
- Martin Luther King and Mrs. King
- Robert Mueller USG
Inter faith harmony
- National
- “most representative Gathering of Religious Leaders in NY”
– NY times
- world days of prayer,
- Emergency prayer meeting
- international Day of thanksgiving,- and gratitude
- religious figures plays at un,
- Christmas carols.
Oneness – Earth – year end Program (broadcast by CBS)
– U Thant Peace Award
o History
o Highlight first recipients, Rossides Cyprus, Dr. Illueca form Panama, Dr Barber,
– Room of quiet
– history of meditation room,
o Memorial in Harrison
o 20th aniv of room
- National days
- - Anniv of joining un,
- ambassador speaks.
Anniversaries of UN:
- 30th; 40th; 50th
– Special Un years,
o 1979 IYC prog Washington, un lobby with bake sale.
§ Glery in manhattan hosted by mission of panama,
o 1986 etc runs and swims
o First Decade of a culture of peace (quote form Amb Chowdhury at WHR event 2010?
– Trick or Treat for UNICEF Anniversy
o Executive Director attends