Inspiring Quotations and Thoughts

Filed under Talks about the UN Heart-Home

Inspiring Quotations and Thoughts

about the UN, Heart-Home and Oneness-World.

The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United Nations is love.
The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.

–  Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, January 4, 1973

Inauguration Meditation – April 14, 1970

Today’s United Nations was yesterday’s perfecting Vision.

Tomorrow’s United Nations is today’s fulfilling Realisation.

Unity is not oneness. A bud is not a flower.

Unity is the temple. Oneness is the shrine.

The absence of unity is imminent confusion.

The absence of oneness is the ultimate destruction.

The presence of unity is the immediate end of human imperfection and limitation.

The presence of oneness is the glorious beginning of man’s perfect Perfection.

During his almost 4 decades of coming to the United Nations Sri Chinmoy offered many inspiring quotations about the world body, peace, oneness and the inner life:

  • Flame Waves – Sri Chinmoy answers questions at and about the United Nations (see list of samples)
  • (to move up higher once items in this series are identified) Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series. some of the above listed items were given as part of a series of talks offered between ________ and_____ by Sri Chinmoy in honour of the former Secretary General