Seven poems Vijaya selected and songs – Celebration Vijaya (Catherine) Claxton Life

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Selected Poems by Sri Chinmoy

Following are seven of the 75 poems by Sri Chinmoy that Vijaya selected as her favourites.
These 75 poems were displayed on her support boat to inspire Vijaya during her victorious Channel swim.

Daring enthusiasm and abiding cheerfulness
Can accomplish everything on earth
Without fail.

  • Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 96, no. 9,515

Do what you must,
And not only
What you can.

  • Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 27, no. 26,731

     Go deep within.
To your great surprise,
All obstacles
Will turn into opportunities.

  • Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 2, no. 1,741

Mine is a God-Dream
That bravely swims across
The ocean of impossibilities.

  • My Master, no. 39

Just make tremendous progress
And tremendous improvement
In your own life.
Others will definitely be inspired
By the result.

  • Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 19, no. 1,875

Let us swim and swim
Across the ignorance-sea
To reach the Golden Shore
Of the Beyond.

  • Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 16, no. 15,225

I accept no limits
Because I come from
The limitless One.

  • Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 27, no. 26,807

Vijaya serving as Master of Ceremonies at the Poetry Reading Celebrating the
United Nations Year of the Dialogue Among Civilizations held at the United Nations, 29 March 2001.



Words and music by Sri Chinmoy
Performed by the Choir of The Peace Meditation at the United Nations

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“Vijaya” Music Score and translation

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and song dedicated to the United Nations.

Links to songs about the United Nations

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I am swimming the English Channel” Music Score

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See also:

Reference Note: the music score for “Vijaya”  and “English Channel” song is from book: Walking along the Sunlit Path – (Stories told by Disciples of Sri Chinmoy): Vijaya’s Stories as told by Nilima – 2011., page 154 and 155,

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