Handout-2010-Dec-14 – A Real Member

Filed under Poetry

A real member of the United Nations:

  • soulful request: “Embrace the truth; fulfil the countless needs of all countries.”
  • never uses doubt-brakes on his world-elevating inspiration.
  • has rare peace-passport to safely and successfully cross any heart- border.
  • prepares for perfection of his  life and  country and,  given up  expectation-frustration with  other countries.
  • never  blinded by suspicion; wants illumining and nourishing faith  in his own heart + others’ hearts.

( see full context below)


The following selection is excerpted from “A Real Member of the United Nations” [1989], included in My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995).

A real member of the United Nations makes very clear his soulful request to all nations: “Embrace the truth; then only can you fulfil the countless needs of all countries.”

– p. 144

A real member of the United Nations never uses doubt-brakes on his world-elevating inspiration.

– p. 144

 A real member of the United Nations has a most rare peace-passport to safely and successfully cross any heart- border.

– p. 144

A real member of the United Nations prepares himself for the perfection of his own life and his own country and, at the same time, has given up his own expectation-frustration with regard to other countries.

– p. 144

A real member of the United Nations will never allow himself to be blinded by the glare of suspicion. He wants to establish an illumining and nourishing faith not only in his own heart but also in others’ hearts.

– p. 144

At the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant in the spring of 1970, Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, NGO representatives and affiliates. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations also offered programmes, concerts and lectures to promote world harmony, and Sri Chinmoy answered many questions about the spiritual role of the United Nations. For information about ongoing activities of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations: (718) 291-0364.

14 December 2010                                                                                                                               22

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