Handout-2010-Oct-26 – A Real Member
Filed under PoetryA Real Member of the UN:
- 1. Supreme responsibility to bring to the fore the inspiring capacities and aspiring qualities
- 2. A mere instrument, … his own inner faith will bring him progress-perfection-victory.
- 3. Forgives the UN mistakes….hopes the UN will become the embodiment of truth-perfection.
( see full context below)
The following selection is excerpted from “A Real Member of the United Nations” [1989], included in My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995). It is offered in honour of United Nations Day, 24 October 2010.
1. A real member of the United Nations is he who does not forget that his is the supreme responsibility to bring to the fore the inspiring capacities and aspiring qualities of his own nation so that other nations will faithfully and gloriously be inspired to do the same. Needless to say, the divine capacities and supreme qualities of all the nations combined will fulfil the zenith-climbing longings of mankind.
– p. 141
2. A real member of the United Nations knows that a higher force is operating in and through him and that he is a mere instrument. He also knows that his own inner faith will bring him progress-perfection-victory.
– p. 145
3. A real member of the United Nations forgives the United Nations mistakes, for he knows that the United Nations has been in existence for only a few decades. He hopes that in the forthcoming years the United Nations will not only rectify all its mistakes but also become the embodiment of truth-perfection.
– p. 146
At the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant in the spring of 1970, Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, NGO representatives and affiliates. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations also offered programmes, concerts and lectures to promote world harmony, and Sri Chinmoy answered many questions about the spiritual role of the United Nations. For information about ongoing activities of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations: (718) 291-0364.
26 October 2010 15
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