Handout-2010-Oct-19 Q&A
Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A)Question: Staff at the UN with seemingly insignificant jobs contribute to world peace?
The following questions and answers are excerpted from My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995).
Question: How can staff at the United Nations with seemingly insignificant jobs contribute to world peace?
Sri Chinmoy: In the outer life there are significant jobs and insignificant jobs, significant people and insignificant people. But in the inner life everybody is significant, everybody is meaningful, everybody is fruitful; every job is significant far beyond our imagination. There is no such thing as an insignificant job in the inner world. It is not the work as such, but how we accomplish the work, how we fulfil our task, that is of supreme importance. The divine attitude of the worker is of paramount importance.
In the inner world significant things are achieved only if we have the proper attitude, and significant workers are those who are fully awakened to the lofty messages of the United Nations. According to the soul of the United Nations, the seeker-workers who want to serve the world sincerely and sleeplessly are far better and more important than those who hold high positions but do not care to dive within to become one with the Source or abide by the dictates of the Inner Pilot of the United Nations. Those who are awakened, those who are truly self-giving, those who are ready to serve the world body devotedly and soulfully in any capacity—no matter how insignificant from the superficial outer point of view—are the real United Nations servers. It is they who will continuously add glory to the achievements of the United Nations.
—18 January and 22 February 1983 (p. 136)
At the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant in the spring of 1970, Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, NGO representatives and affiliates. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations also offered programmes, concerts and lectures to promote world harmony, and Sri Chinmoy answered many questions about the spiritual role of the United Nations. For information about ongoing activities of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations: (718) 291-0364.
19 October 2010 14
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