Part 3-01 Introduction to Events and Programmes
Filed under Proj-Event-HighlightsIntroduction Chapter of Events and Programmes Highlights
pdf: early draft 3-01-Intro-Draft-2021-01-17jan
Use consistent active voice in –
Sri Chinmoy’s first lecture to the United Nations Community took place in November 1968 titled The Song Universal.
In April of 1970 Secretary-General U Thant invited him to lead regular meditations for delegates and staff.
Inspired to support a culture of peace, Sri Chinmoy offered countless silent peace meditations, talks and answers to questions for the nearly forty years of his association with the UN. During those years, he also had exchanges with UN staff, its diplomatic community and those who served to further peace, cooperation and harmony. Additionally, the group Sri Chinmoy founded, the Peace Meditation at UN, offered a wide range of events and programs such as concerts, talks, art exhibits, sporting events.
In this booklet we simply illustrate some of the types and diversity. It is not exhaustive. Some could be placed in more than one section such as music, UN anniversaries, Interfaith Harmony or poetry. For the print version we aspire to eventually add (as a separate document) a subject index to help navigate to similar concepts. The online version will have some embedded links to related entries.
What inspired programmes and special events:
Within the UN Community the answers to questions and lectures were an impetus for hundreds of other events that had related themes – and this helped to strengthen understanding of how the inner and outer worlds could go together. It demonstrated that a spiritual awareness could feed the sincere aspiration of the political world striving for “oneness” for all.
A beginning idea grew in unexpected ways. A talk could inspire a new event where Sri Chinmoy offered a song that would then be part of future programmes which served as an opportunity for others in the UN community to share their own inspiration.
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Sometimes there was interest in a UN anniversary or a specific topic. Other times members would suggest an event or theme like “International Cooperation for Peace” and Sri Chinmoy responded and transformed the title to “The Quintessence of Divinity in Humanity: International Cooperation for Peace.” Which sent some to an oxford dictionary to be sure we understood what was implied by “Quintessence of Divinity”.
Inspired speakers from the UN community joined interfaith representatives around this theme for a conference celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the opening of the General Assembly in 1975. Even the Secretary-General sent a special message and the song “O United Nations” which Sri Chinmoy had recently wrote in dedication to the United Nations was performed.
At another event in support of UN efforts for peace and the upcoming 1977 World Environment Day, a painting by Sri Chinmoy was unveiled.
It was titled: “United Nations: The Heart-Home of the World Body”. It then toured other cities to draw attention to UN efforts.
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The title phrase also became the theme at an event marking the opening of the UN General Assembly the following September. The striking poetic interpretation “The Heart-Home of the World-Body” became synonymous with support for the UN over the years.
One example of the effect these various activities had beyond the meditation group members was expressed by the Special Advisor for the Fortieth Anniversary, on behalf of the Secretary-General (receiving a copy of the Preamble to the Charter signed by delegates and staff participants in the Peace Walk).
“you have blended the two elements~ the delegations and the Secretariat, by making your recommitment to the Charter.
Your peace initiative has won the respect of all. It has been for all of us a source of inspiration.”
– Mr. Jean Gazarian
eventually Link t0 Date and Subject Indes here
Use of Text and or Photos:
PART 1 Questions Answered and PART 2 Talks were text with some photos.
This PART 3 Events uses photos throughout with much less text..
Part 3 HIGHLIGHT -SUMMARY of Events and Progammes
Part 3-01 Introduction to Events and Programmes
Part 3-02 UN and Peace Meditation History
Part 3-04 UN Organization and Staff
Part 3-04C Peace Meditation related to UNICEF or staff 1975 to 1994
Part 3-05 Honouring Countries and Cultures – Sample events
Part 3-05B Highlights Country-related events -draft 2010 dec 31 (?)
Part 3-06 Honour Individuals
Part 3-06U U Thant Peace Award – an overview
Part 3-06D Jorge Illueca – (Compilation) decades long friendship with the Peace Meditation at the UN
Part 3-07 Music, Song, Concert Programmes
Part 3-08 Meditation Experience, Introduction, Q+A, UN Practical Guidance
Part 3-09 Interfaith Harmony & Shared Values
Part 3-09B Interfaith Harmony and shared values for a Peaceful World: 2014 Summary update
Part 3-10 Art Exhibits or Poetry & Literature Events
Part 3-11 Peace Walks and Runs for UN – Summary 1984? to 2001 Draft
Part 3-12 Sports and Athletics
Part 3-13 Other Various or Special Programmes or publications
Examples of Publications; Bulletin Med at UN, Moments Peace , Oneness -Arival-Shore (Good -News-UN-Community) Report to Sec-Gen
Part 3-14 Statements, tributes from international community 1995, 2005 and Present – Kind Words
Part 3-15 Building on Inspiration
Part 3-16 More Events example or Photo with caption
Z2. EndNotes
z3. Partial Date order or Subject list
Z4. Back page
PDF and doc version as of 07 Aug 2020:
Doc of: Part 3-01-Introduction -Draft-07-Aig-2020
PDF of Part 3-01-Introduction -Draft-07-Aig-2020
Note 1: Top Photo Edit caption; Sri Chinmoy at event on U Thant Island (1985 date?). United Nations NY HQ in background .Ed Note = Maybe a little more of Island showing foreground of crop? ” Quote – “UN Heart-Home” moved a bit more to right
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