Part 3-02 UN and Peace Meditation History -HIGHLIGHTS
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word doc Draft: 3-02-Draft-2020-11-30nov-Hist-UN-Community
Inspirational History for the UN Community
Outer environment and inner support for prayer, meditation and reflection
with contribution by Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.
Remember the Past to Inspire the Future
“If we say that the United Nations is the result of the twentieth century awakening, then we are mistaken. The United Nations is the outgrowth of the inner awakening of human beings from time immemorial.” – Sri Chinmoy (/rd-8)
Let us be grateful for the deeply connected histories of the United Nations, founded in 1945, and the Peace Meditation Group, which came into being 25 years later. Let us appreciate the multi-generational efforts that have resulted in real progress since then.
I am rarely enthusiastic about what the League of Nations has done or not done, but I am always thankful that it exists. – Albert Einstein (hhi-38)
The world made a brave attempt at international progress towards peace through the League of Nations, which Sri Chinmoy deeply appreciated.
The League of Nations was a dream-seed. The United Nations is a reality-plant. The aspiring and serving life of man’s universal oneness will be the eternity-tree. (tnh-1)
The League of Nations was transformed into reality, and became the United Nations. (tnh-21)
“The United Nations has abundant capacity to fulfil the dream of the League of Nations and also to fulfil its own dream, which is far more absorbing, more illumining and more fulfilling.” -Sri Chinmoy (mun-73)
The vision of the League was later carried forward and expanded by the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“A League of Nations is like a cluster of flowers. A United Nations arranges the flowers harmoniously. In a Oneness-World, we will see all as one whole.” -Sri Chinmoy (mun-78)
This ongoing aspiration is now also expressed in more detail through the Sustainable Development Goals*. Full text of the Goals is available at :
The world is making observable outer Progress…
The annual General Assembly session opens and closes with silence for prayer or meditation.
Inner reflection has been supported since the beginning of the United Nations.
un-photo-247181-open-ga-minute-silence-1975-Teddy-Chen-crp.jpg 1mb
– Since the earliest days, the UN General Assembly sessions have opened and closed with an invitation to all delegates to observe one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation* (UN Photo #247181/Teddy-Chen).
*Rule 62 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly provides that: “Immediately after the opening of the first plenary meeting and immediately preceding the dosing of the final plenary meeting of each session of the General Assembly, the President shall invite the representatives to observe one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation.”
(point to song words 2 SG Song of Peace booklet?)
Lie, Trygve Lie
Lie, Trygve Lie!
O UN Boat’s first pilot high.
Dauntless you fought for your ideal sky.
Lie, Trygve Lie!
O Oslo, Norway’s ‘peace mission’ son.
The world salutes your Spirit’s run.
Lie, Trygve Lie!
Dag Hammarskjold
Dag Hammarskjold, purity-gold!
Divinity’s reality bold.
Your peerless vision cosmic-run
Ceaselessly cried for perfection-sun.
In you the UN glory’s-height
Of silence light and delight
The first and second UN Secretaries-General, Trygve Lie and Dag Hammarskjöld, established and redesigned the Meditation Room – “A Room of Quiet” located adjacent to the General Assembly public lobby.
1968 Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s first talk to UN Community:
In November of 1968, Sri Chinmoy was invited to give a talk to the UN Community in New York. “The Song Universal” shared the necessity of feeling the entire world as ones real home. The importance of peace, oneness and deep appreciation of various religious faiths was also expressed. A few excerpts of the talk follow:
The Song Universal
“The Song Universal is freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from limitations, freedom from imperfections and freedom from ignorance.
“Freedom does not mean being away from home. Freedom means accepting and feeling the entire world as one’s real home, as one’s very own.
“Our inner realisation and outer action must run abreast. Outer achievements should be the conscious and spontaneous revelation of the inner divinity.
“Love, harmony, peace and oneness. … On the strength of his inner mounting flame, aspiration, man can easily, unerringly and spontaneously manifest these ideals…in every sphere of life.
It is quite natural and proper that we should discover our God in and through our own religion. When we go deep within we come to realise that there is only one religion, and that religion is man’s inmost cry for God-Realisation.
– Sri Chinmoy at the Church Center for the United Nations, November 26, 1968. Printed in The Garland of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972 , Full talk at
April 1970, Beginning of ongoing Peace Meditations led by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations.
In 1970, the third UN Secretary-General U Thant invited spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy to offer regular meditations for staff and delegates at UN Headquarters.
ED Note: See also alternate Photos for U Thant at end -below
Inauguration Meditation April 1970 (excerpt)
Today’s United Nations was yesterday’s perfecting Vision. Tomorrow’s United Nations is today’s fulfilling Realisation.
Unity is not oneness. A bud is not a flower.
The presence of unity is the immediate end of human imperfection and limitation. The presence of oneness is the glorious beginning of man’s perfect Perfection.
Sri Chinmoy, 14 April 1970, Printed in The Garland of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972,
“The United Nations serves a most significant role in the unification of human wisdom, concern, sympathy and love. Every Tuesday they have given me the honour of conducting this meditation. Identify yourselves with us, no matter where you are or what you are doing. If you are in the office or if you are in the bank, if you are in publishing premises or you are in the hospital, working there, you can send your aspiring soul to us, to meditate with us. The physical can remain there, but the spirit can be with us while all the nations are united in meditation.
29 Jul 1977: On the birthday of Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, Peace Meditation Group members joined Sri Chinmoy to observe a few minutes of silence in the small but symbolic meditation “Room of Quiet”, re-designed by Dag Hammarskjold in 1957.
The Group then held a programme in the UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium which included meditation, a talk, instrumental and vocal arrangements of a song by Sri Chinmoy dedicated to Dag Hammarskjold, a choral reading of Hammarskjold’s writings, and tributes.
see end note for full text of plaque
“We all have, within us a centre of stillness surrounded by silence. This house, dedicated to work and debate in the service of peace, should have one room dedicated to silence in the outward sense and stillness in the inner sense. It has been the aim to create in this small room a place where the doors may be open to the infinite lands of thought and prayer.
“People of many faiths will meet here, and for that reason none of the symbols to which we are accustomed in our meditation could be used.
“… man worships under many names and in many forms.
“ The block of iron ore has the weight and solidity of the everlasting. It is a reminder of that cornerstone of endurance and faith on which all human endeavour must be based.
“choice between destruction and construction, between war and peace. Of iron man has forged his swords, of iron he has also made his ploughshares. Of iron he has constructed tanks, but of iron he has likewise built homes for man. The block of iron ore is part of the wealth we have inherited on this earth of ours. How are we to use it?
“There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they find in their centre of stillness.”
– Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary General, 1953 – 1961
On 10 August 1977, at the Wainwright House in Rye, New York, speakers from the UN and the Wainwright House honoured Weyman C. Huckabee, the Laymen’s Movement Executive Director from 1941 to 1969, for his part in the encouraging a Meditation Room at the UN and the UN to open and close its General Assembly Meetings by observing a moment of silence.
Sri Chinmoy with furnishings from 1940s Original Meditation Room at Headquarters in Lake Success NY, preserved at Wainwright House, Rye NY.
The programme opened with silent meditation, followed by musical selections played by Sri Chinmoy on the Indian esrai.
The involvement of the Friends of the Meditation Room and the Laymen ‘s Movement in early years to establish the Meditation Room at UN in New York were honored. Members of the Meditation Group at UN were invited as special guests
Robert Muller: When I learned that the old Meditation Room from Lake Success was here in Rye , I tried to remember as many details as possible of the first premises of the United Nations on Long Island . I found that I was unable to remember the hall of the General Assembly, the Security Council and even my own office . But when it came to the Meditation Room, I remembered many details. I could see clearly the large tropical tree trunk from Africa, the bowl of flowers or greenery on top of it and the semicircular rows of chairs for the visitors.
Tonight, after thirty years, I saw it again and I was struck by the accuracy with which it had remained engraved in my memory. I am therefore tempted to believe that despite all the attractions of material life and the fascination of new knowledge, spirituality and its symbols go much deeper and leave an extraordinary, indelible mark in us. Yes, I lived a very rare moment tonight, rediscovering emotions and images which were a third of a century old.”
Mr . Weyman Huckabee: “one experience … has to do with my meeting Pope Pius the XII when I was given a private audience to talk with him about the Meditation Room in the United Nations and about the day of prayer set aside for prayer and meditation for world peace. He received me warmly. I asked why there was still so much violence in the world in spite of the efforts made to bring peace. He said , ‘That is a very difficult question.’ Then, after a pause he continued , “Because , even though we know the Truth, we do not abide by it. I am very happy to be here. … I am grateful for your love, for your concern and for your friendship.”
For more on Wainwright event see Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” August 1977 ;
ED NOTE: For more info while finalizing this page, also see links below “Considered but not used” section:
On 15 November 1977, a programme sponsored by the Peace Meditation Group marks the 20th Anniversary of the redesign of the Meditation “Room of Quiet” adjacent to the UN General Assembly Lobby. This space was redesigned by Dag Hammarskjöld in 1957.
(ED Note Do we include this photo which was also in part 2 talks?)
First, A few minutes of silence was observed in the small but symbolic Meditation “Room of Quiet” (shown left to right, Robert Muller, UN Deputy Under-Secretary-General; Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditation Group; and Monsignor G. Cheli, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN). The formal programme took place in Conference Room 4.
1977-11-15-02-1-Room-of-quiet-anniversary-Romulo-phillipines-speaks-crp-scaled 582kb -see to crop (1977-11-15-02-1.jpg romulo-speak-crop-with-panel (13 MB)
(For Part 3 Use Full Names and Titles)
Speakers at the observance in Conference Room 4 included: Mr. Robert Muller; Msgr. G. Cheli; Mr. C. P. Romulo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, (and an original signer of the UN Charter); Judith Hollister, Representative of Wainwright House (where the furnishings from the first meditation room at the UN’s early Headquarters at Lake Success, were displayed in 1977).
Statements were provided by: Mr. Andrew Young, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations. Cardinal T. Cooke, Archbishop of New York; Mr. Peter Stewart, of the Thanks-Giving Foundation in Dallas, USA (which was responsible for the 1985 gift to the UN from the USA, of Norman Rockwell’s famous mosaic, ‘The Golden Rule.’)
The Meditation Group Choir performed songs composed by Sri Chinmoy, which included words of several UN Secretaries-General set to music.
Excerpts from event (Ed note: might not need full title if used above):
(More of excerpts area at:
- Monsignor Giovanni Cheli, Permanent Observer of the Holy See
“Silence is like a friend. It must be cultivated . If we wish meditation to flourish within us, we need to help it to grow. We can do that only by setting aside times in our day when we can pay attention to the quiet within us so that we renew our awareness of its beauty and its grandeur.”
- H.E. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines (and an original signer of the UN Charter in San Francisco)
“The United Nations is a centre for harmonizing action, as the Charter continually reminds us. But the process of harmonizing is a difficult one. All too often passion and conflict rule the day. It is at such moments that we need the Meditation Room to look in to ourselves and to encounter our God, so that we may cleanse our spirit and gain needed strength. This I have done many times.”
“Thousands have visited the Meditation Room and no doubt thousands of others will do so in the future . They will sit there in silent communion, seeking refuge from the turmoil and, more important, seeking guidance and light and refreshment of the spirit.”
- Mr. Robert Muller, Deputy Under-Secretary General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination
“For me the tall building of the UN is an edifice of human hope and dream jutting into the universe and receiving from that universe increasingly clearer messages. Year round people from all creeds and cultures assemble here to design a better future for the world. And in my opinion they will succeed. Once again, but this time on a universal scale, mankind is seeking no less than its reunion with the divine,”
“As time goes by, people often forget the original pioneers behind, for instance, the Meditation Room. The Friends of the Meditation Room, had the concept of a holy, quiet, sacred area connected with the UN way back in the days of Lake Success. And today we rejoice in this miracle, and even today is a miraculous day . Thank you.” * Mrs. Hollister was also founder and leader of interfaith organization: “The Temple of Understanding”.
- Excerpt from Statement received from H. E. Mr. Andrew Young , Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations.
” Away from the formality and routine aspects of our diplomatic activity, there is a great need for this room where we can absorb ourselves in private meditation and prayer. I pray that the tranquility of the “Room of Quiet ” transcends throughout the world and provides the inspiration for peace and brotherhood.”
- Excerpts of a statement received from His Eminence, Cardinal Terence I Cooke, Archbishop of New York , entitled “Reflection on Silence”:
“I feel a need for and value opportunities for prayerful silence. In silence, I realize that the values and convictions that can easily be broken by the hard experiences of life are of great importance- such convictions as: it is good to be selfless; to be sad with those who mourn; to hunger and thirst for justice; to be pure in heart; to be merciful; to be a peacemaker.
- Statement received from Mr. Peter Stewart, of the Thanksgiving Foundation and President of the Center for World Thanksgiving in Dallas, Texas (which later facilitated the 1985 gift to the UN from the USA, of Norman Rockwell’s famous mosaic, ‘The Golden Rule.’)
“Your celebration of prayer in the Meditation Room at the United Nations will be echoed by a celebration of gratitude at the Chapel of Thanksgiving for this landmark of the human spirit.”
if use this – below ,should lighten photo
Upon entering the meditation “Room of Quiet” a sign states:
“This is a room devoted to peace
and those who are giving their lives for peace.
It is a room of quiet
where only thoughts should speak.”
Among historic events were the 1980 talks on “The Inner Role of the United Nations” by Sri Chinmoy. Part 1: 6 June 1980 at the US State Department, Washington, D.C.; also delivered at the UN Headquarters in New York, on 13 June 1980. Part 2: 16 June 1980, at the UN Office in Geneva.
ED Note: Since we used photo of talk at US State Department in Part 2 – Might not photo in part 3. Maybe just excerpt from talk and picture of Kennedy and U Thant at appropriate part in excerpt of talk. below e.g.
Excerpts from Talks:
Part 1: 6 June 1980 at the US State Department, Washington, D.C.; also delivered at the UN Headquarters in New York, on 13 June 1980
“The term ‘united’ has always had a special appeal to all human souls, and this transcendent idea has remained in vogue down the sweep of centuries.
“The inner role of the United Nations amuses the intelligentsia, inspires the world-peace-lovers and nourishes the world-oneness-servers.
The late President John F. Kennedy spoke not only to his fellow Americans but to all his fellow beings when he proclaimed:
‘My fellow inhabitants of this planet, let us take our stand here in this assembly of nations.
And let us see if we, in our own time, can move the world towards a just and lasting peace.’
Inner Role of the UN” Part 2: 16 June 1980, at the UN Office in Geneva.
“The inner role of the United Nations is an inner cry and an outer smile. The inner cry has to climb up to reach the highest pinnacle. The outer smile has to reach the length and the breadth of the world. “The inner role of the United Nations is the link with the immortal power of infinite peace that spans the universe. It evolves slowly, steadily and unerringly.
“The inner role of the United Nations tells us that duty and responsibility have to be seen in a different light. We have come to realise that duty is nothing other than opportunity, and that responsibility is another name for privilege. “Therefore, to serve the United Nations’ unique capacity is to be blessed with a golden opportunity and fruitful privilege.
“The inner role of the United Nations tells us success is fleeting, whereas progress is everlasting.
“Oneness” as an encouraging goal
As we look to 2030 and beyond, we value . especially in challenging times, initiatives that bring us closer to a “Oneness” World. Efforts to strengthen communities by understanding different cultures, and by invoking a culture of peace give hope. The importance of personal poise and knowledge of when and how to practice patience is necessary.
Many have found that Sri Chinmoy’s talks provide a deep understanding and helpful approach to problems, expectations and opportunities of the international community. His answers to practical questions and daily office concerns were valued.
Excerpt from lyrics of ‘“O United Nations’“ by Sri Chinmoy, performed 28 October 1975 at “World Unity: The Song of the Soul”, a programme cosponsored by the Peace Meditation and dedicated to Music and World Peace, in the UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium
ED Note: Need simple expressions to help illustrate “oneness”
Sri Chinmoy often used “Oneness ” to encourage or invoke a broad sense of identification with humanity and nature. Accepting oneness as a viewpoint increases our ability to see opportunities for progress within challenges as they inevitably present themselves.
Oneness can mean an awareness of an expanded self , in which we see and feel our self as inextricably intertwined with other people, creatures, and things. In a state of oneness we feel an identification with the world. But this identification does not mean that our individual self is lost in the world.
Below are some examples of how oneness was expressed:.
“When there is oneness, there is no feeling of supremacy. “ 17 May 1974
“After an individual establishes his oneness with others, he feels their needs as his own.” 20 may 1977
“Humanity is only our enlarged and expanded self. On the strength of our oneness we claim the body, heart and soul of the United Nations as our own. If we have this wider outlook and larger vision, all human beings are part and parcel of one universal family.” 18 April 1978
” While working at the United Nations, we have to sing all the time in the inmost recesses of our heart the oneness-song.”. 16 November 1976
“When we try to judge others or examine others, we immediately lose our sense of identification. But if we focus our attention on all things with the same amount of sympathy, love and concern, then we feel inside all things their basic oneness with everything else and with ourselves. “ July 26, 1974
“Unity is not oneness. A bud is not a flower. The presence of unity is the immediate end of human imperfection and limitation. The presence of oneness is the glorious beginning of man’s perfect Perfection. 14 April 1970
outer message, Inner message, inmost message oneness
ED Note: How would you answer if delegate asked what did Sri Chinmoy mean when he said oneness? Do above quotes assist in answering the question?
Students of Peace
Through his activities, Sri Chinmoy, in his humble way was happy to be known as “a Student of Peace. We continue to learn and share peaceful ways towards a “Oneness world” via different approaches. In addition to talks and answered questions, some events presented in this booklet may be helpful. These examples will hopefully inspire more inner meditations and outer activities to bring us closer to a oneness world
“In all sincerity I wish to tell you all that I am not a teacher of peace and I am not an ambassador of peace. What I am is a student of peace. A student of peace has the opportunity to learn and unlearn. A student of peace learns how to receive divine qualities from his Inner Pilot and he learns how to listen in the inmost recesses of his heart to the blessingful Messages of his Inner Pilot. Again, he unlearns the experiences of division and supremacy that the mind has given him over the years. The mind has taught us the song of supremacy as well as many other undivine lessons. The mind has given us many unfortunate experiences. As a student of peace, these lessons and experiences I try to unlearn.
“The experiences of the heart strengthen us, expand our horizons, make us feel that we are all one family and we have only one home. Our life-tree has countless branches, flowers and fruits. Each individual is a beautiful, beautiful flower with fragrance. Each individual is a sweet, delicious fruit of that life-tree.- sri Chinmoy (pbp-1)
50 years – past and future
Members of the UN community and especially the meditation group had opportunities for hours of silent meditations during the past fifty years.. Activities devoted to a oneness goal have lifted and sustained our deepest hopes. As an expression of our gratitude, we hope this booklet assists those continuing to aspire and serve the goals of the UN Charter, the Declaration of Human Rights and a ” Oneness World” in the years ahead.
“Each nation has human beings who aspire for a better, more illumining and more fulfilling world. These seekers have expressed their aspiration in and through various fields: spirituality, religion, philosophy, science, music, art, poetry and so forth. The United Nations is not only for the delegates and the representatives of the various nations. It is for all those who have aspired and do aspire and will always aspire.” (/rd-8)
Welcome to Join
If you have the required pass for entry to UN premises we invite you to attend our regular meetings and/or be informed of special events. See contact information at the end off the Booklet
Those without access to the UN premises: working remotely; serving at country duty stations; traveling or for other reasons just want to feel connected even from a distance please see Section section Part 3-15 Building on inspiration to Join Weekly Meditation Sessions from Anywhere
Note: This may be place to note about the Name change from 1970 to 1983:
*Originally referred to simply as the United Nations Meditation Group when it was founded in 1970, after a few years the group was officially renamed as “Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.“
or (part of) longer version – in that indicates 3 names / actual dates (see below):
See also next: Part 3-03 Highlight UN Anniversaries
See also: ‘The Vision of the United Nations: A Oneness-World-Family’
Part 1, Questions Answered; and
Part 2, Talks
End Notes for Part 3-02 (could be foot note on page where sustainable development goals are mentioned)
- End Note 02-01: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 interconnected Goals which the nations of the world have agreed to target for achievement by 2030. They represent a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. More at :
- End Note 02-02 Rule 62 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly provides that: “Immediately after the opening of the first plenary meeting and immediately preceding the dosing of the final plenary meeting of each session of the General Assembly, the President shall invite the representatives to observe one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation.”
- End Note 3 – More on the league of Nations and UN
- “The League of Nations has blossomed into the United Nations. Once it was a tiny plant, but now it has grown into a huge banyan tree. It was the plant that embodied the inner flame and now, as a huge banyan tree, it has countless flames.” –Sri Chinmoy (sm-5). 20 Sep 1976, Sri Chinmoy opened the Meditation Group’s 2nd International Conference for Opening of the General Assembly with a lecture “Inner Flames at the United Nations”.
- “The League of Nations was a tiny plant, but now it has grown into a huge tree, the United Nations. The time will come when the whole world will take rest at the foot of this tree — this tree of patience, this tree of compassion, this tree of love, this tree of universal oneness. And one day we shall have to climb up the tree, pluck its most energising fruits and offer them to hungry humanity. (uv-11)
- Ed note 4 refer to full talk of JFk at UN 1983 – see word doc
may be considered form the 2018-2019- slide presentatio on begiof meditation group text not already in 3-02
50th Ann-UN-2018-rev03-SLIDES-01-56-rev-1
slide Presentation:
gallery of some slides:
Below items considered for Part 3-02 but removed from draft.
Some might be used in other sections..or to indicate ideas of what might also be considered. Useful to review again when the completed Draft of all parts of Part 3 are close to completion.
uthant-sri-chinmoy-photo-meet-flower-silence-1972-feb-29 102kb
Note: b/w photo has definition and better with this Hist presentation?
Possible how the sign can be highlighted.
Note Present tense: “Giving their Lives for Peace”
For more on Wainwright house and Huckelbee
For more on Wainwright event see Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” August 1977 ;
event see Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” August 1977 ;
ED NOTE: For more info while finalizing this page, also see these links:
B. Excerpts on History of meditation Room – Wainwright House, Aug 10 1977
C. Extended remarks from 10 Aug 1977 – more history on UN Meditation Room
or Periodic Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” August 1977
PDF version: bu-scpmaun-1977-08-27-vol-05-n-08-aug-ocr-opt
ED Note: Since we used photo in Part 2 – Might not include this photo in part 3. Maybe just excerpt from talk if using?
1980-06-06 (3)-inner-role-un-ussd-forum-photo-crp
Talks on ‘The Inner Role of the United Nations’ by Sri Chinmoy. Part 1: 6 June 1980 at the US State Department, Washington, D.C.; also delivered at the UN Headquarters in New York, on 13 June 1980. Part 2: 16 June 1980, at the UN Office in Geneva.
See ‘The Vision of the United Nations: A Oneness-World-Family’ Part 1, Questions Answered; and Part 2, Talks
Excerpts from “The Inner Role of the United Nations.”
Talk given at the US State Department, Washington, DC, 6 June 1980 and at the UN Headquarters in New York, on 13 June 1980.
“The term ‘united’ has always had a special appeal to all human souls, and this transcendent idea has remained in vogue down the sweep of centuries.
“The inner role of the United Nations amuses the intelligentsia, inspires the world-peace-lovers and nourishes the world-oneness-servers.
“The late President John F. Kennedy spoke not only to his fellow Americans but to all his fellow beings when he proclaimed: ‘My fellow inhabitants of this planet, let us take our stand here in this assembly of nations. And let us see if we, in our own time, can move the world towards a just and lasting peace.’
” Inner Role of the UN” Part 2: 16 June 1980, at the UN Office in Geneva.
The inner role of the United Nations is an inner cry and an outer smile. The inner cry has to climb up to reach the highest pinnacle. The outer smile (has to be illumined and fulfilled at the same time, and it) has to reach the length and the breadth of the world.
The inner role of the United Nations is the link with the immortal power of infinite peace that spans the universe. (This is the power of peace that inundates our inner beings and, at the same time, our outer lives.) It evolves slowly, steadily and unerringly.
The inner role of the United Nations tells us that duty and responsibility have to be seen in a different light. (Each member of the United Nations has a significant duty and responsibility. )We have come to realise that duty is nothing other than opportunity, and that responsibility is another name for privilege.
Therefore, to serve the United Nations’ unique capacity is to be blessed with a golden opportunity and fruitful privilege.
The inner role of the United Nations tells us success is fleeting, whereas progress is everlasting.
Alternative U -Thant Photos
hoto at memorial ceremony for uthants passing or of book
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy told the U.N. General Assembly, “The effort to improve the conditions of man…is not a task for the few. It is the task of all—acting alone, acting in groups, acting in the United Nations. For plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation. The earth, the sea and the air are the concern of every nation. And science, technology and education can be the ally of every nation.”
“Never before has man had such capacity to control his own environment, to end thirst and hunger, to conquer poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy and massive human misery. We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world–or to make it the last.”
Through legislation and administrative action, through moral and legal commitment this Government has launched a determined effort to rid our Nation of discrimination which has existed far too long–in education, in housing, in transportation, in employment, in the civil service, in recreation, and in places of public accommodation. And therefore, in this or any other forum, we do not hesitate to condemn racial or religious injustice, whether committed or permitted by friend or foe.
I know that some of you have experienced discrimination in this country. But I ask you to believe me when I tell you that this is not the wish of most Americans–that we share your regret and resentment– and that we intend to end such practices for all time to come, not only for our visitors, but for our own citizens as well.”
absolute sovereignty no longer assures us of absolute security. The conventions of peace must pull abreast and then ahead of the inventions of war. The United Nations, building on its successes and learning from its failures, must be developed into a genuine world security system.
But peace does not rest in charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people. And if it is cast out there, then no act, no pact, no treaty, no organization can hope to preserve it without the support and the wholehearted commitment of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper; let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness to work for peace, in the hearts and minds of all our people. I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human beings.
Archimedes, in explaining the principles of the lever, was said to have declared to his friends: “Give me a place where I can stand–and I shall move the world.”
My fellow inhabitants of this planet: Let us take our stand here in this Assembly of nations. And let us see if we, in our own time, can move the world to a just and lasting peace.
09 Sep 1963 USA President J.F. Kennedy at UN General Assembly
- see full speech at:
Further detail Name change from 1970 to 1983:
Originally referred to simply as the United Nations Meditation Group when it was founded in 1970, at the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant, after a few years the meditation group became more widely known among staff and delegates. Beyond meditations, the activities sometimes included musical offerings, talks or lectures, answers to questions on meditation, spirituality and the United Nations, and presentations on a theme. Special programmes for UN anniversaries and other occasions were many times co-sponsored by the diplomatic missions of the UN member states, as well as UN offices or other entities in the UN Community.
In response to increased inquiries about the Meditation Group, the office of the Secretary-General suggested mentioning Sri Chinmoy in the Group’s name to honour him as the founder and help indicate the standard and philosophy associated with the service being provided. With the agreement of Sri Chinmoy, and of the regular members and supporters of the group from the staff and diplomatic community, and with the approval of the UN office of Legal Affairs, from 1978 the group was referred to as “Sri Chinmoy: Meditation at the United Nations.”
A few years later in 1983, it was suggested to include the word “Peace” to further indicate the type of activity, again with the approval of the Office of Legal Affairs. Since then the group has been known as: “Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations”.
PDF and doc version as of 07 Aug 2020:
3-02-Draft Inspirational History for the UN Community-Aug-07
3-02-Draft Inspirational History for the UN Community-Aug-07
plaque outside the meditation room of quiet
get better picture of sign with a bit of Door showing
“We all have, within us a centre of stillness surrounded by silence. This house, dedicated to work and debate in the service of peace, should have one room dedicated to silence in the outward sense and stillness in the inner sense. It has been the aim to create in this small room a place where the doors may be open to the infinite lands of thought and prayer.
“People of many faiths will meet here, and for that reason none of the symbols to which we are accustomed in our meditation could be used.
“However, there are simple things which speak to us all with the same language. We have sought for such things and we believe that we have found them ill the shaft of light striking the shimmering surface of solid rock.
“So, in the middle of the room we see a symbol of how, daily, the light of the skies gives life to the earth on which we stand, a symbol to many of us of how the light of the spirit gives life to matter.
“But the stone in the middle of the room has more to tell us. We may see it as an altar, empty not because there is no God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it is dedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.
“The stone in the middle of the room reminds us also of the firm and permanent in a world of movement and change, The block of iron ore has the weight and solidity of the everlasting. It is a reminder of that cornerstone of endurance and faith on which all human endeavour must be based.
“The material of the stone leads all thoughts to the necessity for choice between destruction and construction, between war and peace. Of iron man has forged his swords, of iron he has also made his ploughshares. Of iron he has constructed tanks, but of iron he has likewise built homes for man. The block of iron are is part of the wealth we have inherited on this earth of ours. How are we to use it?
“The shaft of light strikes the stone in a room of utter simplicity, There are no other symbols, there is nothing to distract our attention or to break in on the stillness within ourselves, When our eyes travel from these symbols to the front wall, they meet a simple pattern opening up the room to the harmony, freedom and balance of space.
“There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they find in their centre of stillness.”
– Dag Hammarskjold
Insert plaque outside meditation room:
Possible oneness wording:
Oneness is an awareness of an expanded self in which we see and feel our self as inextricably intertwined with other people, creatures, and things. In a state of oneness we feel an identification with the world. But this identification does not mean that our individual self is lost in the world.
- [1]End Note: More on the league of Nations and UN
- “The League of Nations has blossomed into the United Nations. Once it was a tiny plant, but now it has grown into a huge banyan tree. It was the plant that embodied the inner flame and now, as a huge banyan tree, it has countless flames.” –Sri Chinmoy (sm-5). 20 Sep 1976, Sri Chinmoy opened the Meditation Group’s 2nd International Conference for Opening of the General Assembly with a lecture “Inner Flames at the United Nations”.
- “The League of Nations was a tiny plant, but now it has grown into a huge tree, the United Nations. The time will come when the whole world will take rest at the foot of this tree — this tree of patience, this tree of compassion, this tree of love, this tree of universal oneness. And one day we shall have to climb up the tree, pluck its most energising fruits and offer them to hungry humanity. (uv-11)
- [1]End Note: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 interconnected Goals which the nations of the world have agreed to target for achievement by 2030. They represent a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. More at :
- [1]End Note: Rule 62 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly provides that: “Immediately after the opening of the first plenary meeting and immediately preceding the dosing of the final plenary meeting of each session of the General Assembly, the President shall invite the representatives to observe one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation.”
- [1] End Note: Full JFK 1963 UN speech at: