International Mother Language Day, 23 Feb 2010 – Society of Foreign Consuls in NY.

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Meditation Group members have participated in various efforts to support International Mother Language day, a day dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism..

This Page contains information and related links for  Mother Language Day programme 2010

In celebration of 2010 International Mother Language Day (IMLD), Members of the Meditation Group at the UN, Sri Chinmoy Center and World Harmony Run representatives participated with others in a cultural program hosted by the Society of Foreign Consuls in NY on 23 February.

Society of Foreign Consuls – NY – Founded in 1925, represents the world’s largest consular corps, comprising 110 Consulates, Consulates General and Honorary Consulates based in New York City.


The World Harmony Torch-Bearer award was presented to the society’s President, H.E. Christoph Bubb, Consul General of Switzerland for the society’s work in promoting international understanding and cooperation.


Vice-President Hon. Mohammed Shamsul Haque, Consul General of Bangladesh looks on as Meditation Group at the UN member and World Harmony Run spokesperson at the event, Adhiratha Keefe presents the Torch-Bearer medal to President Bubb.

President H.E. Christoph Bubb, Consul General of Switzerland and Vice-President Hon. Mohammed Shamsul Haque, Consul General of Bangladesh hold the torch together.

H. E. Akramul Qader, Bangladesh Ambassador to USA – traveled from Washington DC to be present at the event.

Meditation Group member and World Harmony Run spokesperson Adhiratha Keefe expresses  appreciation for International Mother Language Day and the important work being carried out by the Society of Foreign Consuls.



Introduction to

  • Sri Chinmoy Mother Language and Oneness,
  • Peace and Word Harmony Runs,
  • Torch Bearer Award and Appreciation of the Society of Foreign Consuls.

During the progrmme it was mentioned that:

Sri Chinmoy and Mother Language and Oneness

“Although the mother language of many of the Peace Meditation Group,  Sri Chinmoy Centre members and singers present here is English, we have been extremely fortunate to develop a deep love for the Bengali language by learning the lyrical songs of Sri Chinmoy, our spiritual teacher and our mentor in world service. In so doing, we feel that we have been touched by the heart of Bengal itself.  We wish to offer our deep gratitude to Mr. Haque for extending to us the kind invitation to participate in tonight’s programme, and for so graciously considering us true friends of Bangladesh.

Throughout his life, Sri Chinmoy remained a devoted son of Bengal, even as he became a renowned citizen of the world. Indeed, Sri Chinmoy taught us to love the Motherland that nurtured us in childhood,  and then to expand our love to embrace the entire world family.* (see note below)

Sri Chinmoy devotedly served the United Nations, and he traveled to many countries to share his message of oneness. We are delighted to see in this gathering the representatives of so many of the world’s nations, united in the enthusiastic sharing of language and culture. We thank you all for embodying the spirit of oneness, and we wish to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the Society of Foreign Consuls in a tangible way.

Peace and Word Harmony Runs,

As you may know, Sri Chinmoy founded the Peace and World Harmony Run,  global relay runs in which a torch is passed from hand to hand with the message of peace. Just last week some of the members of the meditation group had the privilege of participating in the World Harmony Run in the Bahamas with Dr. Davidson Hepburn, recently elected as the President of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO. President Hepburn was for many years Ambassador to the UN and is a long-standing friend of Sri Chinmoy and The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

Many government and school officials, private citizens and children enthusiastically embraced the World Harmony Run. Indeed, from country to country, in diverse languages and cultures it touches humanity’s universal heart in a compelling and inspiring way. In 2010 it will go to over 100 countries, some of those represented here tonight.

Torch Bearer Award and Appreciation of the Society of Foreign Consuls.

In connection with the World Harmony Run, we have established the Torch-Bearer Award, to acknowledge the dedicated service of world citizens in their respective communities and varied fields of endeavor. On this most auspicious occasion, we would like to offer the World Harmony Run Torch-Bearer Award, with our deepest appreciation and gratitude, to the Society of Foreign Consuls.

Thanks to the Society,  in this room we see a microcosm of the world. The fruitful and beautiful collaboration that you have created proves to humanity that world peace can definitely be achieved. You are, indeed, Torch-Bearers of humanity’s golden future. At this time I kindly invite Ambassador Bubb and Mr. Haque to hold the World Harmony Torch and to receive the Torch-Bearer Award on behalf of the Society.

We also  have a small presentation for Ambassador Qader.

Thank you once again.

* Background:  Sri Chinmoy: The Language of Oneness in Diversity

Sri Chinmoy is widely loved and admired as an international peace luminary. His vast outpouring of spiritual, cultural and athletic creativity continues to inspire and unite human beings of all nationalities. Complementing his dedication to the oneness of humanity is Sri Chinmoy’s tireless encouragement of each individual and each culture in the full expression of their uniqueness.

Indeed, Sri Chinmoy always maintained the greatest love for his native Bengali language. Writing both the words and the music, he composed nearly 14,000 Bengali songs-more than any other poet or composer in history. A spiritual figure who traveled the world to encourage seekers of all faiths and nationalities, Sri Chinmoy wrote:

During prayer and meditation, it is advisable to speak to God in your own mother tongue because the language that you learned right from birth has become inseparably one with your life-breath, which is all simplicity, sincerity, purity and divinity. So it is advisable, especially for seekers, to pray to God in the language they were brought up with.

“Most of the time I speak to God in the Chittagong dialect which was spoken in my village, or in pure Bengali.“1

What is more, during each of his Peace Concerts offered in various parts of the world, Sri Chinmoy’s students always sang the song he had composed to honour the unique qualities of the country they were visiting-and always the song would be translated into the country’s mother tongue as well.

For Sri Chinmoy, oneness and diversity go hand in hand. As he wrote,

“When we become conscious of our unity, we feel that in the field of manifestation what appears to be diversity is really unity.”2

By loving and admiring another’s language and culture as our own, very own, we add to the fragrance and beauty of humanity itself. Like a radiant diamond, when each language and each culture shines brightly, then humanity itself shines with a brilliant radiance

reference for above quotes:

*1  Sri Chinmoy, World-Destruction: Never, Impossible! Part 2, Agni Press, 1994, in answer to Question: In calling on God, should we use the pronoun ‘You’? If not, what kind of language should we use?

* 2 Sri Chinmoy, Transformation Of The Ego, Agni Press, 1977, in answer to  Question: How do you deal with violence and physical aggression?

International Mother language Day

International Mother language day is Celebrated each February. Dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism, it was proclaimed by UNESCO’s General Conference in November of 1999.

For further information on International Mother Language Day and related resources see:

See also Information on:

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