Mark Malloch Brown and Sri Chinmoy 2001 to 2007

Filed under Lift World - Oneness - Heart | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | U Thant Peace Award

Mark Mulloch Brown

2005-11nov-21-CKG-MMB-2-Sri-Chinmoy-lift-Mark-Mulloch-Brown-Chef-de-Cabinet-UN-Secretary-General-UN-Millennium-Hotel-in-Manhattan-scaled.jpg –
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2005-11nov-21-CKG-MMB4-1-Sri-Chinmoy-lift-Mark-Mulloch-Brown-Chef-de-Cabinet-UN-Secretary-General-UN-Millennium-Hotel-in-Manhattan.jpg 456 KB

21 Nov 2005 :  Sri Chinmoy with Mark Mulloch Brown, then Chef de Cabinet of the UN Secretary-General, at “Lifting up the World with a Oneness- Heart” Ceremony at the UN Millennium Hotel in Manhattan.

On 13 Nov 2006 when he was UN Deputy-Secretary-Genera, he told Sri Chinmoy: “For so many of my colleagues and friends at the UN, you have been a compass  and a guiding light.”

After Sri Chinmoy’s  passing  11 Oct 2007, The Rt. Hon. Lord Malloch Brown said : “Sri Chinmoy …never lost faith in the UN and those who worked in it. He brought courage and support to so many individuals in our organisation but also his voice and prayer to those who led it. A man of the spiritual life, he understood the need for the UN in the material world if the two were ever to find justice and harmony.”

Mark Mulloch Brown

17 Apr 2001: The peace advocate (Sri Chinmoy) was recognized by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) when its Administrator, Mark Malloch Brown, wrote him on April 17 that his worldwide peace activities “embody the Heart of the UN Progress.” (2001 mar-jul Anahata Nada:)

21 Nov 2005 :  Sri Chinmoy lifted Mark Mulloch Brown, then Chef de Cabinet of the UN Secretary-General, at the UN Millennium Hotel in Manhattan . .

13 Nov 2006: UN OFFICIAL GIVEN U THANT PEACE AWARD NEW YORK – UN Deputy-Secretary- General Mark Malloch Brown received the U Thant Peace Award ( at a ceremony in his office at the UN Secretariat). The UN official thanked Sri Chinmoy for the “tremendous honor,” adding, “You make me feel humble because you have added me to a list of people whom I consider heroes.” He told Sri Chinmoy: “For so many of my colleagues and friends at the UN, you have been a compass  and a guiding light.” (Anahata Nada)

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11 Oct 2007: “Sri Chinmoy reached out to so many in the UN. In the UN we felt the force of his love for us. However difficult the moment, he never lost faith in the UN and those who worked in it. He brought courage and support to so many individuals in our organisation but also his voice and prayer to those who led it. A man of the spiritual life, he understood the need for the UN in the material world if the two were ever to find justice and harmony.”  – The Rt. Hon. Lord Malloch Brown  former UN Deputy Secretary-General  from  Tributes given on Sri Chinmoy’s passing selection , given shortly after Sri Chinmoy’s mahasamadhi, October 11th, 2007.

Mark Mulloch Brown