E. Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s writings for Programme at UN: “A Celebration of Life of..”
Filed under Moments Peace Poems | Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationE Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s Writings
In honour of Sri Chinmoy’s 37 years of dedicated service to the United Nations, following are 37 excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s writings, expressing his vision for the United Nations and a peaceful oneness-world. The bird drawings are also by Sri Chinmoy. (images of printed pages with drawings follow the text)
The complete programme of 30 Oct 2007 is in publication at :/celebration-life-sri-chinmoy/
This post covers: E. Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s writings ……. p. 46 – 54
For more information on programme of 30 Oct 2007, see also links to separate posts:
D. Selected tributes ………………………………………………………………. p. 24 – 45
Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s Writings – p 46
(with link to known original source)
The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United Nations is love.
The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness. [*1]
World peace can be achieved when, in each person,
the power of love replaces the love of power.[*4]
The United Nations is the morning.
World union is the day. [*6]
Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s Writings – p 47
Be a genuine ambassador of good will to all nations.
You will immediately win the universal love
and the transcendental blessings from above. [*9]
To create a perfect world,
we must become a song of interdependence. [*10]
The greatest mistake in life
is to remain indifferent
to the world situation. [*11]
Do not stop dreaming!
One day your world-peace-dream
will inundate the entire world. [*12]
– page 48 –
– page 49 –
A heart of peace
is the dearest member
of the oneness-family. [*23]
Lasting peace must begin
within the depths of the individual,
and from there spread
in ever-widening circles
as a dynamic force for world change. [*25]
– Page 50 –
The United Nations is humanity’s home.
The lofty vision of the United Nations
is that we all belong to a peace-loving
This vision will eventually transform
the face and fate of the world. [*26]
World acceptance, world concern,
world patience, world sympathy
and world oneness
give my life a peace-fountain-heart. [*30]
– Page 51 –
Mine is the wisdom-light
that tells me
to ask not
for a lighter burden,
but for a stronger heart. [*31]
I do not give up, I never give up –
for there is nothing in this entire world
that is irrevocably unchangeable. [*32]
I acquire peace not from solitude
but from my world-servitude. [*33]
– page 52 –
Reference Notes: / Citations
[*1] Excerpt from talk: The Inner Message Of The United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, January 4, 1973, Sri Chinmoy, The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*2] Excerpt from answer to Question: “What is the most important thing to remember while working at the United Nations?:.16 November 1976, Sri Chinmoy, appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.
[*3] Excerpt from Talk: “The Heart-Peace Of The United Nations”, Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, UN, March 1, 1973 by Sri Chinmoy, appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*4] Excerpt from Talk: “Spirituality: The Fount Of World Peace“, Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium, United Nations, New York; July 1, 1971. -Sri Chinmoy, Appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972.
[*5] Question: Cooperation among all nations is an ancient dream. Assuming we are building on the past, how can we assess the outlook now? Sri Chinmoy Answer appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995. This is was one of eight questions submitted to Sri Chinmoy by Mr. David Rowe, Political Advisor, United States Mission to the United Nations, in the spring of 1977. Excerpts also appeared in small booklet at time: “The Inner Vision: Love of God, The Outer Mission: Service of Humanity.”
[*6] Excerpt from talk “The United Nations And World Union” 18 October 1974, Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium, by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations, appears in Union-Vision, Published by Agni Press, 1975.
[*7] Excerpt from The Garland Of Nation-Souls at UN World Youth Congress, United Nations, New York, July 15, 1970 – talk by Sri Chinmoy,appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972.
[*8] Excerpt from Talk by Sri Chinmoy: What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity?, Conference Room 14, UN , NY on May 31, 1974, Appears in , The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*9] Poem: 4230, Be A Genuine Ambassador, by Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 43, Agni Press, 1982.
[*10] Poem 33840, by Sri Chinmoy, from Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 34, Agni Press, 2003.
[*11] reference – add
[*12] Poem 20031 by Sri Chinmoy, appears in Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 201, Agni Press, 1994.
[*13] Excerpt from ” No Nation Is Unwanted“, a talk in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, UN, NY April 5, 1973 by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in “The Tears Of Nation-Hearts”, Agni Press, 1974.
[*14] Excerpt from answer to Question: How do you view the problems of the world and how do you think these problems can be solved? -5 October 1976. by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995. An earlier version also appeared in “Flame Waves, Part 9″ by Sri Chinmoy. First published by Agni Press in 1978.
[*15] Excerpt from answer to Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations? -7 February 1992. Answer by Sri Chinmoy, appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.
[*16] Excerpt from answer to Question: What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity? – Sri Chinmoy, Conference Room 14, UN , NY on May 31, 1974.Appears in , The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*17] Excerpt from answer to Question: What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity? – Sri Chinmoy, Conference Room 14, UN , NY on May 31, 1974.Appears in , The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*18]Excerpt from: ” The Divine Mission…a love-offering and a self-giving.” – Sri Chinmoy, Conference Room 9, United Nations, NY; February 9, 1973, appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*19] Excerpt from: “United Nations Day – signifies a day of universal hope, promise, peace and oneness.”: Comments by Sri Chinmoy, On 24 October 1978, Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium UN, NY, appears in : The Inner Role Of The United Nations, Agni Press, 1993.
[*20] Excerpt from: “God’s Compassion And The United Nations’ Dedication” – – Sri Chinmoy, Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium. United Nations, New York. March 2, 1972. Appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972.
[*21] Excerpt from answer to Question: “Is it possible that the United Nations will one day be a nucleus of worldwide spirituality?”-16 April 1976, by Sri Chinmoy, appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.
[*22] Excerpt from: “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification” May 9, 1974 – Sri Chinmoy. Appears in The Garland of Nation Souls -1995 , page 15 – 18 print version, Also in earlier version of The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*23] Poem 18464 “A heart of peace..” by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 185, Agni Press, 1993.
[*24] Excerpt from answer to Question: “How can one best serve the ideal of the United Nations when not working at the United Nations?” Appears in Sri Chinmoy, My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995. Earlier version also in Sri Chinmoy, Flame Waves, Part 9, Agni Press, 1978.
[*25] Poem “Lasting Peace..” by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in Chapter “Reflections” of “Sri Chinmoy’s Heart-Garden – a book of Aphorisms for joy and inspiration.” Publisher: New Holland Publishing – 2007.
[*26] Need Reference
[*27] Excerpt from answer to Question: “Cooperation among all nations is an ancient dream. Assuming we are building on the past, how can we assess the outlook now? – by Sri Chinmoy, appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995. This is was one of eight questions submitted to Sri Chinmoy by Mr. David Rowe, Political Advisor, United States Mission to the United Nations, in the spring of 1977. Excerpts also appeared in small booklet at time: “The Inner Vision: Love of God, The Outer Mission: Service of Humanity.”
[*28] Excerpt from: “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification” Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations NY. May 9, 1974 – by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*29] Excerpt from answer to Question: “Do you think the United Nations exercises a real influence in the world? What in your view is its principal contribution?” by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995. Part of a set of questions submitted to Sri Chinmoy in 1977 by Dr. Robert Muller, then Deputy Under-Secretary-General. He was later UN Assistant Secretary-General and Chancellor of the University for Peace.
[*30] Poem: “375 World-Acceptance, World-Concern,…” by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in, Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, Part 4, Agni Press, 1994.
[*31] Poem “900 A Stronger Heart” – by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 9, Agni Press, 1981.
[*32] Poem “233 – I do not give up,…” by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 3, Agni Press, 1983.
[*33] Poem: “18 I Acquire Peace …” by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in collection “Peace: God’s Fragrance-Heart, Part 1,” Agni Press, 1992.
[*34] Excerpt from answer to Question: “Does any small, progressive act towards world-oneness anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?” -7 February 1992 , Sri Chinmoy, Appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.
[*35] Excerpt from answer to Question: “When peace is finally established on earth, what then will be the function of the United Nations?” -9 May 1979, by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.
[*36] Excerpt from: “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification” Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations NY. May 9, 1974 – by Sri Chinmoy, Appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974.
[*37] Excerpt from: “Peace – Who Bring about? You and your sisters and brothers…” Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross, Sydney, Australia, 6 March 1976.Talk by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in My Heart’s Salutation To Australia, Part 2, Agni Press, 1976.
Images of the Printed Poems with bird drawings also by Sri Chinmoy