Sri Chinmoy Viewing Dag Hamarskjold and UN Exhibit 2004 Jul -(CHECK DATE)

Filed under photo - alone | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries

Sri Chinmoy passing the exhibit of UN achievements and the second Secretary-General: Dag Hammarskjold.


As he was leaving the U.N. following a meditation programme in the Library Building, Sri Chinmoy paused for a few minutes to reflect on the Display.



He greatly admired Dag Hammarskjold and the efforts of the United Nations through out the world.


Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditations at the U.N. often referred to the United Nations as the “Heart- Home of the World-Body” and had dedicated one of his paintings to this theme.

One of Sri Chinmoy’s songs highlight Dag Hammarskjold’s ” Purity-Gold”


NOTE: These informal photos were most likely taken by either V. Claxton or S. Howard. Date to be confirmed from other photos in their records if available..From dress of Sri Chinmoy and others in Photo would seem to be in summer months. Meditation group , member (ak) confirmed between 2000 and 2007.

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