Dr. Ananda Guruge: On a Portal to Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy 2000
Filed under MG Members in other events | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationDr. Ananda W. P. Guruge became very familiar with Sri Chinmoy and many members of the Peace Mediation Group at the United Nations. A proponent of interfaith harmony and a spiritual approach to peace, he especially appreciated the wisdom of Sri Chinmoy. Dr Gurage was also :
- Dean of Academic Affairs & Director, International Academy of Buddhism, Hsi Lai University, Rosemead, L.A. County, California.
- Former Ambassador of Sri Lanka to USA, France and UNESCO,
- Former Senior Special Advisor to the Director of UNESCO
Below Dr. Gurge speaks of a portal to the wisdom of Sri Chinmoy,
“This excellent book, which opens many a portal to the wisdom of Sri Chinmoy, is more than adequate as an introduction to this extraordinary man of many talents and a laudable self-imposed mission. Still a few words would be salutary.”
” Portal” remarks for various people:
“To promoters of World Peace through spiritual uplift of humanity, whether as a recognized leader of a World Religion or any ramification thereof, he is a fellow worker. He believes with you that inner peace of each individual is the building block with which the edifice of peace and harmony in the world is to be built.
“If you are a leader of a nation or state or any enterprise contributing to peace through socio-political, economic and cultural development, you know Sri Chinmoy for his role in the United Nations and other world organizations.
“If you are a peace worker or even a peace dreamer subscribing to World Peace in your own way, you are bound to be inspired by his clarion call for concerted, collective and continuing efforts.
“All of you must have already played a significant part in creating the burgeoning number of Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms, ranging from sovereign Nations and States to mountains, rivers, cities, bridges and monuments w’hich dot the five continents. The inspiration you draw from them for your peace initiatives should be enormous.
“As a musician or music lover you must be enthralled by his virtuosity in producing the serencst melodies which respond to the deepest spiritual cords of your heart. And you could be equally impressed by his versatility in playing over a hundred musical instruments.
“If you are a lover of art, you are sure to have enjoyed his gigantic and miniature paintings of exquisite beauty, which number several hundred thousands. Are you baffled by his captivating sketches of birds—the symbol of his deep absorption in Karma Yoga—which are now in the region of the eleventh million?”
“If you are a person of letters or an eminent scholar, you have read his moving poetry and stimulating prose and marveled at his many-sided creativity, so eloquently expressed in over thirteen hundred books.
“Are you a sports fan dedicated to physical prowess which challenges and inspires you? If so, you share with Sri Chinmoy his faith that your greatest competitor has to be yourself. You are bound to admire how he translates his philosophy of self-transcendence into action by his own incredible feats. It is also likely that, with his guidance and encouragement, you are on the way to supreme achievements of your own.
“You could be his dear friend or ardent admirer. Then, you know him as a man of noble qualities that spontaneously endear him to you.
Sri Chinmoy is indeed a rara avis of a human being, giving so much of solace and hope to others and expecting nothing in return.
“If you are his devout disciple, you know him in all these roles and more. To you, he is a Guru of infinite compassion; a teacher with outstretched arms to receive you with abundant affection and solve all your problems; and a beacon light which guides you through the darkness to a life of unfailing happiness.
“If you are none of the above, let this book be your ABC into an exemplary life of indescribable richness, which, in all its many facets, will inspire you to be a better human being.”
pdf format : Guruge-on-book-maybe-on-wisdom-of-SC
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