Birthday Message for Dr. Jorge Illueca of Panama 17 Sep 1996

Filed under americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

A sample of the type of correspondence shared on many occasions

between Dr. Illueca of Panama and Sri Chinmoy

with the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations.

17 September 1996

H.E. Jorge Illueca
Pennallcnl Representative of Panama to the Unit :d Nations
866 UN. Plazu
New York, NY 10017


Most esteemed Brother-friend,

                From the bottom of my heart I am ‘wishing you a most happy birthday

today. This auspicious  occasion is a cause for rejoicing not only in your

beloved Panama but throughout the length and breadth of the God-loving

world for your unparallelled self-sacrifice-life belongs to the entire aspiring

humanity .

                Dearest Friend, for so man years we have known one another and

loved one another. You and I are two pilgrim-souls walking side by side along

Eternity’s Road and at the end of our journey’s close we shall stand side by

side – – like two brothers at the Feet of our Lord Beloved Supreme.

I am praying to our Beloved Absolute to shower His choicest Blessings

upon your beautiful devotion-heart and your sleepless dedication-life today

and always.

Yours in the Supreme


Sri Chinmoy



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