Tributes UN: World-Oneness-Promise-Sun Peace Meditations, 2005 April, 35th Anniversary of Peace Meditation
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United Nations: The Infallible World-Oneness-Promise-Sun
Tributes on the Occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of
Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations
1970 – 2005
This collection of statements and tributes from members of the United Nations community is published on the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations (1970 – 2005).
The Peace Meditation Group wishes to offer deepest gratitude to those whose warm expressions are recorded here, and also to the many members of the international community who have so kindly participated in the group’s meditations and other activities at United Nations Headquarters over the years
Secretary-General U-Thant
Sri Chinmoy offered a bouquet of flowers to U Thant during their meeting on 29 February 1972, when the Secretary-General said, “Whoever speaks to me about you is all appreciation and admiration, and I personally feel that you have been doing a most significant task for the United Nations. Please feel my sincere respect and sincere concern for what you are doing for mankind.”
In a letter to Sri Chinmoy dated 10 April 1972, U Thant commented, “You have indeed instilled in the minds of hundreds of people here the moral and spiritual values which both of us cherish very dearly. I shall always cherish the memorable occasion of our meeting at the United Nations.
The following year, on 25 May 1973, U Thant was guest of honour at the premiere of Sri Chinmoy’s play about the life of the Buddha Below are excerpts from U Thant’s remarks: cc Revered and highly esteemed Sri Chinmoy, and brothers and sisters, it is a great privilege to be able to participate in this spiritually rewarding experience. And for this I am most grateful to our esteemed teacher, Sri Chinmoy, for this innovative undertaking. I also feel particularly moved and touched by his very gracious blessing bestowed on me.
“Sri Chinmoy very kindly sent me a copy of the play Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha. I have read it with great interest and with great admiration and profit. Of course, it is extremely difficult to depict the important episodes of the life of the Buddha in the course of a few minutes or an hour or so. But I found that Sri Chinmoy has done a most remarkable job in presenting the play in simple language, understandable even to the uninitiated. His stress on the basic characteristics of Buddhism—on compassion, love, renunciation, peace—should stimulate the thoughts of leaders of men and leaders of thought everywhere. As you all are aware, I was brought up as a Buddhist by tradition, by faith and by practice; and I find myself in complete agreement with Sri Chinmoy in his enunciation of the ethical and moral aspects of Buddhism, which in my view should be the basis for each of us in our search for inner light, in our search for truth.
Secretary-General IJ Thant listens attentively as Sri Chinmoy sings a song about the Buddha, “Buddham Saranam Gacchami,” which he set to music for the occasion and performed} accompanying himself on the harmonium, before the premiere of Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha on 25 May 1973-
Secretary-General U Thant and Sri Chinmoy enjoy the performance of Sri Chinmoy*s play about the life of the Buddha.
“Sri Chinmoy in his play also has drawn a very vivid picture of the identity between God and Truth, soul and inner Light, which I very much hope will create an abiding interest in these two great religions—Hinduism and Buddhism—which in many ways constitute the key to all great religions. I feel very strongly, as some of my friends know, that only by the practical application of the teachings of great religious leaders, particularly the development of the moral and the spiritual aspects of life as Sri Chinmoy has stressed in the play love, compassion, tolerance, and the philosophy of live-and-let-live, modesty and even humility—that only with this approach, only with this method, will we all be able to fashion the kind of society we want, a truly moral society, a decent society, a livable society, which is the goal of all great religions.
“I want to thank particularly those friends who are participating in this play. I wish all of you peace of mind and eternal joy, and particularly the inner joy. Thank you very much, Sri Chinmoy.
Secretary General Waldheim:
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In a letter dated 26 June 2001 , Dr. Waldheim wrote, “In a lifelong effort, you have made important contributions to a better understanding for peace and the need for international cooperation, which I highly appreciate.
In a letter dated 11 June 2004, Dr. Waldheim commented on Sri Chinmoy’s humanitarian work, “You have been very helpful in furthering assistance to the suffering people of the world. Your contribution to humanitarian help has been warmly appreciated. May the future bring you good health and further success in your humanitarian work.
Upon receiving the U Thant Peace Award from Sri Chinmoy in Vienna on 30 September 2004, Dr. Waldheim commented, “I have known you now for so many years—it is decades since we have known each other—and I know how much you have contributed to our efforts in the United Nations to work for peace, to work for understanding, to bridge the gap between rich and poor people in the world, to try to improve the lives of so many people, to improve the human rights situation, which is not that good, and we have to work very hard for that.
‘All this we have discussed together in the United Nations, and we continue in our functions in different fields, but you should know that we are very grateful for your efforts, not only in the field of peace and cooperation, but also in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. This is the great challenge. We have to make every effort in order to create better living conditions for the suffering people all over the world.
“I wish you, Sri Chinmoy, all the best for your efforts. You know how much we appreciate your contribution to peace and your contribution to international understanding. We wish you good health and further success in this important work for peace and cooperation.
Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar
After meditating in his private office with Sri Chinmoy on 13 January 1983, Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar remarked, “I am indeed touched by your sincere expression of support for my efforts in the cause of peace and international understanding. In your meditation you see beyond the superficial distinctions of race, sex, language or religion, as the Charter encourages us to do. You concentrate on the truths and the ideals which unite all mankind: the longing for peace, the need for compassion, the search for tolerance and understanding among men and women of all nations.
“We must never forget that all our activities here are aimed at fulfilling the lofty principles of the Charter. We must not lose sight of these objectives despite the frequent difficulties we encounter along the way. In recalling the fundamental goals which inspire our work, you are helping to reaffirm our commitment to the Organization and its purposes.
Following is a statement by Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar on the occasion of the 1986 U Thant Peace Award ceremony: “The promotion of mutual human respect across religious, ideological, political and economic boundaries is at the very root of the United Nations and imbued the life’s work of my distinguished predecessor, U Thant. As we remember him, therefore, we should also bear in mind that the ideals of tolerance and mutual accommodation, which he espoused so dearly, retain today all their power and relevance. They should inspire all our endeavours.
The following message was offered by Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar on the occasion of the 1987 Oneness-Home Peace Run, a global relay for peace inspired by Sri Chinmoy: It is my pleasure to greet the organizers and participants in this remarkable event.
“Your aim is to foster harmony and peaceful cooperation among nations through increased human contacts. Your essential message is that we, the members of the human family, despite our many differences, have infinitely much more to unite and bond us together. Nothing could be more in consonance with the essential purpose of the United Nations Organization.
“Accordingly, as United Nations Secretary-General, I wish you every success in this endeavour, for you are all ambassadors in the cause of peace.
In a letter dated 11 December 1995, Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar commented on Sri Chinmoy’s worldwide series of 50 concerts dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the United Nations,
On the momentous occasion of your final Peace Concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, I would like to hail once again your invaluable contributions to world peace and human togetherness, which are a source of pride and inspiration for political action worldwide. Please accept my sincere thanks for what you are doing for the betterment of mankind. ”
In a letter dated 3 February 2001 sent in his capacity as Prime Minister of Peru, Dr, Pérez de Cuéliar wrote, “Towards the goals of human togetherness and world peace, you have dedicated your life and made invaluable contributions. Through the global Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace
Run, which you initiated while I was serving as SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, as well as through the Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms family in which 123 nations, including Peru, are now participating and also with your International Peace Concert series, you are helping to foster a new and vibrant culture of peace which our planet Earth so urgently and critically requires. May you continue to serve humanity’s upward and forward flight towards world oneness and peace.
On 26 May 2005, during a visit to Paris, Sri Chinmoy presented the U Thant Peace Award to Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar. Sri Chinmoy also offered the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award to the Secretary-General and his wife, Mrneg Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar. Excerpts from Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar’s remarks follow: “I am deeply honoured to receive this Award from Sri Chinmoy, a very distinguished and loved friend for many, many years. What is happening to me now is that I am receiving the inspiration of Sri Chinmoy, who is actually, I would say, the heart of the United Nations—because in all the years I was SecretaryGeneral, and even before I was Secretary-General, he was always with us. Even if he was not present, his message was with us, and we were, as I said before, being inspired by him.
“Let us all pray in our respective religions, because one of the characteristics of Sri Chinmoy is that he respects all religions. And in my own religion, and in all of our Christian religions, we have the same aim, the same, I would say, obsession he has: peace for everybody in the world.
“Thank you, Sri Chinmoy—to have seen you after so many years and to receive from you this great honour. I am not a man who can bless anybody, but if I were entitled to bless, my blessings would be for you. Then allow me, a Christian, to tell you, ‘God, our God, bless you’.”
Secretary-General Kofi Annan
On 25 April 1997, Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Mrs. Nane Annan (above, in front of flags) were honoured at a Solemn Interfaith Service of Commitment to the Work of the United Nations held at St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York City. Some twenty-five religious and spiritual leaders participated in the service. Shown above is Sri Chinmoy (foreground), Leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, giving the silent invocation. Shown below is Secretary-General Annan (left) being greeted by Sri Chinmoy. (photos: United Nations)
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, Secretary-General Annan sent the following message on 18 April 2000: “The Peace Meditation at the United Nations spans three decades, crosses multiple frontiers and motivates many people. In this house dedicated to duty and debate in the service of peace, meditation serves the same cause in silence and in stillness. On this 30th anniversary, please accept my best wishes on behalf of the United Nations along with the hope that the cause of peace will become a reality in the new millennium.
On 22 September 2000, Mr. Annan wrote to Sri Chinmoy, . Let me also take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your 30 years of dedication to the United Nations. Through your prayers, meditations, concerts and global ‘Peace Run’, your work has linked peace-lovers in more than 100 countries and complemented that of the world Organization… ”
Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his wife, Mrs. Nane Annan, greet Sri Chinmoy at the Annual Interfaith Prayer Service of Commitment to the Work of the United Nations on 14 September 2004.
On 10 July 2001 , Secretary-General Annan wrote, “Thank you for your very kind letter and good wishes on my re-appointment as Secretary-General.
I am heartened to note your commitment to the ideals of the United Nations. Such expressions of support always come as a source of encouragement, reassurance and inspiration to me personally, and to all of us who work in the Organization. It is ultimately the faith of people like you that gives us strength to pursue our work.
“Please think of the United Nations as your Organization. With your help, and that of millions like you, we will succeed in building peace and better lives for people all over the world.
On 5 June 2002, Mr. Annan wrote a letter of thanks to Sri Chinmoy for his book dedicated to the Secretary-General: “I wish to thank you for the book Kofi Annan: Cynosure-Eyes. Your beautiful quotations and generous words are inspiring to me, and your selection of photos very evocative of the many roles of the Secretary-General. I appreciate your dedication to the United Nations and its goals over many years.
Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations Office af Geneva
Sri Chinmoy with Mr. Petrovsky and his wife;
Mme. Mira Petrovskye
On 15 June 1993, Director-General Petrovsky remarked to Sri Chinmoy, Your contributions and cooperation in achieving what the Charter of the United Nations asks us to do are most needed and welcome in our turbulent time.
On 30 April 1999, at a special dinner hosted by Sri Chinmoy in his honour, Director-General Petrovsky made the following remarks:
“To achieve the aims of the people, we should work for peace not only through the States’ structure. I think such generators of peace, as you are, and the civil society as a whole, are tremendously needed because you generate a climate of peace. You are creating a culture of peace, which means for me tolerance and the opportunity to settle issues in a very friendly atmosphere. That is why I think all that is happening in the world today makes the activities which you undertake for the sake of peace more important.
Director-General of the United Nations Office af Geneva (1992-2002)
At a private function the same evening, Director-General Petrovsky commented, “Each time I meet Sri Chinmoy, I always have a feeling that we have a meeting of the minds and a meeting of the hearts. This evening proves that we really have these meetings of the hearts and the minds.
“Very often our world, our planet earth, reminds me of a spaceship on an intergalactic flight. In order to provide the safe flight of this spaceship, we all need to live in peace. All the passengers of this spaceship should be in peace, and we need to have spiritual leaders on this flight. With such spiritual leaders as Sri Chinmoy, I think we will provide a safe flight for our intergalactic spaceship.
On 4 November 1999, Director-General Petrovsky remarked to Sri Chinmoy, “Peace today is not only the concern of countries, of governments, but also of civil society. And you are one of the best representatives of this civil society, where the people themselves organize in a group and begin to advocate ideas. This is the new phenomenon: your movement and other non-governmental structures are becoming today very important actors in international relations, and you bring forward the ideas of the people.”
On 20 August 2001 , Director-General Petrovsky commented to Sri Chinmoy, Your continued commitment to the ideals of the United Nations speaks for itself. In the United Nations in general and in Geneva in particular, we are highly appreciative of your support of our efforts to bring peace, stability and well-being to all parts of the world.
On 12 October 2002, Director-General Petrovsky remarked, “You spread the ideas of non-violence, tolerance and harmony among people. All of us are inhabitants of the same planet. We are members of one family, and you spread the idea of one family all over the world. This is tremendously important for all those who work for peace in all parts of the world. You are really a strong supporter of world oneness, and the world needs such people as you in order to develop safely in our difficult situation.
Under-Secretary-General Anwarul Chowdhury
Sri Chinmoy with Ambassador Chowdhury and his Wifei Mrs. Mariam Chowdhury- on 26 September 2002:
On 23 November 1999, Ambassador Chowdhury remarked, “We deeply value the substance Sri Chinmoy brings into our efforts to achieve peace. He does it by addressing the self through spirituality, devotion and meditation, and he does so not in isolation—not by disengaging from the world—but by getting involved and bringing together people from all walks of life.”
On 7 July 2001 , Ambassador Chowdhury commented, “Sri Chinmoy, you are an institution by yourself. You have shown us how peace within and peace without can be achieved.. .. This message of peace you have been spreading not only at the United Nations, but throughout the world, country after country, community after community, region after region, transcending boundaries, borders, cultures and societies.
On 11 April 2003, Ambassador Chowdhury made the following remarks at a function hosted by Sri Chinmoy: “The years I have known Sri Chinmoy, the years we have been working together for a culture of peace, have made me feel this very strongly, that Sri Chinmoy himself is an embodiment of the culture of peace. In him we see how to find peace within and peace for the rest of the world. His ideals and his work for humanity are beacons of hope for us in this world of turmoil.
At a function on 13 April 2004, Ambassador Chowdhury remarked, “We are deeply, deeply grateful to you, Sri Chinmoy, for inspiring us, for giving us the motivation to work for peace and harmony. I believe that your message, your work and your concern for humanity give all of us a wonderful peace within, and I think that is very important. As we work for peace throughout the world, we need peace within. And Sri Chinmoy, you have bestowed that wonderful thing on us. You have inspired us to work for the well-being of humanity, and that inspires me personally to work for the most vulnerable countries of the world. I thank you for that inspiration. I thank you for that strength that you have given me to continue my work for these countries and the peoples of these countries.
On 10 August 2004, Ambassador Chowdhury co-hosted an event with Sri Chinmoy honouring United Nations Ambassadors with the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award. Following are excerpts from Ambassador Chowdhuryls remarks to Sri Chinmoy on the occasion: “I am particularly touched by your efforts in providing humanitarian services to our countries, the countries in need, the countries which are most vulnerable, the countries which need the support of the international community. By your offer of humanitarian services to these countries, you have shown again that the people of the world feel for each other, they are concerned about each other. However far apart they may be, geographically, culturally, economically, politically and otherwise, each human heart has the concern and the feeling. Each human heart trembles when it finds that another person in the world is suffering.
“You have brought them succor, you have brought them assistance, you have brought smiles to the faces of the children of these countries. We are very grateful, Sri Chinmoy, for you, for your blessings and also your humanitarian services for the most vulnerable countries of the world. I believe that, when you were ‘lifting the world,’ your offer of humanitarian services was lifting the spirits of humanity.
In a message of support for the World Harmony Run, dated 8 June 2005, Ambassador Chowdhury wrote, I wish to also recognize the life and work of the founder of the World Harmony Run: Sri Chinmoy. A native of my own country, Bangladesh, Sri Chinmoy follows the highest spiritual and humanitarian traditions. Over the past several decades, I have seen from personal experience how he has inspired countless people from nations all over the globe in working for the goal of achieving world harmony.
Under-Secretray-General Gambari
Professor Gambari and Sri Chinmoy 4 August 2001
On 4 March 2002, Professor Gambari remarked, ‘Sri Chinmoy is a wonderful human being whom I am proud and privileged to know. There is no higher calling, no higher pursuit than peace. This is what Sri Chinmoy symbolizes.”
In a letter dated 23 August 2003, Professor Gambari thanked Sri Chinmoy for his humanitarian aid for Angola: “Your contributions to humanity over decades for world peace and progress have been enormous. I am so happy and grateful for the great assistance you are offering to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Angola, particularly as it affects the women and children, who are the most vulnerable…
“You have proved beyond a doubt that you are a true Brother, a true Friend, a true Believer and a true fellow Server of the United Nations. I asked you to please try to help the suffering people of
Angola in a very small way, and you have run faster and farther than I can imagine to deliver very large amounts of badly needed goods from all parts of the world to Angola!”
On 28 October 2004, Professor Gambari co-hosted a programme with Sri Chinmoy honouring African Ambassadors to the United Nations with the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award. At the end of the evening, Professor Gambari made the following remarks: “I want to thank you because you have not just lifted our bodies—which is an enormous feat—but you have above all lifted our spirits. You are a man of love. You are a man of compassion. You are a man of peace. This you have demonstrated among all our brothers and sisters and friends, because that is what you are. Please consider us forever as your friends and your brothers and sisters, because we share with you peace, love and brotherhood.
Upon his appointment as Undersecretary-General for Political
Affairs, Professor Gambari wrote to Sri Chinmoy on 14 June 2005: “May the Almighty God reward you fully for the many manifestations of your deepest concern, support and brotherly affection which you have so freely and generously extended to me. May I crave your indulgence to appeal to you to please intensify your prayers for me as I embark on this much bigger and broader international assignment. This is because I believe, with sincere prayers from friends, brothers and well-wishers like your good self, that the burden of the office will be light and that I would be allowed to make my contribution to humanity and for the glory of the Almighty Allah.”
Under-Secretary-General S. Tharoor
Under-SecretanrGeneral Tharoor and Sri Chinmoy on 7 April 2004,
On 7 April 2004, Under-Secretary-General Tharoor made the following remarks after receiving the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award from Sri Chinmoy: I have been extremely touched and moved by the entire hour I have spent with you. Of course I have been familiar with the wonderful contributions you have made and the message of peace you have taken around the world, particularly at the United Nations. I know many of your followers, who have all distinguished themselves in their UN lives, and also, I think, share your message of peace and harmony around the world…
“l suppose it would be a cliché to say it has been an uplifting experience, but it has been. May I wish you all happiness and fulfilment in your quest for the peace, harmony and progress of the world. Thank you very much for honouring this unworthy recipient of your kindness.
Assistant-Secretary-General Robert Muller
Sri Chinmoy with Dr. Robert Muller and his wife- Mrs, Barbara MulleG on 8 May 2004*
On 6 April 1977, Dr. Muller remarked, “The more I read Sri Chinmoy’s writings, especially his Dag Hammarskjöld lecture series published in The Garland ofNation-Souls, the more I see that he is way ahead of us all. He sees that the United Nations is the future of mankind, and it will one day be what he predicts. He has gone even farther than U Thant in his vision of the UN, and he is absolutely right. We are lucky to have someone like him in our midst — a man of wisdom to guide us at the United Nations.
In his book My Testament to the UN, published in 1994, Dr. Muller wrote, “UN delegates and staff members should read the deep spiritual insights of the United Nations Guru, Sri Chinmoy. The young people who are looking to oriental sages and spiritual seers for enlightenment should also turn to him who has come from India to interpret the spiritual journey for the United Nations.
On 8 May 2004, Dr, Muller made the following remarks to Sri Chinmoy: I was grateful to you for many, many years, when in the United Nations I discovered that you have a great love for the United Nations, and that the officials in the United Nations who were the most devoted, the most wonderful, the most helpful, were all officials who loved you and whom you helped. Indeed, you have fulfilled dreams of my life and of the United Nations—the dream of peace, the dream of spirituality. You cannot imagine the influence you have had during my life.”
Cover photo: United Nations
For information: C. V. Claxton — (212) 963-….
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