Sri Chinmoy Address Brother-Friend: Fred LeBow at Remembrance, 1994 Oct 18

Filed under americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation


My deeply esteemed Brother-Friend Fred Lebow,

Heaven blessed you with a oneness-heart

To be a choice Brother of humanity.

Earth blessed you with an inspiration-life

To be a genuine Friend of humanity.

On earth you were the flower-beauty-thrill

Of twenty-six miles.

In Heaven you are now the flower-fragrance-delight

Of endless miles.

Many were, many are and many will be founders, directors and sponsors of marathons throughout the
length and breadth of the world. But the New York Marathon and Fred Lebow will perpetually shine in
the vanguard of marathon-glories and marathon-immortals of this earth-planet.

18 October 1994

Above was also published in: United Nations: The World’s Oneness-Home – book 2005 May 11

See also special publication and full Programme on 18 Oct 1994 at the United Nations  for text and photos from links below:

(a) Contents and Introduction

(b) Programme and Statements

(c) Tributes received from around the world   to Fred Lebow

(d)   A Special Friendship – Stories, photos – and correspondence between Sri Chinmoy and Fed Lebowf-lebow-celeb-1994-0ct_Page_10-sri-chinmoy-open77-107-06-oct-22-CKG-Fred-Lebow-un-run-prog
