1993 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

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Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available


Peace meditation, during which Sri Chinmoy introduced and read from his 900th book entitled Love, Compassion, Forgiveness  –   2 February

Peace meditation, during which Sri Chinmoy read from his book  My Lord Supreme, I Am Falling Asleep   – 5 February

Dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Petrovsky at Annam Brahma Restaurant     –  16 February

Dinner for Mr. Anatoli Chernyayov and Mr. Pavel Palashchenko from the Gorbachev Foundation at Annam Brahma restaurant  –  26 February

Meeting with Mr. Anatoli Chernyayov and Mr. Pavel Palashchenko from the Gorbachev Foundation   – 27 February

Programme in honour of Princess Marianne and Prince Sigvard Bernadotte of Sweden, held in  conjunction with an art exhibit at the UN of the Prince’s works –   2 March

Presentation by Dr. Robert Muller, Chancellor of the University for Peace in Costa Rica, on the occasion of his 70th birthday –  12 March

Dinner for Mr. Alexandre Gorelik, International Organisations Directorate, USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs – 13 March

Meeting with an official from the Gorbachev Foundation, at Annam Brahma Restaurant     –  27 March

Poetry reading by Sri Chinmoy, followed by a presentation by Mr. Hans Janitschek, President of the UNSRC Society of Writers, to Sri Chinmoy of the Society’s Award of Excellence  –  30 March

Peace Run for the United Nations, an 18-mile commemorative relay run from the site of the first UN Headquarters in Lake Success, Long Island, to New York Headquarters     3 April

“Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” programme honouring Mr. Hans Janitschek, President of the UNSRC Society of Writers   –    3 April

Sri Chinmoy offered the opening dedication at a memorial service for Martin Luther King for the UN community –  4 April

Spring Concert by the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers, hosted by Mrs. to the UN –  5 April

Dinner for Ambassador Aleksandr Razvin and his wife Valentina in honour of the Ambassador’s birthday  –   5 April

Classical piano recital by Ms. Maria Cisyk, teacher and friend of the Peace Meditation group     –  8 April

“Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” programme honouring

  • H.E. Ambassador Stanley Kalpage, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN; and
  • H.E. Ambassador Kriesnadath Nandoe,Permanent Representative of  Suriname to the UN, and his wife, Savitri   –   9 April

Meeting with President Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa Maximovna, in the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia; afterwards, the President and his wife joined members of the UN community at an exhibit of Sri Chinmoy’s art work and for a performance by the singers of Sri Chinmoy’s songs dedicated to the Gorbachevs   –  15 April

Opening ceremony of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run 1993, held on the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, with participation of

  • Ambassador Emilio J. Cardenas of Argentina;
  • Ambassador Aleksandr Razvinof the Russian Federation;
  • Ambassador Kéba Birane Cisse of Senegal; and
  • Mr. Dragomir Djoki, Chargé d’affaires, Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia; as well as
  • New York City Mayor David N.Dinkins,
  • Albany Mayor Thomas M. Whalen, III and
  • Rep. Nita M. Lowey, Member of US Congress     –   17 April

Concert held as a “Tribute to Israeli and Hungarian Friendship,” with special guests

  • H.E.Ambassador Andre Erdos, Permanent Representative of Hungary to the UN, and
  • H.E.Ambassador Gad Yaacobi, Permanent Representative if Israel to the UN  –  5 May

Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy in honour of the 23rd anniversary of the Peace Meditation at the UN ;

  • dedicated to the memory of Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa; followed by a meeting with
  • Ambassador Stanley Kalpage of Sri Lanka    –     11 May

Meeting with Mrs. Irina Malikova, Gorbachev Foundation       – 12 May

Sri Chinmoy offered a moment of silence for peace at the opening ceremony of the New York Games;

  • members of the Peace Meditation group assisted with the track and field  events    –  22 May

Dinner for Mrs. Irina Malikova, Gorbachev Foundation      –   29 May

Meeting with Mrs. Irina Malikova, Gorbachev Foundation   –    30 May

Dinner for Mrs. Irina Malikova, Gorbachev Foundation   –   31 May

Breakfast for Mrs. Irina Malikova        –   1 June

Peace Meditation, with special guest Mrs. Irina Malikova, Deputy Director of the International Relations Department of the  Gorbachev Foundation –  1 June

Dinner for Mrs. Irina Malikova, Gorbachev Foundation   –  1 June

Sri Chinmoy Tennis Classic for the UN community   –  5-6 June and 12-13 and 19 June

Poetry reading and performance by the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers    – 10 June

Dinner for Ambassador Aleksandr Razvin and his wife Valentina of the Russian Federation   –   12 June

Closing ceremony of the European section of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run held at the United Nations Office at Geneva,

  • hosted by Director General Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, and
  • attended by Mr. Christian Girobet, President of the State Council, and
  • Mrs. Micheline Calmy-Rey, President of the State Parliament    –   15 June

Sri Chinmoy Tennis Classic for the diplomatic community; participants included

  • H.E. Ambassador Emilio  Cardenas, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN;
  •  H.E. Ambassador Jean-Marie Kacou Gervais, Permanent Representative of Cote d’Ivoire to the UN;
  • H.E.Ambassador Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor, Permanent Representative of Ghana to the UN; and
  • other delegates and staff        –     19 June

Farewell dinner for Ambassador Aleksandr Razvin, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian  Federation to the UN, and his wife, Valentina, and celebration of Mrs. Razvin’s birthday    –  1 July

Peace Meditation, with special guest Mr. Russell Wilson, Congressional Aide of the United States Congress, Foreign Affairs Subcommittee   –   23 July

Special function at the UN in honour of Pir Vilayat Inayat-Khan, Head of the Sufi Order in the West, including a cello performance by the Sufi Master  – 6 August

U Thant Peace Award presented to H.E. Mr. Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Ambassador of India to the United States      –   8 August

Closing ceremony of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run 1993, held at the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, with participation by UN delegates, including

  • Ambassador E. Besley Maycock of Barbados,
  • Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Ambassador Slavi Pashovski of Bulgaria,
  • Ambassador Gad Yaacobi of Israel,
  • Ambassador Jayaraj Acharya of Nepal,
  • Ambassador Stanley Kalpage of Sri Lanka,
  • H.E. Mr. Mgo Quang Xuan, Deputy Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the UN,
  • H.E. Mr. Dragomir Djokic, Chargé d’affaires of Yugoslavia to the UN;  as well as representatives from
  •  Austria, Belarus, China, Cuba and Switzerland. Other speakers included
  • Mr. Hans Janitschek, President of the UNSRC Society of Writers;
  • Dr. Moorhead Kennedy, President, MoorheadKennedy Institute;
  • Rev. Wendell Foster, New York City Council; and
  • Olympic goldmedalist Mr. Bob Beamon                 –  16 August

Presentation by Dr. Ananda Guruge, Sri Lankan Ambassador to France and UNESCO, at the centenary Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago  –      29 August

Concert by Akasha and special luncheon for the UN community held at the Jharna-Kala Gallery,

  • hosted by Mrs. Usha Acharya, wife of Ambassador Jayaraj Acharya of Nepal to the UN, with special guests including
  •  the wives of the Ambassadors of China, Croatia, Czech Republic,India, Japan, Lebanon and the Republic of Korea to the UN   –  31 August

U Thant Peace Award presented to Shri C. Subramaniam, President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan  –   12 September

Classical piano recital by Ms. Clara Chieko Inaba, a member of the Peace Meditation group    –  15 September

Peace Walk for the UN International Day of Peace held at UN Headquarters in conjunction with Peace Walks around the world  – 21 September

Interfaith Prayer Breakfast for the opening of the 48th Session of the UN General Assembly, hosted by H.E. Ambassador Emilio Cardenas, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN  –  21 September

Sri Chinmoy offered the opening prayer at an interfaith service held at the Islamic Center of New York organised by Father Luis M. Dolan in honour of the opening of the 48th Session of the UN General Assembly  – 21 September

Meeting with Mr. Alexandre Gorelik of the Russian Federation   – 24 September

Meeting with the President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Kiro Gligorov, at the UN Plaza Hotel   –    28 September

Meeting with Mr. Harry Cahill, Deputy Representative of the US on the UN Economic and Social Council         30 September

Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers performed at a ceremony in honour of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary, held at the Gandhi statue in Union Square for the international community   –   2 October

Seven Minutes for World Peace observed at UN Headquarters and around the world   –  24 October

Flowers and inspirational quotes offered to UN delegates and staff as they entered the Secretariat    –   25 October

Sri Chinmoy Peace Race for the United Nations: Two-mile races held in over 140 cities around the globe to promote United Nations Day  –   October

Meeting with President Mikhail Gorbachev and his daughter, Irina, in Arlington, Virginia    – 10 November

Concert by the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers to celebrate the Festival of Divali, hosted by Mrs. Usha Acharya, wife of H.E. Ambassador Jayaraj Acharya, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN, with opening remarks by Ambassador Acharya   –  16 November

Dinner and programme to honour H.E. Ambassador Karel Kovanda, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, and his wife, Noemi –  1 December

Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy,

  • with remarks by Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Chef de Cabinet to three Secretaries-General;
  • with special guests H.E. AmbassadorKarel Kovanda, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, and his wife, Noemi  –   6 December