Meditation at the UN Sep 1992

Filed under photo - alone | Sample Ongoing weekly meetings

Sample of Regular Peace Meditation at the UN in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium during month of Sep 1992.

other photos to be added as available.

After Meditation  Photo Gallery (processed around  03 Sep 1992) possibly from an earlier regular meditation since 03 Sep was the special event of the Omsk and Temple Song-Hearts concert in same room:

After Meditation  Photo Gallery (15 Sep 1992):

Meeting with H.E. Ambassador Jonathan Moore, US representative on the UN Economic and Social Council,and his wife, Katherine  –   15 September

After Meditation Meeting (maybe 18 Sep 1992) Photo Gallery:


After Meditation Meeting in Conference Room (maybe 22 Sep 1992) Photo Gallery

After Meditation Meeting in UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium (maybe 25 Sep 1992) Photo Gallery:

After Meditation Meeting in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium (maybe 28 Sep 1992) Photo Gallery: