Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

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Sri Chinmoy: No, every country should join the United Nations. Countries that do not join the United Nations are doing something spiritually incorrect. Spirituality means not only simplicity, sincerity, purity and humility, but also universality, oneness and unity. World unity is of paramount importance. True, the United Nations is not perfect. But no individual and no country is perfect either. If all the countries join together for a positive common goal, the very act of their being together is indeed something laudable.

Every member of a family has some imperfections. But all the members in a family work together to bring to the fore each other’s good qualities on the strength of their feeling of family oneness. In exactly the same way, if some countries are not doing the right thing, then the other countries in the world family that have the willingness and eagerness, plus a self-giving attitude, will try to help them.

Eventually the ignorance of those countries that are not doing well politically, morally or spiritually will be illumined by the countries that are a few steps ahead. So, according to my inner feeling, all the countries of the world should jo in the United Nations, which is humanity ‘s onenessworld- home. Only this will eventually save the world and the planet.

Appears in : Meditation at the United Nations – 1992 Jan – Mar, Periodic Bulletin

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An edited version also appeared in : Answer by Sri Chinmoy, My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.