Leader of the Peace Meditation honoured: Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday event; 1991-Sep 11

Filed under UN Anniversaries

The leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations was honored at an event in Manhattan for his 60th Birthday

Dinner and reception in honour of  Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday; with remarks by

  • Olympic legend Sudhahota Carl Lewis as well as by  distinguished guests from the UN community, including
  • Professor Guido de Marco, President of the 45th session of the UN General Assembly;
  • H.E. Mr. IvanK. Sotirov, Deputy Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the UN;
  •  H. E. Dr. Lamuel Stanislaus,former Permanent Representative of Grenada to the UN;
  • Ms. Robin E. G. Mauala, Permanent Mission of  Western Samoa to the UN; and
  • H.E. Mr. Aleksandr Razvin, Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN    –   11 September

photos and more test to be added as available


WORLD LEADERS GREET Sri Chinmoy ON 60TH BIRTHDAY – excerpt from Anahata -Nada

Heads of state from around the world sent letters and telegrams congratulating Sri Chinmoy on his 60th birthday on Aug. 27.

Letters came in from the Presidents of Austria and Sri Lanka and the Prime Ministers of Canada, Japan, Italy, New Zealand and Iceland.

Congratulations also were sent by South African leader Nelson Mandela and America’s Elliott Richardson. Another well-wisher, U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, wrote: “The number of individuals who have been affected by your commitment to promoting world peace is truly awe-inspiring.”

The tributes were read out at the Master’s Sept. 11 commemorative birthday dinner.

The spiritual teacher opened the dinner with a silent meditation and an extemporaneous piano performance.

Speakers included U.N. General Assembly President Guido de Marco, who described the spiritual leader as a man who “has become a symbol of the oneness of humanity.”

Six-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis said Sri Chinmoy stands for “all the things that we believe in.”

Other speakers included :

  • the Soviet Union’s Deputy U.N. Ambassador, Aleksandr Razvin, as well as
  • several other U.N. Ambassadors, and
  • prominent members of the Indian community – including
    • Pravin Panday, President of the Federation of Indian Associations, and
    • Shankar Shetti, President of the Indian Congress of America

Note:  During the attempted coup against President Gorbachev in August of 1991 , Sri Chinmoy cancelled most of the gala events planned in connection with his upcoming 60th birthday. The reason: so he and his students could focus all their energies on praying for the Soviet leader’s safety. At the height of the crisis, the spiritual teacher and his students meditated on Gorbachev’s picture a number of times. They also meditated on Raisa Maximovna, Gorbachev’s wife, who had fallen seriously ill. Sri Chinmoy has twice met with Gorbachev and written a book about the Soviet leader. Sri Chinmoy regards him as a most powerful instrument to bring about a new world of peace. Some of the birthday events were rescheduled in September after the situation in the Soviet Union had stabilized.

  • Excerpt  from Anahata Nada – Aug – Dec-1991

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