“There shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace.
Who is going to bring about this radical change?
It will be you: you and your sisters and brothers.
You and your oneness-heart will spread peace throughout the length and breadth of the world.”
– Sri Chinmoy
of inspiring music and meditation for peace. We are grateful that you have come to share your own aspiration for a peaceful life in a peaceful world, and hope that the concert brings you a tangible experience of the peace that we all seek.
Sri Chinmoy’s approach to a musical performance is unique. An entirely self-taught musician, he seeks not to dazzle the listener with technical virtuosity, but to inwardly inspire through the spiritual consciousness expressed in the music. In his own words: “In my case I do not just play music. I pray, I meditate, I contemplate while I am playing. I try to be in close communion with my Inner Pilot, who is the Supreme Musician.
According to my capacity of receptivity, I try to offer His Light and Peace to the through my music.
During a concert, Sn Chinmoy may play briefly on several instruments, some of them familiar and others exotic. He also sings in his native language, Bengali, and in English, and sometimes extemporizes in a very dynamic way on piano or synthesizer.
“Let us not try to understand music with our mind. Let us simply and spontaneously allow the music-bird to fly in our heart-sky.” -Sri Chinmoy
“The peace we bring to the fore from the inner world through our prayer and meditation is very powerful, and it lasts.
When we have that peace in our inner life, the outer life is bound to be transformed.
It is only a matter of time.” – Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy’s approach to peace is dynamic, personal and apolitical. To him, peace is not simply the absence of conflict. He says, “Peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family.” The world-family is all of humanity -you, me and every individual.
Each of us can seek peace within ourselves, and when we discover it, even a little of it, we can spread it to others. Gradually the quest for inner peace in countless individuals will spread the consciousness of peace throughout the world-community.
“Peace is the harmonious control of life .. .. If we open the right avenues within, then peace can be felt here and now,” says Sri Chinmoy. Many have found that listening to peaceful music and meditating with others is an easy way to open these inner avenues. The intensity of many peace-seekers meditating together creates a flood of peace that is almost physically tangible. “We say ‘peace of mind’, but actually we do not have peace in the mind,” says Sri Chinmoy. “By staying in the mind we can never have even a glimpse of peace. If we want to have peace, we have to go beyond the realm of the mind.”
Spiritual music can take us outside the boundaries of the mind if we listen in a meditative consciousness.
And the experience of peace within the heart can last for days, weeks-it can be an experience that is long treasured
“If each individual in each nation can consciously and devotedly feel that he does not belong to a little family called ‘I and mine’ but to a larger family called ‘we and ours; then the message of love, of brotherhood, of peace, of soulful sharing, can easily be embraced by the entire world.” – Sri Chinmoy
‘The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United Nations is love.
The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.”
– Sri Chinmoy
Reference notes to direct quotes used above..TO BE ADDED
After the Concert, meeting with country representatives including from:
Cote d’Ivoire
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- i1990-12-dec-06-music-for-peace-at-un-ckg_Page_1.