Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela, United Nations — 22 June 1990
Filed under Other Awards, Citations, PresentationsSri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela, United Nations — 22 June 1990 after Nelson Mandela addressed the UN General Assembly
The first meeting between Nelson Mandela and Sri Chinmoy occurred at the United Nations in June 1990, soon after Mr. Mandela’s release from prison. On this occasion, Sri Chinmoy presented Nelson Mandela with a song he had composed for him entitled “A Perfect Justice-Voice”. The words begin:
“Nelson Mandela, torture-sufferer supreme, High Heaven’s Smile and earth’s solace-dream.” [fn:1]
“We hold it as an inviolable principle that racism must be opposed by all the means that humanity has at its disposal. Wherever it occurs it has the potential to result in a systematic and comprehensive denial of human rights to those who are discriminated against. This is because all racism is inherently a challenge to human rights, because it denies the view that every human being is a person of equal worth with any other, because it treats entire peoples as sub-human. “
“Let us, by our joint actions, vindicate the purposes for which this Organization was established and create a situation wherein its Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will become part of the body of law on which will be based the political and social order of a new South Africa. Our common victory is assured.”
– from Nelson Mandela address to t UN General Assembly Here: