Tribute to Amb. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1990 Mar 23

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A great Friend and supporter of Sri Chinmoy


and the Peace Meditation at the United Nations,

Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus Life was celebrated 23 March 1990.


 Welcome to this meeting in Tribute to our dear friend.

To begin the meeting we have the requested the peace meditation choir to perform a song Sri Chinmoy composed years ago in
Ambassador Rossides Honour.



As many of you know Ambassador Rossides
was more than just a friend to us,
he was like an elder brother,
full of affection and sage advice.

While we miss him terribly,
we also recognize how fortunate we have been
over the years to have had him as a friend.

Today’s programme is an expression of our gratitude
for having known this remarkable statesman.


He attended many of our programmes,
often as the main speaker and his determined idealism
was often a profound inspiration to us.

He often reminded us “not to give up”
in making the dream and promise of the Charter a reality.

He served the international community
for well over twenty years.

In 1960 he became the first Cypriot delegate
to the united Nations, a post he held until 1979.

From 1960 to 1973, he was also
the Cypriot Ambassador to the host country
and worked between New York and Washington.

Beyond the commitment and love
he had for his beloved Cyprus,
after his retirement, Ambassador Rossides
frequently spoke out on the question of disarmament.

Those of us who knew him,
knew that he had faith in the eternal spirit,
in many ways he was ahead of his time.

In the short video we will show today
taken from an interview in 1960
his comments appear prophetic.

When he spoke of collective security
as a necessary ingredient for disarmament,
not everyone understood his intentions.

Yet today with the recent rapid changes in the world,
particularly in Europe,
the continuing prophetic nature of his statements
is widely recognized.

We have to go on he said,
with so much inner force and integrity
– we have to push for the truth –
and this is what he always did.

The best way to honour a great person
(he once said at one of our programmes)
was to carry forth their ideas and their spirit.

We hope that we can truly live up to
this great man’s noble example.


Guest speakers:

Ambassador Andreas Mavrommatis, Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations

Statement read out from Mrs. Rossides

   (possibly Nayana or Dhruva Hein have a copy)


( at an event in the Rossides Home a few years before)

Ambassador Muchutas, the former Permanent Rep. of Cyprus was very close to Ambassador Rossides.

He called to let us know that he  would have very much liked to be at the ceremony today. He is in Cyprus where he gave the eulogy at the funeral for Mr. Rossides which was presided over by the Archbishop and attended by the President of Cyprus. Foreign Ministers of various countries and the heads of various parties. He considers Ambassador Rossides to have been a legend in his country.

Ambassador Stanislaus the Permanent Representative of Grenada to the United Nations.

Peace Meditation at the United Nations Choir:

  • “Aspen Leaves and “Cosmic Rhythm” (to his words)



  • “The Mountains Look on Marathon” (to the words of Lord Byron)

Film – Interview in 1960 with Ambassador Rossides

Sri Chinmoy led the closing moment of Silent Reflection:

Small gift with Ambassador Rossides Likeness on the covering was presented by Sri Chinmoy.

Ambassador Rossides always appreciated this type of offering which were often at programmes or meditations he attended with Sri Chinmoy and the members of the Peace Meditation Group.

New York Times coverage of Ambassador Rossides Passing:


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Links to a few examples of some of the special Peace Meditation Programmes Ambassador Rossides also participated in: