1989 Peace Run for the United Nations (Lake Success to NY UN Hq. – 18.5 mil.) Jun 17

Filed under Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics | UN Anniversaries

On 17 Jun 1989, United Nations delegates and staff together with local runners participated in the Peace Run for the United Nations, a group relay run in support of the United Nations work for peace.

The 18.5-mile course began at Lake Success, Long Island, former site of United Nations headquarters, and ended at the current headquarters building in Manhattan.


THE PEACE RUN IS NOT A RACE, but a group run in support of the United Nations’ work for peace.

The run begins at Lake Success, former home of the United Nations, and passes through Flushing Meadows Corona Park, site of early sessions of the UN General Assembly.

Runners will stay together, carrying small flags of the United Nations and its Member States. You may run as much or as little of the 18.5 course as you wish. However, the pace will be moderate and, for safety reasons, slower runners are requested to please plan on running only during the first or the last mile.

Brief stops along the route (see schedule) can be used as points for passing the flag between national relay team members or as pick-up or drop-off for those who will be running only part of the course. Refreshments will be served at each stopping place and at the finish. Vehicles will accompany the group at all times to provide water for the runners and transportation between stopping points.

PEACE RUN for the United Nations


• RUN THE FINAL MILE FROM 2ND AVE. AT 59TH STREET, MANHATTAN – 12:40 P.M. • Contact other runners from your country and form a national relay team.

• Souvenir T-shirts available.

Schedule Mile Approx. Time

  • UNYSIS (formerly Sperry) Headquarters, Lake  Success, Long Island, Start 8:30 am
  •  2.5 Northern Blvd. at Little Neck Parkway (Scobee’s Restaurant 9:15 am )
  •  5.0 Northern Blvd. at the CIearview Expwy. (Bayside  Diner -northeast side of bridge 9:45 am)
  • 7.8 Northern Blvd. at Unden Place (east of Main St. -Old Town Hall) 10:20 am
  •  10.0 The Unisphere, Rushing Meadows Corona Park 10:45 am
  • 13.6 Northern Blvd. at the Brooklyn-Oueens Expwy. (Burger King at 68th St.) 11:30 am
  • 15.7 Oueens Plaza North at 29th St. (Citibank) 12:00 pm
  • 17.3 Second Ave. between 58th ond 59th St., 12:40 pm Manhattan – 12:40 pm
  • 18.5 UN Visitor’s Plaza, First Ave. ot 46th Sf. 1:00 pm

Directions to Start

  • Long Island Expressway East to Exit 33-Right at traffic tight onto Lakeville Rd. left at fourth traffic light onto Marcus Ave. Run begins at UNYSIS parking lot on right.
  • OR Grand Central Pkwy. East (becomes Northern State Pkwy. at Nassau County line) to Exit 2S-Lakeville Rd. Right at traffic light onto Marcus Ave. Run begins at UNYSIS parking lot on left, opposite State Police (before fis traffic light).
  • Rides to thl start will be available from the UN or Jamaica, Quens only with reservations by, Frida, 16th June. For information, call: (718) 523-3471 or (718) 523-2600

Sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in cooperation with The United Notions Staff Recreation Council-Relaxation Club and Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.



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