Concert for Peace Paris, Letter of Support to UNESCO on behalf of Meditation Group 1989 Apr 23

Filed under Music for meditation

This message highlights previous support for UNESCO related events by the Meditation Group at UN headquarters. It also gives background of Sri Chinmoy and the Meditation Group including recent related events.


United Nations • New York,

UNITED NATIONS: • the Heart-Home of the World-Body

We believe and we hold that each man has the potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth. We also believe that man cannot and will not remain imperfect forever. Each man is an instrument of God. When the hour strikes, each individual soul listens to the inner dictates of God. When man listens to God, his imperfections are turned into perfections, his ignorance into knowledge, his searching mind into revealing light and his uncertain reality into all-fulfilling Divinity.

                                                                                              23 April 1989

Dear Ms. Pluchino,

We were delighted to hear that a concert may be worked into Sri Chinmoy’s schedule while he is in Paris and that UNESCO is a likely venue. Given the various programmes the Peace Meditation Group has dedicated to UNESCO over the years, a concert for Peace at UNESCO seems quite fitting.

These previous programmes honouring the work of UNESCO were sponsored by the Meditation Group and held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. One programme celebrated UNESCO’s 35th Anniversary and the other was in honour of International Literacy Day. The Director of the Washington, D.C. UNESCO Office was the main speaker when the Meditation Group co-sponsored a Programme at the U.S. Capitol Building for members of the Senate and the House of Representatives who had served on the United States delegation to the United Nations. In this connection, for your information, I’ve enclosed copies of a publication with excerpts from some of those meetings. It is apparent that the work of UNESCO and that of Sri Chinmoy have been compatible and parallel for some time now. Sri Chinmoy deeply values the work of UNESCO.

As you may know, many in the UN Community in New York have long appreciated Sri Chinmoy’s work. Just last Friday, at a commemorative dinner, a number of individuals expressed what Sri Chinmoy’s activities have meant to them over the past twenty five years. The message by Mr. James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF had special meaning for me personally, since I too work for UNICEF. The twice weekly meditations and the special programmes such as the Peace Concert performed in the General Assembly Lobby have been well received and of course, always offered without charge. The concert for the 40th Anniversary was co-sponsored by many Permanent Representatives of various countries as well as the office of the Assistant-Secretary-General for the Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations.

I included some other material as enclosures and hope this background information is of interest and use to you. Please let me know if I can do anything further to assist you in your endeavors.

With all best wishes

Adhiratha Keefe (Mr.)

Programme Co-ordinator

Ms. Martine A. Pluchino

Paris, France



Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations is an association 0f United Nations delegates, staff, NGO representatives holding twice-weekly peace meditations and other programmes at United Nations Headquarters.

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