Oneness-Home Global Peace Run Starts in NY, 1989 Apr 21

Filed under Peace walk/run for UN


Left to Right:

  • Counsellor Issembe, Mission of Gabon to the U.N.
  • Recording Artist Addwitiya Roberta Flack
  • Olympic Gold Medalist Carl Lewis
  • Ambassador Okeyo, Mission of Kenya to the U.N.



Meditation at the Opening Ceremony
for the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run ’89

Peace, Peace, Peace .
You are God’s birth-less and deathless Breath.
We are invoking you devotedly and soulfully
to have a perfect oneness-world-family.

Peace, Peace, Peace .
We tell God that we love Him.

God says to us,

 “My children, now prove it!”

We say to God,

“Lord , here is our international Peace Run
solely dedicated to your fondest child , Peace.”

-Sri Chinmoy
April 21 , 1989

Many members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were present as



The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home PEACE RUN ’89, a worldwide Olympic-style relay run, received a star-studded launch in New York city, on April 21.

Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis led 500 runners who carried 71 torches in a spectacular salute to the 71 nations where Peace Runs are being organized.

At the World Trade Center he was joined by Ambassadors Okeyo of Kenya, Stanislaus of Grenada, Thorpe of Trinidad and Tobago and Counsellor Issembe of Gabon as well as music legend Addwitiya Roberta Flack and two-time Grammy award-winning record producer Narada Michael Walden.

“In my country, we believe that without peace, however hard you try, you cannot succeed,” noted Ambassador Okeyo at the opening ceremony. “The President’s belief is so strong that during the last peace run in 1987, he personally carried the torch himself in Nairobi.”

  Over the next 15 weeks, some 100,000 runners will pass a flaming “peace torch” from hand-to-hand over a 31,000 mile route that encompasses six continents.

Peace Run ’89 events ranging from short runs in a capital city to cross-country events in

  • the USA, Canada,
  • Mexico,
  • Africa,
  • Japan,
  • Australia and
  • Europe –

– will occur concurrently.

The Peace Run offers all citizens of the world the chance to express their desire for global harmony. People of all ages will carry the peace torch for distances ranging from a few feet to a few miles in what organizers call “the ultimate running adventure.”

There is no charge to carry the torch. No funds are being raised. The 109-day event, which ends on August 7, is organized by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, an international running organization that sponsors some 500 races a year and seeks to promote world peace through athletics.

  • The American Peace Runners will cover 12,000 miles through all 50 states from April 21 to August 7.
  • Canadians will run 5,000 miles from Victoria to st. Johns from May 10 to July 28.
  • Starting May 22 runners in Mexico will carry the torch 1,500 miles from Mexico City to La Paz.
  • Australia and New Zealand runners will cover 3,700 miles starting April 25 and ending May 29.
  • Peace Runs are also slated for dozens of countries in Asia, the Caribbean, South America and Eastern Europe.

PEACE RUN ’89 is a follow-up of the highly successful, 27,000-mile peace run the group organized in 1987, which drew endorsements or participation from such notables as

  • Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney,
  • Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke,
  • Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu,
  • actress Joanne Woodward,
  • runners Grete Waitz and Ingrid Kristiansen,
  • pop singer Carly Simon and others.

– END –



Left to Right:

  • Counselor Issffilbe, Mission of Gabon to the UN (receiving torch)
  • Anbassador Okeyo, Mission of Kenya to the UN
  • Olympic Gold Medaist Carl Lewis
  • Ambassador Stanislaus, Mission of Grenada to the UN


1989-04-apr-21-global-peace-run-photo-captions_Page_4Left to Right:

  • Sri Chinmoy
  • Counsellor Issembe, Mission of Gabon to the UN
  • Recording Artist Addwitiya Roberta Flack
  • Olympic Gold Medalist Carl Lewis
  • Ambassador Okeyo, Mission of Kenya to the UN
  • Ambassador Stanislaus, Mission of Grenada
  • Ambassador Thorpe, Mission of Trinidad + Tobago
  • Grammy award-winning record producer, Narada Michael Walden
  • Mrs. Atala Toy who will nun the first leg of the relay

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