What Is the United Nations Really Doing for Humanity? & related collected 1988
Filed under Talks about the UN Heart-HomeBelow selections are one chapter in publication “Gratitude-Hearts Salute U. N. Oneness-Promise-Soul” 1988 Dec 31
What is the United Nations really doing for humanity? The United Nations is humanity’s colossal hope. The United Nations is Divinity’s lofty promise. Hope needs assurance from Heavens soul. Promise needs receptivity from earth’s heart.
Let us take the United Nations as a human being. Naturally, this human being has a body, a vital, a mind, a heart and a soul. The body of the United Nations is trying to serve humanity. The vital of the United Nations is trying to energise humanity. The heart of the United Nations is crying to love humanity. Finally, the soul of the United Nations is flying to embrace humanity.
The United Nations as a whole wants to offer peace. Peace and the United Nations are inseparable. Now what is peace? Peace does not mean the absence of war. Outwardly two countries may not wage war, but if they inwardly treasure aggressive thoughts, hostile thoughts, that is as good as war. Peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family. Peace means the unity of the universal heart and the oneness of the universal soul.
To me, the United Nations is great. Why? Because it has high principles. To me, the United Nations is good. Why? Because it leaves no stone unturned to transform these principles into living realities.To me, the United Nations is divine. Why? Because it is the fond child of the Supreme, dedicated to promoting world peace.
Slowly and steadily the soul of the United Nations is offering its light to the body of the United Nations, which is the world, so that it can reach the height of the lofty vision seen when it was started. This vision cannot and will not always remain a vision, because inside the vision itself is reality. We can see the face of reality in four hundred years or in one hundred years or in fifty years or in ten years, depending on what the world sees and feels in the heart of the United Nations on the strength of its identification. And this identification can be achieved only if we live inside the soul.
Peace, freedom, progress, perfection-these are the four rungs of the cosmic ladder which the United Nations has perfectly housed in the unseen recesses of its heart. Peace we achieve when we do not expect anything from the world, but only give, give and give unconditionally what we have and what we are. Freedom we achieve only when we live in the soul’s light. If we live in the light of the soul, if we can swim in the light of the soul’s sea, immediately we grow into and achieve the true inner freedom. Progress we achieve by our self-expansion. How do we expand ourselves? We expand ourselves only by offering our inner concern, which comes directly from the very depths of our heart. Perfection we achieve only when we see the One in the many and the many in the One.
If we want to know what the United Nations is really doing for humanity, each one of us has to ask himself herself the same question, for each of us represents humanity. Are we really seeing the bright side of the United Nations? Are we sincerely working for the fulfilment of the vision of the United Nations? Are we wholeheartedly trying to become one with the struggles of the United Nations? Are we deeply concerned about the United Nations and its role in the world community? If we can answer all these questions in the affirmative, then the s0ul of the United Nations is bound to reveal to us what it has already done for mankind, what it is doing for mankind and what it will be doing for mankind. What has it done? It has brought down the message of promise from the highest Heaven. What is it doing? It is proclaiming this promise to the length and breadth of the world. What will it be doing? It will be manifesting this promise not only in and through the seekers of truth, light and perfection, but also in those who deliberately deny the potentialities, the capacities and the soul-realities of’ the United Nations.
The United Nations has a big heart. Irrespective of human attainment, irrespective of human assessment, it will offer its nectar-drink to each human being on earth. Its soul’s offering will be felt first in the soul’s world, the inner world. Then it will be seen in the outer world. Finally, it will be accepted wholeheartedly by the entire world.
– excerpt from talk by Sri chinmoy in U.N Conference Room 14, May 31, 1974; appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974
The United Nations: An Instrument of Human Unification
The United Nations has progressed to the point where it has much to give in every aspect of human endeavour. Humanity must needs follow its illumining and continuous guidance. Humanity must needs have faith in the United Nations dedication and service.
The time will come when the inner eye of the world will unmistakably show blind humanity the greatness and goodness of the United Nations. The blind world will then receive illumination-vision from the United Nations, the unsatisfied world will receive satisfaction-peace and the aspiring world will receive the answer to its heart’s soulful cry. At that time, the world will sing the gratitude-song for what the United Nations is offering to it. Again, the gratitude-song must echo in the hearts of each member of the United Nations for what the world is doing for the Organisation. In the gratitude-song of the United Nations and in the gratitude-song of the world will be heard the soulful song of oneness-expansion.
The outer role of the United Nations is a colossal hope. The inner role of the United Nations is a generous assurance. The supreme role of the United Nations is a prosperous satisfaction.
Hope is a growing plant. Assurance is a blossoming tree. Satisfaction is a delicious fruit.
At the present stage, the United Nations is a growing plant. Is it not absurd for us to expect the United Nations to solve the overwhelming problems of centuries? Let the child-plant grow and glow, smile and cry. Then there shall come a time when this tiny plant will grow into a huge tree, with countless leaves, sleepless flowers and spotless fruits-sheltering, inspiring and nourishing all those who desperately need its protection-shelter, rejuvenation-inspiration and satisfaction-nourishment.
– excerpt from talk by Sri Chinmoy 6 June 1980. U.S. State Department invited Sri Chinmoy to Washington for its “Open Forum,” to speak on “the inner role of the United Nations”. Sri Chinmoy delivered this same talk at U.N. Headquarters on 13 June 1980 as part of his Dag Hammarskjöld lecture series. Appears in collection by Agni Press, 1993
In this world we see that some people just talk, others talk and then act, others talk and act simultaneously, and still others only act and then let others talk for them. Finally, there is a type of person who just acts for the sake of divine action. This is the supreme category. Without the least possible hesitation, I would like to say that the United Nations belongs to this category.
The world is blind; it needs God-Vision. And the United Nations has God-Vision in abundant measure. The world is weak; it needs soul-power. And the United Nations has soul-power in abundant measure. The world is suffering; it needs heart-consolation. And the United Nations has heart-consolation in abundant measure.
– Excerpt from: “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification” [part of the Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] by Sri Chinmoy. In UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, May 9, 1974. appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974
The United Nations is the seed. World union is the fruit. Both are equally important; both are of supreme importance. God-Vision embodies the seed. God-Reality reveals the fruit.
The United Nations is the morning. World union is the day. When the heart of the morning is flooded with inner light, divine light, the Light of God, then it is not only possible but almost certain that the entire day will be flooded with light.
– excerpt from: “The United Nations And World Union” by Sri Chinmoy 18 Oct 1974, UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium. appears in Union-Vision, Agni Press, 1975
The United Nations is the chosen instrument of God. To be a chosen instrument of God means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God’s inner Vision and outer Manifestation. One day the world will not only treasure and cherish the soul of the United Nations, but also claim the soul of the United Nations as its very own with enormous pride, for this soul is all-loving, all-nourishing and all-fulfilling.
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It is not in vain or without any purpose that the United Nations has come into existence. God’s Vision has to be manifested here on earth. The suffering nations need a place for appreciation. Here in the United Nations we see the message of fulfilment. Now it is up to the world. The world, the sleeping, unaspiring, unawakened world, is not yet receiving the light of the United Nations. There are many things that the world could get from the dedication of the United Nations; but if the world is not receptive, it is not the fault of the United Nations. God is all Compassion; He is all-giving; but if we don’t want to receive His Light the way he wants to offer it, that is not His fault.
The heart of the United Nations is dedication; the soul of the United Nations is concern; the body of the United Nations is for the illumining expansion of human consciousness.
— excerpt from “God’s Compassion and the United Nations’ dedication” by Sri Chinmoy in Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium, U.N. New York on Mar 2, 19 72. appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972
There are a number of things that the United Nations can teach us how to share, but the four principal things are: the message of trust, the message of concern, the message of unity in diversity and, finally, the message of universal peace.
– excerpt from “The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share” by Sri Chinmoy [Part of Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series], in U.N. Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium; June 6, 1974. Appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974
The General Assembly
The General Assembly is a family gathering of a very special family. Unlike most families, this family knows what to say, what to do and what to become. It knows how to love, how to serve and how to fulfil. What to say? The members of this family say that they wish to live together forever. What to do? They try to understand one another; they try to share with one another their teeming ideas and glowing ideals. What to become? They try to become a cry; they try to become a hope; they try to become a promise; they try to become a smile — a cry that elevates them, a hope that feeds them, a promise that reveals them, a smile that immortalises them. How to love? They try to love with their illumining souls. How to serve? They try to serve with their searching minds and their striving vitals. How to fulfil? They try to fulfil by steering God’s Dream-Boat toward the Golden Shore.
The General Assembly signifies interdependence. It represents a song of the community of nations, a song of group-souls. While singing this song, these souls will climb high, higher, highest until they one day reach the transcendental Vision of world union. While singing this song, these souls will march far, farther, farthest until they one day reach the transcendental Reality of universal peace.
– excerpt from Sri Chinmoy’s talk on the Opening Day of the General Assembly; 17 September 1974. Appears in The Seeker’s Mind, Agni Press, 1978
The power that declares “united in the heart’s world we stand; divided in the mind’s world we fall;’ can easily solve world problems.
Each dedicated action of the United Nations is not only an experiment of man but an experience of God in the world and for the world. Truth to tell, the United Nations aspiration for brotherhood and peace is divinely indispensable in the eternal march of world evolution. What could be greater than the hope that the heart and soul of this world family offer mankind? The all-seeing hope and vision of the United Nations will lead humanity to the highest peace, light and bliss for the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.
– excerpt from “The Necessity-Height Of The United Nations” by Sri Chinmoy
Each nation is a petal of a flower, an inner rose, an inner lotus. If one petal is ruined, then the entire flower loses its beauty; and when a flower loses its beauty, it loses everything. Each nation is like a note in a song. If one note is not properly sung, then the entire song is ruined. Each nation has the capacity to fulfil all nations through self-giving, and this self-giving is nothing other than God-becoming. Here at the United Nations, each nation shall offer its illumining capacities and fulfilling qualities to all the other nations. Together all nations will walk, together all nations will run, together all nations will fly and dive toward the same goal, the goal of everlasting Reality. When we reach and become the everlasting Reality, we shall see that we have transformed the animal in us and immortalised the divine in us.
– excerpt from ” No Nation Is Unwanted” by Sri Chinmoy [part of Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] in UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium; April 5, 1973. appears in “The Tears Of Nation-Hearts”, Agni Press, 1974
Each nation is unique in its own way. Each nation has achieved something special, at least for itself. When a nation is ready to feel that other nations are an extension of its own being, when a nation becomes aware that all nations belong to one family, one source, and have one common goal, then that particular nation can easily teach or share its lofty achievements. Each nation knows inwardly that satisfaction and perfection lie only in self-giving, not in displaying its grandiose achievements or in hoarding its capacities.
– excerpt from “The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share” [Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series], Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium; June 6, 1974 appears in “The Tears Of Nation-Hearts”, Agni Press, 1974
The United Nations is a group of pilgrims on a journey. As the pilgrims walk along the path of light toward the same destination, they feel mutual appreciation. From appreciation they go one step ahead to love. From appreciation comes love and from love comes oneness. Oneness is the perfection of man in God and the satisfaction of God in man. He who is a true member of the United Nations treasures a shared life in a shared world.
– excerpt from – Excerpt from “The United Nations And World Union” by Sri Chinmoy,18 October 1974, UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium. Appears in “Union-Vision”, Agni Press, 1975
As the United Nations is indispensable to the world community, so also is each individual nation a necessary part of this world organisation. We can view each nation as a unique branch of the world-tree. Each branch is needed to complete the fulness-beauty of the all-spreading tree, and each branch offers special protection and a special oneness-fruit to aspiring mankind. Similarly, each individual world seeker and world server is needed in the United Nations striving for universal peace and progress.
– excerpt from “World Service” by Sri Chinmoy
Each nation has the strength and will power of the Absolute. Each nation has the golden opportunity in the inner world to offer to the outer world a living hope and a living promise.
The nation that soulfully cries for inner development and devotedly cries for outer growth can alone be in the vanguard of the teeming nations. Why does a nation fail? A nation fails because it does not want the sustaining Truth to be on its side. When does a nation fall? A nation falls when it deliberately and vehemently resists the idea of being on the side of Truth. How can a nation succeed? A nation can succeed by following the Truth within and without. The very pursuit of Truth can make the existence of a nation free, meaningful, purposeful and fruitful. Now, how can a nation flourish? A nation can flourish when it sees no difference between the Creator and the creation. A nation can flourish when it loves the world, not for what the world will give in return, but for the sake of love. Selfless love, true love, never ends, never fails. Love is its own immediate reward.
– excerpt from “The Garland of Nation-Souls” by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations World Youth Congress,
U. N., New York , July 15, 1970; appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972
The Individual World-Server
The dedication-life of each individual in the United Nations boat is of utmost importance. As the Secretaries-General of the United Nations serve the world, we can also do the same, according to our capacity. Our capacities-however limited-and our prayerful inner devotion to humanity are our solid support that we can offer inwardly and outwardly to the United Nations boat and its supreme Pilots.
When we offer our devotion to the United Nations, we can do so on the physical, mental, psychic and spiritual levels. Each type of devoted service is of paramount importance, and each international civil servant offers a special dedication to the inner and outer United Nations. Each human being holds the key to the progress and success of the United Nations. Indeed, each of us, and the service that each of us renders on all planes, is the key to the fulfilment of the glorious role and goal of the United Nations in mankind and for mankind.
Let us not ask the United Nations what it has done. Let us not even ask ourselves what we have done. But let us only ask ourselves whether we are of the United Nations and for the United Nations. If we say we are of the United Nations, then our source is peace, infinite peace. And if we say we are for the United Nations, then our manifestation is bliss on earth. So if we know what we are and what we stand for, then the United Nations becomes for us the answer to world suffering, world darkness and world ignorance.
The inner vision of the United Nations is the gift supreme. This vision the world can deny for ten, twenty, thirty, forty, one hundred years. But a day will dawn when the vision of the United Nations will save the world. And when the reality of the United Nations starts bearing fruit, then the breath of Immortality will be a living reality on earth
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There are many ways to serve the United Nations: with the physical body, the physical mind, the inner heart and the soul’s good will.
– excerpt from “The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification” [Part of Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] by Sri Chinmoy; UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, May 9, 1974. Appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974
All those who are working for the United Nations are serving the United Nations individually and collectively according to their capacities. But jf we want to increase this capacity, either in the physical world, the vital world, the mental world Or the psychic world, then we all have to feel that we are students, that we are children.
The United Nations is at once the body and the soul of God’s unique Vision. Those of us who serve the body and the soul of God’s Vision will be blessed divinely, supremely, unreservedly and infinitely-but only when we feel the necessity of seeing in ourselves a child’s heart, feeling in ourselves a child’s life. ‘fhe dreamer in us is a child. He dreams of God’s infinite Peace, Light and Bliss. And today’s dream-life of his will tomorrow grow into reality-experience and reality-satisfaction.
– excerpt from : ” Simplicity, Sincerity And Purity” by Sri Chinmoy; 19 November 1974 United Nations Development Programme — Alcoa Building. Appears in “Union-Vision”, Agni Press, 1975
Inner poverty is disharmony and restlessness; inner plenitude is peace, harmony and love. For the lover of the United Nations and world union, the watchword must needs always be peace. Peace is found in self-giving and in our recognition of others’ good and divine qualities. The more we see the divine qualities in others, the sooner we will establish world peace.
– excerpt from “The United Nations And World Union” by Sri Chinmoy;18 October 1974; UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium. Appears in “Union-Vision”, Agni Press, 1975
The more we feel the necessity of simplicity, sincerity and purity, the more we become perfect instruments-not only of the nations that we represent, but also of the Almighty, whom we represent here on earth. Let us become simple. Let us become sincere. Let us become pure. If we can become simple, sincere and pure, then not only will the dreams that we treasure for our own countries soon be fulfilled, but also all the dreams that the Almighty has for His own Manifestation will be manifested in and through us.
– excerpt from : ” Simplicity, Sincerity And Purity” by Sri Chinmoy; 19 November 1974 United Nations Development Programme — Alcoa Building. Appears in “Union-Vision”, Agni Press, 1975
Each nation represents humanity’s hope, humanity’s promise and humanity’s progress.
Light received, peace achieved, truth revealed, delight manifested-then nothing remains undone.
– excerpt by Sri Chinmoy from October 1st. appears in God’s Hour, Agni Press, 1973
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