The United Nations: A Nucleus of Worldwide Spirituality – & related collected 1988

Filed under Talks about the UN Heart-Home

Below selections are one chapter in publication “Gratitude-Hearts Salute U. N. Oneness-Promise-Soul” 1988 Dec 31


It is not only possible, but inevitable, that the United Nations will one day be a nucleus of worldwide spirituality. The symbol, the truth, the light that the United Nations embodies is bound to cover the length and breadth of the world. The United Nations that we see-the body and form may not last. But the reality that is behind the United Nations, the dreams that each dedicated individual member has-not in his mind, but in his soul-have to fulfil themselves. It may take fifty, two hundred, or four hundred years, but the dreams must eventually be fulfilled even if the outer form, the structure, does not remain the same. But the essential thing is the soul’s full blossoming into perfection, the ,expansion of ‘United Nations’ into ‘Oneness-World’.

Previously there was the League of Nations; now we see the United Nations. A few things are changed and modified for the better. The League of Nations was Woodrow Wilson’s dream. It no longer exists. Instead, it has blossomed into another dream, a greater dream. The United Nations is also a dream. And this dream will also eventually take a better and more fulfilling form. At that time it will be Oneness-World.

A League of Nations is like a cluster of flowers. A United Nations arranges the flowers harmoniously. When we have a Oneness-World, at that time we will not see several individual flowers; we will see all as one whole.

This outer form may not last, but there will always be another way of approaching the reality. And that reality is bound to dawn. It will dawn and we will have Oneness-World. This is God’s Dream, God’s Vision of Perfection. The Kingdom of Heaven that we talk about, that we have heard about, is Oneness-World, nothing else. Oneness-World must dawn. And even Oneness-World is not the ultimate thing in God’s Vision. In God’s Vision, oneness need not and cannot be total perfection. In oneness there should be constant aspiration to transcend. There may be twenty members of a family and they may become one. But if there is no aspiration to grow higher, to grow deeper, to grow better, then that is not perfection. Even when oneness is established, we can’t say that that is the end of the game. No, inside oneness there should be a continuous aspiration to go beyond, beyond, beyond. God’s Vision is always a self-transcending Reality, so after oneness we still have the message of continuous transcendence, which is real perfection.

First there was the League of Nations. Now we see the United Nations. From the United Nations we shall see Oneness-World, and inside Oneness-world we shall see the song of self-transcendence, world transcendence, universal transcendence. And inside that transcendence we shall see perfection, which is satisfaction.

– excerpt from Sri Chinmoy 16 april 1976? , Flame Waves, Part 7, Agni Press,

There is only one religion and one truth: man. All peoples can unite to raise an inner temple where all nations can worship the highest ideals and principles of man. And within this temple of man shall shine the benevolent Smile of God.

– Excerpt from “the New Ethics: The U.N. Charter And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights” by Sri Chinmoy

We are the most fortunate people on earth, for God has chosen us to be His instruments to serve Him in mankind.

The United Nations is not a mere building, but a place of worship, a place where all human beings can worship and pray to God. This place is a living shrine for the Supreme.

– excerpt from “A Living Shrine” – address of Sri Chinmoy to the group after the meditation at the U.N. on Friday, March 1,1974. appears in Union-Vision, Agni Press, 1975

Today’s United Nations sees the nations as its true friends.

Tomorrow’s United Nations will see the nations as its real sisters and brothers.

Today’s United Nations offers hopeful and soulful advice to mankind.

Tomorrow’s United Nations will offer fruitful and fulfilling peace to mankind.

Today’s United Nations feels truth, light and delight in its loving heart.

Tomorrow’s United Nations will manifest truth, light and delight with its all-embracing soul.

– excerpt from “A spiritual Goal for the United Nations: Is it practical?” by Sri Chinmoy in Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium United Nations, New York August 5, 1971. Appears in “The Garland Of Nation-Souls”, Agni Press, 1972

Each nation right now needs peace. We all need peace. To have peace, what we need is the right path, the path divine.

– Excerpt from : “The garland of nation-souls”, talk by Sri Chinmoy at United Nations World Youth Congress, U.N, New York July 15, 1970; The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972


The inner heart of the United Nations is a colossal hope. The inner existence of the United Nations is a fulfilling reality.

The heart of the United Nations has peace. The body of the United Nations is for peace. The mind of the United Nations seeks peace. The vital of the United Nations needs peace.

– excerpt from ” The Heart-Peace Of The United Nations” [Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] by Sri Chinmoy; Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, March 1, 1973. appears in The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974

 The Soul-Love of the United Nations

The soul-love of the United Nations teaches us three most important things: patience, expansion and oneness. Patience is not peace. But patience eventually shows us the way to peace, world peace. Expansion is not an act of self-aggrandisement. But expansion can easily be a life-offering and love-building reality. Oneness does not indicate a lack of opportunity for revealing and manifesting individual uniqueness. Oneness is like the essence and fragrance of a lotus. It does not prevent each petal of the lotus from revealing and manifesting its own uniqueness.

In order to know the soul-love of the United Nations, we have to choose to be free, and we have to be free to choose. When we are within the confines of history, we have to choose to be free. When we are in the sky of evolving spirituality, we have to be free to choose. Soul-love is free will. Soul-love is free choice. When a nation’s free will chooses self-giving, its free choice expedites God-becoming. In self-giving and God-becoming is the confluence of the outer lustre of the United Nations and the inner effulgence of the United Nations. This confluence will, without fail, be a glorious vision for both mortals and immortals.

From the spiritual point of view, the soul-love of the United Nations will always remain resourceful in all problematical situations, untiring in the discharge of its national and international duties, sagacious in its pursuit of inner knowledge and inner wealth, and spontaneous in its willingness to add to the peace, love and joy of searching and ascending humanity.

To unite all countries and all men: this is the ultimate goal of the United Nations. To see all human hearts and minds striving for one highest cause: what else is true spirituality if not this? Spirituality is the union of all human aspirations for a better and more illumining life in a world of harmony and oneness.

– excerpt from: “The Soul-Love Of The United Nations” [Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series] by Sri Chinmoy, Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium; February 1, 1973. appears in  The Tears Of Nation-Hearts, Agni Press, 1974

God has infinite children, But the name of His fondest child is Peace

– from ” Peace” by Sri Chinmoy. Appears in  Rainbow-Flowers, Part 1, Agni Press, 1973

Peace is the perfection of one’s mind And the divinisation of one’s thoughts.

– by Sri Chinmoy for November 1. Appears in  God’s Hour, Agni Press, 1973

As there is only one religion, even so there is only one song.

This song is man.

– excerpt from “The Song Universal” by Sri Chinmoy; at the Church Center for United Nations, November 26, 1968. Appears in The Garland Of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972.


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