Members discuss encouraging Inspiration and Aspiration 1988 Oct 05
Filed under administrative historyMembers of the Peace Meditation at the UN discuss
how to encourage inspiration and Aspiration in the U.N. Community.
draft AGENDA 5 October 1988
What is our role: encouraging inspiration / aspiration?
– what others are coming forward to do this.?
– Why approach diplomats and countries:J
– How to approach members of wider community
– Setting up meetings with those who may be interested
– Choosing countries to first approach
– Knowing Background
– Upcoming example of events that may be of interest:
- Peace Walk for UN Day
Final Ceremony – International Lap;
- Lifting up the World
Personal interview, have things to show /tell:
- Sample of Publication: e.g. Oneness Aspiration Shore
Show samples and request ideas/contributions related. to country
– Country /Regional Proqramme
– Themes: cultural, etc.
– Support and Packet to use for demonstration
– Peace Run Support Committee – Letters of Support
– Role play
- some likely questions to expect and how
- response to UN expected questions or requests.
– Other
What is our Role:
encouraging inspiration / aspiration?
This is a question that each has to answer for oneself; I offer one view. We are here to spread light,to encourage inspiration and aspiration. To offer, to expose, to plant seeds. Somehow we have found our way to this place. Others made something available to us and our receptivity was such that we had some sense of what was being offered.
The structure we have to work with could be better but it could be far worse.
15 years ago I started working here. Possibly half of our careers are completed here. We have learned much and we have done somethings that we would have thought impossible a few years ago.
When we have left this place we will see more clearly what we have done and what we very well could have done.
In order to be effective we have to spend a certain amount of time doing our work (and doing it well). We also have to invest a certain amount of time in renewal type activities so that we can be inspired to continue at a high standard irrespective of the standard practiced by some of our colleagues.
There are others that have a similar view to ours throughout the world that would also be willing to work here. But due to other considerations, (nationality? skills, age etc) they are not here. No matter how much they think could or should be done, only we who are here can do what is necessary to assist the development here
Are others coming forward?
After I began working here, I felt that sooner or later someone at a high level would become very receptive and share with their colleagues what was necessary for the inner progress to assure the outer success. I now believe that even when more at the upper levels are visibly receptive to this approach, that our continuous work with ourselves and with our colleagues will not only be important but necessary.
After 15 years or more years we can no longer count on others coming to do our work. It is past time to regret what has not been done before we came or since we are here. We are here now and those who come with more capacity will build on what we have done as we have built on the efforts of those who have come before us. At this time we are the best instruments the supreme has to work with for this effort.
Why approach diplomats and countries missions?
Here we have representatives from the entire world. they know what their country and its people are like. They can carry light to their people. They too are instruments. Through exposure to us, and others who strive to work for the highest ideals of the UN, they can be encouraged to approach their work as a developmental challenge. By knowing of our personal challenges and how we use our prayer and meditation to work more effectively with our colleagues, they will be encouraged to do the same with their colleagues and in their country. We can give hope. We can be their friends. They can go to spread light where we can not.
How to approach members of the UN Community
We have to approach each mission, each country, each individual with appreciation for what they have to offer to the world community. we have to understand the country and the people. We have to give of ourselves to the experience that they are having, in order to understand how we may support their good efforts or possibly encourage a different or higher approach. It is in our own benefit. Our consciousness will expand. It is a elevating experience to better understand another’s situation. But like the other challenges it is sometimes not easy. It can require a great deal of humility to truly understand or even appreciate another’s situation. One must put oneself in a relationship with the country and begin to learn. Sincere questions can build relationship. Background is important but only individuals can give a genuine feeling for the experience a people is having.
Need to practice – the type of questions that are appropriate. And how to have substantive discussions in a supportive atmosphere. The practice is to give you the freedom to listen better. If you know what you want to say, and your basic approach , you can have less to clutter you own mind.
Some things to discuss as approaches/ and some things that you definitely want to cover.
You need to know what is going on in the country at this time. Floods. An election. High inflation, relative calm etc just as background.
What are the main religion(s).
Who were/are national heroes.
But most importantly a willingness to learn. a willingness to begin. A willingness to go ahead with an incomplete background. But learning and getting a little better with each encounter. Our approach will change.
Each effective mission and country knows what their staff is trying to accomplish. We need to know very clearly what we are trying to accomplish from a philosophical standpoint and then it will be easier for us to know what to do or what to say in most situations.
Our goals can be easily stated as in our literature. And we know that a important goal for us is that we want others to know what we consider important so that those in the community that are already receptive to this approach, or grow towards this approach will search us out to cooperate with, since we are known for our approach.
Setting up meetings
some are already willing to assist new people based on their previous experience. But they would need to know available times and countries for each individual that has an interest in participating.
There is no best time of the year. Some weeks are better than others. For the Missions in NY. If little is going on inthe General Assembly and other meetings, then fewer people from the country missions may stioo be in New York.
It is most difficult for delegates when their Head of State or Government is in New York or sometimes the Foreign Minister. But then if there is a friendship and experience with our meetings, It can be at that time that a delegate feels he needs to stop in to regain his poise to better perform his functions
Items to be disused and further developed:
Upcoming example of events that may be of interest:
- Peace Walk for UN Day
Final Ceremony – International Lap;
- Lifting up the World
Personal interview, have things to show /tell:
- Sample of Publication: e.g. Oneness Aspiration Shore
Show samples and request ideas/contributions related. to country
– Country /Regional Proqramme
– Themes: cultural, etc.
– Support and Packet to use for demonstration
– Peace Run Support Committee – Letters of Support
– Role play
- some likely questions to expect and how
- response to UN expected questions or requests.
– Other
Role Play
-to give new 9or review previous) experience
- Peace med 1 or 2 people
- Representatives 1 or 2people
Example of Representative of mythical country “Ruratania” representative
- Highly educated in Paris and New York
- Country has a strong Civil Service
- Two years ago there was a flood that had taken away two of the main industries.
- UNDP and UNICEF involved in projects
- Main Religion is Islam 20 % christian 5 % Catholic
- Known for Native art and Music
Uncertain as to Ambassadors feelings towards Meditation – Prayer or
Philosophical programs or expressions of support for peace.
Has not previously been involved with the Meditation Group but recently expressed interest to a colleague who had attended some events over the years.
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see some original rough draft notes below: from 1988