Short Inspirational Talks at UN Secretariat Offices 1987 Nov 13
Filed under americas | Talks about the UN Heart-Home | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation2 Talks at United Nations Headquarters – Highlights:
- Meditation : Mind, Heart, Life, Inner Pilot; Problems
- solve not only his own personal problems but also all the world’s problem
- About the United Nations : Self- Giving Severs, UN Soul,
- aspiring human life, which longs for oneness in peace ;
- harbingers will expedite the unprecedented journey of the oneness-heart
- UN – not a man-made building. It is God’s own transcendental Dream,
- we need an illumined mind, a heart of love and a life of sacrifice.
- UN – an answer, and a way to bring joy, perfection and satisfaction to humanity’s life.
- U N -at God’s choice Hour will blossom into His universal Reality – can never, never remain unfulfilled.
- Those who are absolutely for the United Nations will prevail to fulfil God’s Oneness-Dream.
- The mind of man has failed. Now the heart has to come to the fore
” I can be happy only if my sister and brother are also happy.
I have to deal with my brothers and sisters with affection.”
- The heart’s affection has to solve our problems, not the mind.
- If you really want my love, then bring me to the level where you are.
- True admiration and love will only come when there is oneness.
- Infinite is ready to become one with the finite, the finite is able to love and worship the Infinite .
- If UN not get help from the Superpowers, it will go to every door and say only,
“Use your heart!”
- And if they give only one cent with love, the United Nations will adore them because of their oneness
Talk Details below
Talk Given after a meditation held in the office of Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, Director, Office of the Director-General for Development and International Economic Co-operation.
Meditation illumines our mind. Meditation purifies our heart.Meditation transforms our life.
Meditation satisfies our Inner Pilot, the Lord Supreme – God the One in us, God the many for us, God the Transcendental Height and God the Universal Breadth.
He who meditates soulfully can easily solve not only his own personal problems but also all the world’s problems, for man the question will always be answered by God the ever-ready Answer.
God asks us to meditate so that at every moment we can claim Him as our own, very own. Once we claim Him as our own, very own, this world of turmoil, unrest, fear, anxiety and worry can and will be conquered. All negative, destructive forces will be conquered through the omnipotent power of our soulful God-dedication-meditation.
– Sri Chinmoy, 13 Nov 1987
Given after a meditation held in the office of Mr. Carl Pedersen, Principal Officer, Office of the Director-General for Development and International Economic Co-operation.
(Sri Chinmoy and Carl Pedersen)
Dear Carl, the United Nations needs a few more completely self-sacrificing and self-giving servers like you. May God, our Lord Supreme, shower at every moment His choicest Blessings upon your devoted head and dedicated life, so that your most significant contributions towards the perfection of the United Nations can be felt convincingly and unmistakably by the lovers of the United Nations all over the world.
The United Nations has a beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful soul. Through your own soul, dear Carl, may you bring to the fore the most perfect brilliance of the United Nations – to illumine the unlit ignorance of the human mind and fulfil the aspiring human life, which longs for oneness in peace and peace in oneness throughout the length and breadth of the world. May you be one of the harbingers who will expedite the unprecedented journey of the United Nations, which is undoubtedly the journey of the oneness-heart and not the journey of the division-mind.
The United Nations is not a man-made building. It is God’s own transcendental Dream, which He is now transforming into the universal Reality. What we need is an illumined mind, a heart of love and a life of sacrifice. Once we have achieved these divine qualities, we shall see that the United Nations is a true answer to the world-problems, and offers a way to bring joy, perfection and satisfaction to humanity’s life on earth.
World oneness can be felt and manifested only when the entire world sincerely looks to the United Nations for guidance. He who says that the United Nations has failed is utterly mistaken. He who believes that the United Nations is a fruitless hope is also completely mistaken. But he who thinks and feels that the United Nations embodies God’s Oneness-Dream and Promise, which at God’s choice Hour will blossom into His universal Reality, is absolutely right.
God’s Dream and God’s Promise can never, never remain unfulfilled and unmanifested. Those who have failed and those who are going to fail will eventually be out of the United Nations. Those who are absolutely for the United Nations and only for the United Nations will survive and prevail to manifest and fulfil God’s Oneness-Dream.
The United Nations has not failed and will never fail. Only the mind of man has failed. Now the heart has to come to the fore and say,
“This person is my sister. That person is my brother. I can be happy only if my sister and brother are also happy. If I try to stay always one step ahead of them, then they will not be happy.
So if I have a true heart of oneness, I will not want them to remain behind me. Although I may have a little more vital and physical capacity than they have, I have to deal with my brothers and sisters with affection.”
The heart’s affection has to solve our problems, not the mind.
Let us say that you are richer and more capable of doing things than I am. If you are bringing your capacities to me and using them to help bring my own capacities to the fore, then I will appreciate, admire and love you. But if you constantly try to show that you are better than me, then I will not love you. If you really want my love, then bring me to the level where you are.
Right now the Superpowers want to get peace only by staying one step ahead of everyone else. But this is not the right thing . They are trying to get the admiration and love of others through force – which is absurd! True admiration and love will only come when there 1S oneness. God the Creator is superior to us; He is our Lord Transcendental. But He has become one with us. Just because the Infinite is ready to become one with the finite, the finite is able to love and worship the Infinite .
The world will love the poor because they are suffering. It will not love the Superpowers if they torture the United Nations and threaten to withdraw their support. God has created the United Nations, and He who has created us will take care of us. So the United Nations should not feel threatened. If the United Nations does not get help from the Superpowers, it will go to every door and say only,
“Use your heart!”
Then the Superpowers’ own hearts will compel them to help also. And if they don’t have hearts, then the United Nations will get help from the poorest countries . The poor countries will not have reluctance, unwillingness or contempt. And if they give only one cent with love, the United Nations will adore them because of their oneness
– Sri Chinmoy 13 Nov 1987
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