Reflections by Indian Leaders and United Nations Officials 1987 Apr 14
Filed under asia-oceana | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationThis documentary booklet records some impressions of and reflections on the service of Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, as expressed by Secretaries-General and Presidents of the General Assembly of the United Nations-where Sri Chinmoy has conducted twice-weekly peace meditations for delegates and staff since 1970-as well as by a few distinguished leaders and representatives of Sri Chinmoy’s native India. Gathered from letters, speeches and private meetings, the Quotes are often directed towards Sri Chinmoy personally in recognition of his work as a spiritual leader in the pursuit of world peace . .
The Peace Meditation at the United Nations wishes to offer deepest gratitude to those whose warm expressions are recorded here and also to the many members of the Indian and international community who have been a part of its activities over the years.
Secretaries-General ………………………….. 1
- U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations [1961-1971]………………………p.1
- Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General of the United Nations [1972-1981]……………..p.2
- Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations [1982- ] …………p.3
Presidents of the General Assembly ……………. 4
- Salim A. Salim, President of the Thirty-fourth Session of the General Assembly
and Foreign Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania……………………………….p.4 - Rudiger von Wechmar, President of the Thirty-fifth Session of the
General Assembly and Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany……………p.5 - Jorge E. Illueca, President of the Thirty-eighth Session of the General Assembly
and President of Panama……………………………………………………………………….p.6 - Humayun Rasheed Choudhury, President of the Forty-first Session of the
General Assembly and Foreign Minister of the People’s RepUblic of Bangladesh…..p.7
Leaders and Representatives of India ………….. . 8
- Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India [12 June 1978]………………………………..p.8
- Giani Zail Singh, President of India [30 October 1982] ………………………………..p.9
- S.N. Mishra, Foreign Minister of India [11 October 1979] …………………………….p.10
- Narasimha Rao, Foreign Minister of India [3 October 1980] …………………………p.11
- Rikhi Jaipa, Permanent Representative of India to the U.N. [27 Mar 1979]………p.12
- Natarajan Krishnan, Permanent Representative India to U.N.[13 Sep 1985]…..p.13
- Pran Nevile, Consul General of India (Chicago, U.S.A.) [28 July 1978]…………..p.14
- Lakhan L. Mehrotra, Consul General of India (San Francisco) [27 Sep 1978]…….p.15
- Surinder L. Malik, Consul General of India (Toronto, Canada) [10 Nov 1984]……p.16
- P.A. Nazareth, Consul General oj India (New York, U.S. A.)[13 March 1987]…….p.17
- C. V. Narasimhan, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, [6 July 1978]…….p.18
- Sardar Dhillon, Indian High Commissioner to Canada [4 August 1982]…………..p.19
- C.P.N. Singh, Member of Parliament and Member of the Indian delegation to
Thirty-eighth Session of the General Assembly of the U.N.[8 November 1983]….p.20 - Dr. Karan Singh, Former Maharajah of Kashmir and former Minister of
Tourism and Civil Aviation, Government of India [9 April 1986]…………………..p.21
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