Swim 34, Lake Tlticaca, La Paz, Bolivia, for UN’s Year of Peace, 1987 – Jan 11
Filed under americas | Sport & Athletics | UN AnniversariesTheir first swim was on 1 January in the frigid waters off Hiroshima, Japan. Each swam two kilometres around the sacred Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island. Because of the overwhelming response of the Japanese people and the media, and the encouragement of their colleagues, they swam again Five days later on 6 January.This time in Nagasaki Harbour. The City Hall supported the swim and the Director of the Peace Museum was on hand for the event.
For More information and links to other swims see: 35 locations for UN IYP 1986
On returning to UN Headquarters in NY, they were encouraged by a letter of appreciation from the Office of the Secretary-General commending the “intrepid endeavors” and “admirable commitment, which you and your colleagues in the Meditation Group share for the principles of the United Nations Organization and its International Year of Peace,”
The swimmers then traveled to a total of 35 sites around the globe—all at their own expense—to swim for peace.
Below is some Media coverage of event at
Lake Tlticaca,
La Paz, Bolivia
add also photos from
Sri Chinmoy with the swimmers and banners for IYP.
He is leader of regular Peace Meditations at the UN headquarters in NY and encouraged the swimmers in their Support for the International Year of Peace – IYP).
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- 1987-034-jan-11-La-Paz-Bolivia-Lake-Titicaca_Page_03.jpg – 225 KB
The enthusiastic response, reflected in the over 50 newspaper articles that covered the swims, inspired them to continue in 1987. For More information and links to other swims see: 35 locations for UN IYP 1986