1986 Seven Minutes of World Peace – UN Day – Associated Press – 24 Oct: 25 countries participate
Filed under media coverage Text & Photos | Moments peace - story collection | UN AnniversariesSee Associated Press article toward end of post below
Some Highlights of AP Article:
Secretary-General Message,
The General Assembly Delegations observed the day by [passing 2 resolutions: :
- Continue efforts beyond year of Peace (1986); +
- other delegations : “right of People to peace”
Meanwhile a group of about 100 U.N. staff and delegates walked in UN Rose Garden, behind a copy of UN Charter, Preamble, and then “sat in conference room for seven minutes of World Peace”-
Groups in 25 countries simultaneously observed the seven-minute peace meditation.
UN Day
UN Chief Bemoans World Situation on UN Birthday:
UNITED NATIONS: (AP) – The United Nations Celebrated its 41st birthday in “over – armed, over – militarized world, haunted by the nuclear threat, scarred by violence and plagued by terrorism and drug abuse,” according to the secretary-general.
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said in a statement, ” it is not a world in which, for the future of humankind, the United nations can be regarded as marginal or irrelevant.”
The (United Nations) General Assembly observed the anniversary of the U.N. coming into force in 1945 by passing two resolutions on peace.
One, sponsored by a group of non-communist nations calls on governments and organizations to continue efforts for peace beyond 1986 which was designated by the United Nations as International Year of Peace. It passed by consensus.
Another, sponsored by Soviet Bloc nations, calls on states and international organizations to implement “the right of peoples to peace”. It passed 104 – 0 with 33 abstentions, mostly by Western countries.
Meanwhile a group of about 100 U.N. staff members and delegates paraded around the U.N. rose garden behind a copy of the U.N. Charter preamble and then sat in a conference room for “seven minutes of world peace.”
The group asked all governments “to refrain from hostile or warlike action during the seven-minute observance.”
The ceremony was organized by Indian Spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy who since 1970 has conducted weekly programs called “The Peace Meditation at the United Nations”.”
According to group members , followers of Sri Chinmoy and other groups in some 25 countries simultaneously observed the seven – minute peace meditation.
Text retyped from image below:
Sample From Sri Lanka 1986
One of Sri Lanka’s many gatherings for “Seven Minutes of World Peace.” In 1986, the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka sent
15,000 letters to institutions (including all secondary schools) announcing the event and asking for volunteer leaders.
see also: In Support of 41st Anniversary on UN Day 1986 – Oct 24 f or example of some running and other events on UN Day at various locations
Download PDF:
- 1986-10-oct-24-seven-minutes-silence-for-peace-invite
- 1986-oct-24-7-min-for-peace-associated-Press-release
- 1988-12-dec-31-student-of-peace-seven-min-peace-1986-oct-24
Sample of University Community announcement: “Seven Minutes of Silence to Promote World Peace”
Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image:
- 1986-10-oct-24-seven-minutes-silence-for-peace-invite_Page_5