1980’s brochure: Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the UN
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United Nations:
The Heart-Home
of the World-Body
The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United Nations is love.
The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.
Peace we feel. Love we become. Oneness we manifest.
Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Med tation at the United Nations is an association of U.N. delegates, staff members, NGO representatives and accredited press correspondents who believe the quest for world peace must encompass not only political, economic and social issues but the spirit of man itself. Its goal is to bring forward a deeper awareness of the spiritual values inherent in the U.N. Charter and the opportunities for each human being, through meditation and inner reflection, to better serve them.
Since its founding in the spring of 1970, the Meditation Group has sponsored twice-weekly meditations at Headquarters under the direction of Sri Chinmoy. These periods of silent reflection bring participants in closer touch with their own selves, leading them to a greater understanding of their integral oneness with all humankind.
The Meditation Group also sponsors symposia in which ambassadors, senior U.N. officials and religious leaders express their personal aspirations for peace, inspiring a fresh, dynamic commitment to the United Nations highest ideals. This goal is further advanced through a regular series of commemorative programmes, concerts, films, meditation classes and athletic events.
The Group’s director, Sri Chinmoy, is an internationally respected philosopher and interdenominational spiritual leader who feels that meditation can be a powerful force for the advancement of world peace. He has written more than 600 books on meditation and spirituality and has lectured extensively on these subjects. He is also a prolific poet, artist and composer.
Since 1973 the Meditation Group has published a monthly bulletin, Meditation at the United Nations. It also publishes a bimonthly newsletter, A Moment’s Peace.
Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr., wife of the slain U. S. civil rights leader, joins in a moment of silence before offering some personal insights into her late husband’s vision of world brotherhood.
Meditation Group programmes touch on a wide variety of political, cultural and spiritual topics. Here representatives of the world’s major faiths meet to commemorate World Prayer Day.
“In your meditation you see beyond the superficial distinctions of race, sex, language or religion, as the Charter encourages us to do. You concentrate on the truths and ideals which unite all mankind: the longing for peace, the need for compassion, the search for tolerance and understanding among men and women of all nations.
” .. . In recalling the fundamental goals which inspire our work, you are helping to reaffirm our commitment to the Organisation and its purposes. ”
-Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar
in an address to the Meditation Group
Sri Chinmoy with United Nations Secretaries-General Javier Perez de
Cuellar [above], U Thant [left] and Kurt Waldheim.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus (left) in 1982 and to General Assembly President Dr. Jorge Illueca in 1983.
In a two-day “peace walk” commemorating the 38th anniversary of the signing of the U. N Charter, walkers representing different nations pass in relay fashion through the U.N. Gardens in an eloquent testimonial to the universal desire for peace. The walk was sponsored by the Permanent Representatives of a number of U. N. member countries in cooperation with the Meditation Group.
“We believe and we hold that each
man has the potentiality of reaching the
Ultimate Truth. We also believe that
man cannot and will not remain imperfect
forever. Each man is an instrument
of God. When the hour strikes,
each individual soul listens to the inner
dictates of God. When man listens to
God, his imperfections are turned into
perfections, his ignorance into knowledge,
his searching mind into revealing
light and his uncertain reality into allfulfilling
Divinity. “
– Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation
at the United Nations
Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation
at the United Nations
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New York, N.Y. 10163
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