1985 Peace Walk for UN Charter Day, Jun 25 – 26
Filed under media coverage Text & Photos | Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics | UN AnniversariesExcerpt from Report of:
The New York Times
Day by Day
Walking for Peace
Some talked, in New York they walked .
The Secretary General and other diplomats marked the -10th anniversary of the United Nations Charter with speeches in San Francisco yesterday. Here, diplomats and staff members at the orgartization’s East River headquarters celebrated in a different way.
On a brilliant, crisp day, representatives from Niger and Bangladesh led about 40 participants In the final part of a symbolic “walk tor peace.” Unlike so many United Nations ceremonies, this one was marked by silence.
After the walk in the United Nations garden, a small crowd heard Dr. Lamuel A. Stanislaus, chief delegate from Grenada, wish the United Nations many happy returns and proclaim: “In the pursuit of peace, we shall not tire.
Organizers of the two-day event, sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy meditation group, reserved time tor citizens from all nations, but only 60 of the United Nations’ 159 member states showed up. Seventeen Americans topped the list, with Belize, Ghana and the Ivory Coast also boast ing large turnouts. More than 140 people ambled through the rose garden, taking in the view of the East River and pausing to admire a statue of a powerful laborer beating a sword into a plowshare…
Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day – 25, 26 June 1985
Since 1983 United Nations delegates and staff have taken a moment from their busy schedules to express their hopes for world peace by participating in the Peace Walks. …
Participants in the ·· “Peace·Walk for United Nations Charter Day ” walked silently through the United Nations garden on 25 and 26 June to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption and signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in 1945. Representatives of Member States passed a copy of the Charter’s preamble relay·style from one country group to another. The event was organized by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations and co sponsored by Antigua and Barbuda. Bahamas. Cyprus. Malta, Mauritius. Nepal. Samoa. Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.
GENERAL Introduction for
Peace Walks are organised under the co-sponsorship of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations and a number of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations on United Nations Charter Day (26 June) and United Nations Day (24 October).
During these two-day events, nationals of the United Nations Member States walk around a particular section of the U.N. Garden, each country following the other in relay fashion. They carry a copy of the Preamble to the U. N. Charter, in eloquent testimonial to the universal desire for peace. All participants sign a copy of the Preamble.
Also, on the first day of the General Assembly, a contemplative early-morning seven-mile walk for peace begins and ends at U.N. headquarters
from tributes book :
Peace Walks for the UN
Peace Walks have been co-sponsored by a number of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations along with the Peace Meditation Group and have been held on United Nations Charter Day (26 June) and United Nations Day (24 October). During these events, nationals of UN Member States walked around the UN Rose Garden, each country following in relay fashion. They carried a framed copy of the Preamble to the UN Charter, in eloquent testimonial to the universal desire for peace. Participants signed a copy of the Preamble to the UN Charter as a way to renew personal commitment to its ideals.
Also, in observance of the start of the General Assembly Session and the International Day of Peace (21 September), a contemplative early-morning walk for peace began and ended at UN Headquarters, often followed by an interfaith prayer breakfast held in the Church Center for the UN or in..
Labouisse Hall at UNICEF House.
On 25 and 26 June 1985, a Peace Walk in the UN garden marks the 40th Anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter, as reported in the UN Chronicle, a publication of the UN Department of Public Information (which used the above photo).
Participants in the “Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day” walked silently through the United Nations garden to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption and signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in 1945. Representatives of Member States passed a copy of the Charters preamble relay style from one count,y group to another. The event was organized by the Peace Meditation Group and co-sponsored by Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Cyprus, Malta, Mauritius, Nepal, Samoa, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.
At a meeting on 14 February 1989, Surashri Paradis, organizer of the Peace Walks on behalf of the Peace Meditation Group, presents to UN Under-Secretary General Therese Paquet-Sevigny, Depart ment of Public Information, a collection of replicas of the preamble to the UN Charter symbolically signed by Ambassadors, delegates and other participants in the Peace Walks.
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Diplomatic Bulletin Report
Below Photo shows inscription
excerpt for possible poster or pannel:
Peace Walks for the UN
Peace Walks have been co-sponsored by several Permanent Representatives to the UN along with the Peace Meditation Group on UN Charter Day (26 June) and UN Day (24 October). Nationals of UN Member States walked around the UN Rose Garden, in relay fashion. They carried a framed copy of the Preamble to the Charter, in eloquent testimonial to the universal desire for peace. Participants signed a copy of the Preamble to renew personal commitment to its ideals.
UN 40th Anniversary
On 25 and 26 June 1985, Peace Walks in the UN garden mark the 40th Anniversary of the UN Charter, as reported in the UN Chronicle, a publication of the UN Department of Public Information (which used photo on left )..Participants in the “Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day” walked silently through the UN garden to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption and signing of the Charter in San Francisco in 1945. Representatives of Member States passed a copy of the Charters preamble relay style from one country group to |
another. The event was organized by the Peace Meditation Group and co-sponsored by Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Cyprus, Malta, Mauritius, Nepal, Samoa, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.
Final Ceremony – 30 Oct 1985
On behalf of the Secretary-General, thank you. You have honoured us with – the most eloquent language – silence. Silence and meditation have for centuries been the basis of many religions. In 1949, the General Assembly, four years old, decided to amend its rules of procedure and observe at the beginning and at the end of every session a minute of silence devoted to prayer or meditation. This has injected into the General Assembly the Light of a Supreme Being. The Fortieth Anniversary was a fantastic opportunity for world leaders, to make a recommitment to the principles of the Charter, at the level of Member States. | Mr. Jean Gazarian, (right) Special Advisor for the Fortieth Anniversary, on behalf of the Secretary-General (receiving a copy of the Preamble to the Charter signed by participants in the Peace Walk): UN Headquarters New York October 1985. |
Tomorrow in the General Assembly Hall the Secretariat will also make a recommitment to the principles of the Charter. But today you have blended the two elements~ the delegations and the Secretariat, by making your recommitment to the Charter. Your peace initiative has won the respect of all – it has been a source of inspiration.” I also offer you the official flag of the United Nations, for the next peace march.
14 February 1989, Surashri Paradis, organizer of the Peace Walks on behalf of the Peace Meditation Group, presents to UN Under-Secretary General Therese Paquet-Sevigny, Department of Public Information, a collection of replicas of the preamble to the UN Charter symbolically signed by Ambassadors, delegates and other participants in the Peace Walks. |
Click on image below to see bigger or different resolution photos:
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Gallery 2: color photos
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Further scans Media:
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