1984 Peace Walk for UN Day Oct 23 – 24

Filed under 2 or more | Peace walk/run for UN | UN Anniversaries

United Nations Garden
An invitation to all United Nations Delegates and Mission, Secretariat
and Agency staff to celebrate the 39th birthday of the United Nations


  • • WALK FOR YOUR COUNTRY in a silent, nation by nation relay walk once around an area of the North Garden .

  • • A copy of the Preamble to the United Nations Charter will be carried by each group and passed from country to country.

  • • Ambassadors will lead their national group in a number of cases .

  • • Nationals of each country will assemble adjacent to the Rose Garden at the time indicated on the schedule.

  •  SHARE “SEVEN MINUTES OF WORLD PEACE” from 1:15 to 1:22 p.m. in Conference Room E (adjacent to the Garden), a period of silence for peace being observed simultaneously by people in over forty countries. (see separate Post on 7 minutes event)

  • • JOIN A SILENT MULTI-NATIONAL WALK (the final lap around the garden.  Assembly time: 1:25 p.m. on United Nations Day, Wednesday, 24 October).

  • 984-10-24-17-peace-walk-before-final-ceremony-39th-anniv-crp.






  • PARTICIPATE in a special United Nations Day ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on the Visitors’ Plaza of the United Nations.


Place Flowers around UN symbol on cake









Sri Chinmoy Leads Silent Meditation




Peace Meditation Choir Performs songs in honour of the United Nations:


Members of Delegations read from the Preamble of the UN Charter and make remarks








H.E. Mr. Lloydston Jacobs
Permanent Representative of
Antigua and Barbuda

H.E. Dr. Davidson L. Hepburn
Permanent Representative of the Bahamas

H.E. Mr. Legwaila J. Legwaila
Permanent Representative of Botswana

H.E. M. Michel Gbezera-Bria
Permanent Representative of
the Central African Republic

H.E. Mr. M. Ramadane Barma
Permanent Representative of Chad

H.E. Mr. Constantine Moushoutas
Permanent Representative of Cyprus

H.E. Mr. N. T. Mizere
Permanent Representative of Malawi

H.E. Mr. Rameschand Seereekissoon
Permanent Representative of Mauritius

H.E. Mr. Renagi Renagi Lohia
Permanent Representative of
Papua New Guinea

Mr. Mel Henville
Charge d’ Affaires
Permanent Mission of St. Christopher
and Nevis

Mrs. Robin Mauala
Charge d’ Affaires
Permanent Mission of Samoa

H.E. Mr. Nissanka Wijewardane
Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka

H.E. Mr. Henri Guda
Permanent Representative of Suriname

H.E. Mr. D. H. N. Alleyne
Permanent Representative of
Trinidad and Tobago

Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation
at the United Nations

Peace Walks: A series of events to inspire renewed dedication to the highest ideals of the UN Charter


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