Cologne Germany Concert for 9000, 1984 mar 24

Filed under europe | media coverage Text & Photos | Music and Songs | Music for meditation

A number of the members of the Peace Meditation at the United nations ere able to travel to Cologne, Germany for a very large Concert of meditative music performed by Sri Chinmoy on 24 March 1984.

Below is extract of newspaper coverage of the concert:

Cologne , Germany 3/26/84; 9000 to THE COLOGNE S~SPORTHALLE. By Michael San

In the morning, dressed shorts and tee shirt, Sri Chinmoy (52) ran 42 kms throu9h the Konigsforst. Some of his followers jogged along with him, but were soon quite out of breath.

That evening, in his turquoise dhoti, (he)  appeared on the  stage of the Sporthalle to play flute and cello. An audience of 9000 listened avidly.

The religious leader, who was born in India and lives in New York, had invited his pupils to a festival of meditation. “No journey is too far to see him,” said a lady student. She had come from Norway with 100 ladies especially to see him.

During his meeting with BIKD reporters, he said, “I am a mere instrument of God.”

He added, “My aim is for a better world. Our world will be better when each person betters himself.”

There was no clapping. not a sound as Sri Chinmoy meditated and read from his own verses. A hall technician said of the event: “Great. So many people and everything is so peaceful. If only it was like that at pop concerts.”



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