1983 Activities Listings – Meditation Group
Filed under Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject CategoryThis list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available
13 January -Meeting with the Administrator of UNDP, Mr. Bradford Morse
13 January -Meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar
4 February -Presentation by Dr. Robert Muller, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, of his book, New Genesis, to Sri Chinmoy
25 February -Celebration of the Bicentennia1 of Thailand
14 April -Programme to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the Peace Meditation
20 and 22 May -One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community
11 June -Programme to honour Deputy Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Arthur de Silva, and Deputy Ambassador of Nepal, Yadab Silwal
24 and 25 June -Peace Walk fur U.N. Charter Day, co-sponsored by Permanent Representatives from 10 Missions. Over 40 Missions and several hundred staff and delegates represcnting about 70 countries participated
27 June -Concert for peace in honour of U.N. Charter Day
27 June -Presentation by Delegates’ Wives’ Meditation Group to Sri Chiomoy of Peace Award for his contributions to world peace
16 August -Performance at U.N. Headquarters of The Son, a play by Sri Chinmoy about the life of Christ, performed by the Kettledrum Theatre Company of London
13 September -Performance by the Song-Waves international choir of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Cantata, a v.urk by French composer Haridas Greif based on Sri Chinmoy’s music
15 September -Performance of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Cantata at Carnegie Recital Hall in New York
24 September -Sri Chinmoy invited to conduct the opening meditation of the Fifth World Masters Games, held in San Juan
2 October -Meeting with Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India
2 October -Meeting with Indian Foreign Minister, Mr. Narasimha Rao
14 and 16 October-One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community
28 October -U.N. Day balloon release, presided over by the President of the General Assembly, Dr. Jorge lllueca
30 October -Sri Chinmoy invited to hold meditation service for Arya Samaj, a cultural society involved in Indian social refurm
8 November- Cultural evening to honour former Indian Defense Minister, Chandra Pratab Narian Singh
21 November -Commemorative tribute to John F. Kennedy
29 November -Celebration of the eighth anniversary of Suriname’s independence
3 December -U Thant Peace Award presented to Dr. Jorge Illueca, President of the General Assembly
8 December -Concert to welcome the New Year for U.N. delegates and staff
Shows the scope of the activities – at United Nations headquarters and around the world – of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations