Panamanian Vice President with Peace Meditation at U. N. 12 July 1983
Filed under 2 or more | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationSri Chinmoy offered to Dr. Illueca the Peace Meditation Group’s deepest gratitude and daily prayer for his continuous success and progress. The Panamanian Vice President meditated with the group at United Nations headquarters on 12 July 1983.
Extract from some remarks:
Sri Chinmoy: My heart of eternal gratitude I am offering you. You are so dear to us. I am offering our heart’s deepest gratitude and our daily prayers for your continuous success and progress.
Dr.Illueca: I know that the meditation group is growing.
My mother asked me to give my best regards to Sri Chinmoy. In one of these pictures, she requested me to keep this picture with her.
She sends you all her blessings.
Dr Illueca and Peace Meditation group on earlier occasions:
August 1981
September 1980
Oneness- Earth Programme: December 1977
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