Friday and Sunday, 20 and 22 May 1983 , sponsored by the Peace Meditation Group at the UN.

- Quote: Mr. Allan Robertson, Chief of the UN’s Commercial Management Service…
Upon the conclusion of the ever-popular Fun Runs held on Friday and Sunday, 20 and 22 May, sponsored by the Meditation Group, Mr. Allan Robertson, Chief of the UN’s Commercial Management Service sent a letter of appreciation which said, in part:
“To most of us, these races mean many things as was evidenced by the large turn out despite the inclement weather. They give us an opportunity of knowing the Sri Chinmoy Group work in Community Service and how it relates to the ideals of the United Nations, of meeting some of our colleagues in a most casual and friendly manner, and of having fun and knowing that we can achieve something athletically.”


- Picture of the UNICEF team – with Note from the Executive Director:
The UNICEF team was well represented at the Fun run and received the 1st place award for the most participants, as well as 2nd place for team performance and one member received a first place for an age category (40-49).


The Executive Director, James Grant signed a photo for the Group and then met with the team and wore a tee shirt presented from the event. Mr Grants Quote on the Photo says:
“To UNICEF may 20th runners – We are proud of all of you for winning for UNICEF the first place trophy for Participation! Congratulations and thanks!. (signed) Jim Grant
Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image:
Gallery 1:
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- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
- Shraddha
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Gallery 2 Unicef:
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- Shraddha
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- Shraddha
- Shraddha